
cloudgenix.post_api module

CloudGenix Python SDK - POST

Author: CloudGenix

Copyright: (c) 2017-2024 CloudGenix, Inc

License: MIT

#!/usr/bin/env python
CloudGenix Python SDK - POST

**Author:** CloudGenix

**Copyright:** (c) 2017-2024 CloudGenix, Inc

**License:** MIT
import logging

__author__ = "CloudGenix Developer Support <>"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CloudGenix, Inc"
__license__ = """
    MIT License

    Copyright (c) 2017-2024 CloudGenix, Inc

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    copies or substantial portions of the Software.


# Set logging to function name
api_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""logging.getlogger object to enable debug printing via `cloudgenix.API.set_debug`"""

class Post(object):
    CloudGenix API - POST requests

    Object to handle making Post requests via shared Requests Session.

    # placeholder for parent class namespace
    _parent_class = None

    def activeuserips_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Activeuserips_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/activeuserips/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def allocate_to_shell(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Allocate_To_Shell API Function


          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/allocate_to_shell".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def anynetlinks_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Anynetlinks_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/anynetlinks/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def apnprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an APN Profile (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **apn:**  Type: string 
           - **authentication:**  Type: string 
           - **clear_password:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/apnprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def apnprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of apn profiles that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/apnprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def appdefs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
        Create an application definition (v2.6)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **abbreviation:**  Type: string 
           - **aggregate_flows:**  Type: boolean 
           - **app_type:**  Type: string 
           - **app_unreachability_detection:**  Type: boolean 
           - **category:**  Type: string 
           - **conn_idle_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **display_name:**  Type: string 
           - **domains:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ingress_traffic_pct:**  Type: integer 
           - **ip_rules:**  [Type: object] 
           - **is_deprecated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **network_scan_application:**  Type: boolean 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **overrides_allowed:**  Type: boolean 
           - **p_category:**  Type: string 
           - **p_parent_id:**  Type: string 
           - **p_sub_category:**  Type: string 
           - **parent_id:**  Type: string 
           - **path_affinity:**  Type: string 
           - **session_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **supported_engines:**  Type: string 
           - **system_app_overridden:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tcp_rules:**  [Type: string] 
           - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **udp_rules:**  [Type: object] 
           - **use_parentapp_network_policy:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def appdefs_overrides(self, appdef_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create a application definition overrides for system appdef (v2.3)


          - **appdef_id**: Application Definition ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate_flows:**  Type: boolean 
           - **app_unreachability_detection:**  Type: boolean 
           - **category:**  Type: string 
           - **conn_idle_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **domains:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ingress_traffic_pct:**  Type: integer 
           - **ip_rules:**           
               - **dest_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dest_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dscp:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
               - **src_filters:**  [Type: string] 
           - **override_default_ip_rules:**  Type: boolean 
           - **override_default_tcp_rules:**  Type: boolean 
           - **override_default_udp_rules:**  Type: boolean 
           - **override_domains:**  Type: boolean 
           - **overrides_disable:**  Type: boolean 
           - **p_category:**  Type: string 
           - **path_affinity:**  Type: string 
           - **session_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tcp_rules:**           
               - **client_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **client_port:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **dscp:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **server_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **server_port:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **server_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **udp_rules:**           
               - **dest_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dscp:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **udp_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **udp_port:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **use_parentapp_network_policy:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs/{}/overrides".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def appdefs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
        Queries db for limit number of app defs that match query params. (v2.6)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def auditlog_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Auditlog_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/auditlog/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def authtokens(self, operator_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an auth token (v2.1)


          - **operator_id**: Operator ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **expires_utc_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **session_key_c:**  Type: string 
           - **x_auth_token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/operators/{}/authtokens".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bgppeers(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Create BGP peer config (v2.5)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **advertise_default_route:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_v4_prefixes:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_v6_prefixes:**  Type: boolean 
           - **bgp_config:**           
               - **adv_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **hold_time:**  Type: integer 
               - **keepalive_time:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_as_num:**  Type: string 
               - **md5_secret:**  Type: string 
               - **multi_hop_limit:**  Type: integer 
               - **peer_auth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **peer_retry_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_ip_v6:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_as_num:**  Type: string 
           - **route_map_in_id:**  Type: string 
           - **route_map_out_id:**  Type: string 
           - **router_id:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **shutdown:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **update_source:**  Type: string 
           - **update_source_v6:**  Type: string 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bgppeers_operations(self, site_id, element_id, bgppeer_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Reset BGP peer config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **bgppeer_id**: BGP Peer ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bgppeers_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Queries db for limit number of BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments(self, sitetemplate_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments API Function


          - **sitetemplate_id**: Site Template ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/{}/deployments".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/deployments/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkoperations(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkoperations API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/bulkoperations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def cellular_module_firmware_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query the cellular module firmware upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/cellular_module_firmware/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def cellular_modules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of cellular modules that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/cellular_modules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def certificate_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Start CIC renewal process for an element device (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/certificate_operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_login(self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Login api for esp client (v2.0)


          - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **email:**  Type: string 
           - **logout_others:**  Type: boolean 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **requestId:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/login".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

    def clients_logout(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Logout api for esp client. Reverts back to esp session (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **disallowed_permissions:**  Type: object 
           - **operator_id:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**  Type: object 
           - **redirect_region:**  Type: string 
           - **redirect_urlpath:**  Type: string 
           - **redirect_x_auth_token:**  Type: string 
           - **resource_role_map:**  [Type: object] 
           - **resource_uri_map:**  Type: object 
           - **resource_version_map:**  Type: object 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **version_exceptions_map:**  [Type: object] 
           - **x_auth_token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/logout".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_machines_query(self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query and get all machines allocated by ESP to a client tenant (v2.5)


          - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/machines/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get esp tenant clients details for tenant id (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **canonical_name:**  Type: string 
           - **clients:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_list:**           
               - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
           - **is_esp:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_support:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**           
               - **addresses:**           
                   - **city:**  Type: string 
                   - **country:**  Type: string 
                   - **post_code:**  Type: string 
                   - **state:**  Type: string 
                   - **street:**  Type: string 
                   - **street2:**  Type: string 
               - **custom_roles:**           
                   - **custom_permissions:**           
                       - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                       - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                       - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **id:**  Type: string 
                       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                       - **region:**  Type: string 
                       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disallow_permissions:**           
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **permissions:**           
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
                   - **roles:**           
                       - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **disable_idp_login:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **email:**  Type: string 
               - **email_iam:**  Type: string 
               - **email_validated:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
               - **first_name:**  Type: string 
               - **from_esp:**  Type: boolean 
               - **from_esp_name:**  Type: string 
               - **from_esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_list:**           
                   - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
               - **is_locked:**  Type: boolean 
               - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
               - **last_login:**  Type: string 
               - **last_name:**  Type: string 
               - **linked_accounts:**           
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **failed_login_attempts:**  Type: integer 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **provider_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **provider_value:**  Type: string 
                   - **provider_value_updated_on:**  Type: integer 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **migration_state:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **phone_numbers:**           
                   - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
                   - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
                   - **number:**  Type: integer 
                   - **types:**           
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **secondary_emails:**           
                   - **email:**  Type: string 
               - **settings:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **password_policy:**           
               - **enable_failed_login_attempts:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_failed_login_time_delay:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_maximum_password_length:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_minimum_password_length:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_password_aging:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_password_identity_difference:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_password_no_reuse_count:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_lower_case_letters:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_numbers:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_special_characters:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_upper_case_letters:**  Type: boolean 
               - **failed_login_attempts:**  Type: integer 
               - **maximum_password_length:**  Type: integer 
               - **minimum_password_length:**  Type: integer 
               - **password_aging_days:**  Type: integer 
               - **password_aging_notification:**  Type: integer 
               - **password_no_reuse_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **special_characters:**  Type: string 
               - **special_characters_regex:**  Type: string 
           - **phone_numbers:**           
               - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
               - **number:**  Type: integer 
               - **types:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **provider_data:**           
               - **certificate:**           
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **certificate_expiry_utc:**  Type: integer 
                   - **certificate_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **issued_by:**           
                       - **common_name:**  Type: string 
                       - **country:**  Type: string 
                       - **location:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization_unit:**  Type: string 
                       - **state:**  Type: string 
                   - **issued_to:**           
                       - **common_name:**  Type: string 
                       - **country:**  Type: string 
                       - **location:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization_unit:**  Type: string 
                       - **state:**  Type: string 
                   - **parent_id:** 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **serial_number:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **version:**  Type: string 
               - **password_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **provider:**           
                   - **canonical_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **map_external_group:**  Type: object 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **protocol:**           
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **template:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **salt:**  Type: string 
               - **security:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_reallocate(self, client_id, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Reallocate a specific machine from one client tenant to another, both client tenants are clients of the same ESP. (v2.5)


          - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **connected:**  Type: boolean 
           - **console_conf_passphrase:**  Type: string 
           - **em_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **hw_id:**  Type: string 
           - **image_version:**  Type: string 
           - **inventory_op:**           - **machine_state:**           - **manufacture_id:**  Type: string 
           - **model_name:**  Type: string 
           - **ordering_info:**  Type: string 
           - **owner_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **pki_op:**           
               - **ca_list:**  [Type: string] 
               - **operation:**  Type: string 
           - **renew_state:**           - **sales_order_number:**  Type: string 
           - **ship_state:**           - **sl_no:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/machines/{}/reallocate".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def demsiteconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Demsiteconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/demsiteconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def demsiteconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Demsiteconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/demsiteconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def demstatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query ADEM status (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **dem_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/demstatus/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs_Bulkdelete_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **deviceidconfig_id**: Device Id Config ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs/{}/bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **deviceidconfig_id**: Device Id Config ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs/{}/snmpdiscoverystartnodes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidprofiles_operations(self, deviceidprofile_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidprofiles_Operations API Function


          - **deviceidprofile_id**: Device Id Profile ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidprofiles/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dhcpservers(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create a new dhcp server configuration for a subnet (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address_family:**  Type: string 
           - **broadcast_address:**  Type: string 
           - **custom_options:**           
               - **option_definition:**  Type: string 
               - **option_value:**  Type: string 
               - **vendor_class_identifier:**  Type: string 
           - **default_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_servers:**  [Type: string] 
           - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
           - **gateway:**  Type: string 
           - **ip_ranges:**           
               - **end_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **start_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **max_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **static_mappings:**           
               - **client_duid:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_address:**  Type: string 
               - **mac:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **subnet:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/dhcpservers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryservices(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryservices API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryservices_deltasync(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryservices_Deltasync API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices/deltasync".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryservices_sync(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryservices_Sync API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices/sync".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryusergroups_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryusergroups_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryusergroups/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryusers_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryusers_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryusers/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new DNS service profile (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **authoritative_config:**           
               - **caa_records:**           
                   - **flags:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tag:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **cname_records:**           
                   - **name:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **target:**  Type: string 
                   - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **dns_resource_records:**           
                   - **hex_data:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **rr_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **host_records:**           
                   - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **mx_host_records:**           
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
                   - **mx_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **preference:**  Type: integer 
               - **naptr_records:**           
                   - **flags:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **order:**  Type: integer 
                   - **preference:**  Type: integer 
                   - **regexp:**  Type: string 
                   - **replacement:**  Type: string 
                   - **service:**  Type: string 
               - **peers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ptr_records:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **target:**  Type: string 
               - **secondary_servers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **servers:**           
                   - **dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
               - **soa:**           
                   - **expiry:**  Type: integer 
                   - **host_master:**  Type: string 
                   - **refresh:**  Type: integer 
                   - **retry:**  Type: integer 
                   - **serial_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **srv_hosts:**           
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **port:**  Type: integer 
                   - **priority:**  Type: integer 
                   - **protocol:**  Type: string 
                   - **service:**  Type: string 
                   - **target:**  Type: integer 
                   - **weight:**  Type: integer 
               - **synth_domains:**           
                   - **domain:**  Type: string 
                   - **end_ipaddress:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipaddress_prefix:**  Type: string 
                   - **prefix:**  Type: string 
                   - **start_ipaddress:**  Type: string 
               - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **txt_records:**           
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **texts:**  [Type: string] 
               - **zones:**           
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **exclude_prefix:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **include_prefix:**  [Type: string] 
           - **cache_config:**           
               - **cache_size:**  Type: integer 
               - **disable_negative_caching:**  Type: boolean 
               - **max_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **min_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **negative_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **dns_forward_config:**           
               - **dns_servers:**           
                   - **address_family:**  Type: string 
                   - **dnsserver_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **dnsserver_port:**  Type: integer 
                   - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **forward_dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_prefix:**  Type: string 
                   - **source_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **max_source_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **min_source_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **send_to_all_dns_servers:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_queries_metadata:**           
               - **add_client_mac:**           
                   - **mac_encoding_format:**  Type: string 
               - **add_customer_premises_equipment:**           
                   - **identifier_text:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **add_subnets:**           
                   - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv6_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
           - **dns_rebind_config:**           
               - **enable_localhost_rebind:**  Type: boolean 
               - **rebind_domains:**  [Type: string] 
               - **stop_dns_rebind_privateip:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_response_overrides:**           
               - **aliases:**           
                   - **mask:**  Type: integer 
                   - **original_end_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **original_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **original_start_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **replace_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **bogus_nx_domains:**  [Type: string] 
               - **disable_private_ip_lookups:**  Type: boolean 
               - **ignore_ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
               - **local_ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **max_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **dnssec_config:**           
               - **disable_dnssec_timecheck:**  Type: boolean 
               - **dns_check_unsigned:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **trust_anchors:**           
                   - **class:**  Type: string 
                   - **domain:**  Type: string 
                   - **key_digest:**           
                       - **algorithm:**  Type: integer 
                       - **digest:**  Type: string 
                       - **digest_type:**  Type: integer 
                       - **key_tag:**  Type: integer 
           - **domains_to_addresses:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
           - **edns_packet_max:**  Type: integer 
           - **enable_dns_loop_detection:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_dnssec_proxy:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_strict_domain_name:**  Type: boolean 
           - **listen_dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
           - **listen_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query DNS service profile based on parameters (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceroles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new DNS service role (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceroles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceroles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DNS service role based on parameters (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceroles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsservices(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new DNS service config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **cache_config:**           
               - **cache_size:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **dns_queries_metadata:**           
               - **add_customer_premises_equipment:**           
                   - **identifier_text:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **add_subnets:**           
                   - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv6_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
           - **dnsservice_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **dnsservicerole_bindings:**           
               - **dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
               - **interfaces:**           
                   - **interface_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **interface_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **domains_to_addresses:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
           - **domains_to_interfaces:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **interface_id:**  Type: string 
           - **element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **max_concurrent_dns_queries:**  Type: integer 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **upperCaseName:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/dnsservices".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsservices_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DNS service config based on parameters (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsservices/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get element config/state info for queried elements from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Element_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_deviceidconfigs(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Element_Deviceidconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/deviceidconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_extensions(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create element level extension configuration (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **conf:**  Type: object 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **entity_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **namespace:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/extensions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_extensions_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query element level extensions that match query params (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of elements that match query params. (v3.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementaccessconfigs(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        POST Elementaccessconfigs API Function


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/elementaccessconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elements_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        POST Elements_Rquery API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementsecurityzones(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between element and security zone. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **interface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **lannetwork_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **waninterface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **wanoverlay_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/securityzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementsecurityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query element security zones. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementsecurityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Elementshells API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells_copy_element_configurations(self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Elementshells_Copy_Element_Configurations API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **elementshell_id**: Element Shell ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells/{}/copy_element_configurations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells_interfaces(self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Elementshells_Interfaces API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **elementshell_id**: Element Shell ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells/{}/interfaces".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Elementshells_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementshells/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementusers(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create Element User (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **is_tenant_level:**  Type: boolean 
           - **login_id:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **role:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **username:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementusers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementusers_access(self, elementuser_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Grant Specific role to Element user on specific element (v2.1)


          - **elementuser_id**: Element User ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **role:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **user_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementusers/{}/access".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def entitlements(self, operator_id, session_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Entitlements API Function


          - **operator_id**: Operator ID
          - **session_id**: User Session ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/operators/{}/sessions/{}/actionservice/appportal/api/v1/entitlements".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicyrules(self, eventcorrelationpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create event correlation policyrule configuration (v2.1)


          - **eventcorrelationpolicyset_id**: Event Correlation Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **dampening_duration:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **end_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **escalation_rules:**           
               - **flap_rule:**           
                   - **flap_duration:**  Type: integer 
                   - **flap_rate:**  Type: integer 
               - **standing_rule:**           
                   - **priority:**  Type: string 
                   - **standing_for:**  Type: integer 
           - **event_codes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **priority:**  Type: string 
           - **resource_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **resource_type:**  Type: string 
           - **start_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **sub_resource_type:**  Type: string 
           - **suppress:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets/{}/eventcorrelationpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of event correlation policyrules that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def events_operations(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Events_Operations API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def events_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.6"):
        POST Events_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def events_summary(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Events_Summary API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/summary".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def externalcaconfigs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Externalcaconfigs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/externalcaconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def fips_mode_change_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Change Mode of an element from FIPS to Non-FIPS or vice-versa. (v2.1)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/fips_mode_change_operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def globalprefixfilters(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new global prefix filter. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **filters:**           
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/globalprefixfilters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def globalprefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/globalprefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclustermembers(self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        Creates a new hub cluster member. (v3.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **hubcluster_id**: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **headend1_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **headend2_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **load_factors:**           
               - **alarm_threshold:**  Type: integer 
               - **allocated:**  Type: integer 
               - **subscription_factor:**  Type: number 
               - **threshold:**           
                   - **critical_alarm:**  Type: integer 
                   - **major_alarm:**  Type: integer 
                   - **subscription_factor:**  Type: number 
               - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters/{}/hubclustermembers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclusters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
        Creates a new hub cluster (v4.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_cluster:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **elements:**           
               - **hubClusterElementNumber:**  Type: string 
               - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
               - **locked:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_sites:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_count_alarm_threshold:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclusters_operations(self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
        Operations hub cluster api (v4.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **hubcluster_id**: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **operation:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_sites:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclusters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
        Query hub clusters (v4.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/hubclusters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.18"):
        Create a Interface (v4.18)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.18)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
           - **attached_lan_networks:**           
               - **lan_network_id:**  Type: string 
               - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **authentication_config:**           
               - **fallback_retry_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **mode:**  Type: string 
               - **reauthentication_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **bound_interfaces:**  [Type: string] 
           - **bypass_pair:**           
               - **lan:**  Type: string 
               - **lan_state_propagation:**  Type: boolean 
               - **use_relay:**  Type: boolean 
               - **wan:**  Type: string 
           - **cellular_config:**           
               - **apn_config:**           
                   - **apn:**  Type: string 
                   - **authentication:**  Type: string 
                   - **clear_password:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **password:**  Type: string 
                   - **password_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **user_name:**  Type: string 
               - **apnprofile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **auto_apn:**  Type: boolean 
               - **parent_module_id:**  Type: string 
               - **parent_sim_slot_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **devicemgmt_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **dhcp_relay:**           
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **option_82:**           
                   - **circuit_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **reforwarding_policy:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **server_ips:**  [Type: string] 
               - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **directed_broadcast:**  Type: boolean 
           - **ethernet_port:**           
               - **full_duplex:**  Type: boolean 
               - **port_id:**           
                   - **connector:**  Type: string 
                   - **device:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **element_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **max_mtu:**  Type: integer 
                   - **max_speed:**  Type: integer 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **original_mac_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **site_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **port_name:**  Type: string 
               - **speed:**  Type: integer 
           - **interface_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixfiltercontext_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_config:**           
               - **dhcp_config:**           
                   - **client_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
               - **dns_v4_config:**           
                   - **name_servers:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **search:**  [Type: string] 
               - **pppoe_config:**           
                   - **chap_passwd:**  Type: string 
                   - **chap_user:**  Type: string 
                   - **set_route:**  Type: boolean 
               - **routes:**           
                   - **destination:**  Type: string 
                   - **via:**  Type: string 
               - **static_config:**           
                   - **address:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv6_config:**           
               - **dhcp_config:**           
                   - **client_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
               - **dns_v6_config:**           
                   - **name_servers:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **search:**  [Type: string] 
               - **routes:**           
                   - **destination:**  Type: string 
                   - **via:**  Type: string 
               - **static_config:**           
                   - **address:**  Type: string 
                   - **enable_prefix_distribution:**  Type: boolean 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **lldp_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **mac_address:**  Type: string 
           - **mtu:**  Type: integer 
           - **multicast_config:**           
               - **igmp_version:**  Type: string 
               - **multicast_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_address:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_address_v6:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_pools:**           
               - **ipv4_ranges:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **nat_port_v6:**  Type: integer 
           - **nat_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **parent:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_bypasspair_wan_port_type:**  Type: string 
           - **poe_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **power_usage_threshold:**  Type: integer 
           - **pppoe_config:**           
               - **host_uniq:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_address_type:**  Type: string 
               - **password:**  Type: string 
               - **reconnection_delay:**  Type: integer 
               - **service_name:**  Type: string 
               - **username:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **secondary_ip_configs:**           
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **service_link_config:**           
               - **gre_config:**           
                   - **csum:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keepalive_enable:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keepalive_fail_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **keepalive_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipsec_config:**           
                   - **authentication:**           
                       - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **comment:**  Type: string 
                       - **ikev1_params:**           
                           - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                       - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
                       - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                       - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **secret:**  Type: string 
                       - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                       - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **type:**  Type: string 
                       - **x509Objects:**           
                           - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                           - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                           - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                           - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                           - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                           - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                           - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                           - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                           - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                           - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                   - **ipsec_profile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **last_parent:**  Type: string 
               - **parent:**  Type: string 
               - **passive_mode:**           
                   - **enable:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **peer_ip_dynamic:**  Type: boolean 
               - **peer:**           
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_endpoint_id:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **site_wan_interface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **static_arp_configs:**           
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **mac_address:**  Type: string 
           - **sub_interface:**           
               - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **switch_port_config:**           
               - **access_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
               - **bpdu_guard_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **forward_fast_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **native_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
               - **root_guard_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **storm_control_config:**           
                   - **broadcast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
                   - **multicast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
                   - **unicast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
               - **stp_port_cost:**  Type: integer 
               - **stp_port_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **stp_port_priority:**  Type: integer 
               - **trunk_vlans:**  [Type: string] 
               - **vlan_mode:**  Type: string 
               - **voice_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **used_for:**  Type: string 
           - **vlan_config:**           
               - **mstp_instance:**  Type: integer 
               - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
               - **voice_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/interfaces".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Interfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/interfaces/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces_operations(self, site_id, element_id, interface_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Interfaces_Operations API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **interface_id**: Interface ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/interfaces/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.18"):
        Queries db for limit number of interfaces that match query params. (v4.18)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.18)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/interfaces/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfix(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **collector_config:**           
               - **host:**  Type: string 
               - **host_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
               - **max_message_size:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **export_cache_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **filters:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dst_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **dst_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipfixfiltercontext_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **priority_traffic_types:**  [Type: string] 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **rtp_transport_type:**  Type: string 
               - **src_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **src_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **wan_path_direction:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixprofile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixtemplate_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sampler:**           
               - **algorithm:**  Type: string 
               - **time_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **time_spacing:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/ipfix".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfix_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix configs that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfix/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixcollectorcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Collector context (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixcollectorcontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixcollectorcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix collector context that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixcollectorcontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixfiltercontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Filter context (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixfiltercontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixfiltercontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix filter context that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixfiltercontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Global prefix (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ipfixglobalprefixes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixlocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix site prefix association that match query (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Profile (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **collector_config:**           
               - **host:**  Type: string 
               - **host_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
               - **max_message_size:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **export_cache_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **filters:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dst_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **dst_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipfixfiltercontext_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **priority_traffic_types:**  [Type: string] 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **rtp_transport_type:**  Type: string 
               - **src_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **src_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **wan_path_direction:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixtemplate_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sampler:**           
               - **algorithm:**  Type: string 
               - **time_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **time_spacing:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix profiles that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixtemplates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix template (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **flow_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **generate_biflow:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **option_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **options:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **template_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixtemplates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixtemplates_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix templates that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **flow_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **generate_biflow:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **option_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **options:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **template_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixtemplates/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipsecprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new IPSEC Profile (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **authentication:**           
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **comment:**  Type: string 
               - **ikev1_params:**           
                   - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
               - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
               - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
               - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
               - **private_key:**  Type: string 
               - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **secret:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **x509Objects:**           
                   - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                   - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                   - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **dpd_delay:**  Type: integer 
           - **dpd_enable:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dpd_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **esp_group:**           
               - **force_encapsulation:**  Type: boolean 
               - **lifesize:**           
                   - **units:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **mode:**  Type: string 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **responder_sase_proposals:**           
                   - **dh_group:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **encryption:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **hash:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ike_group:**           
               - **aggressive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **authentication_multiple:**  Type: integer 
               - **key_exchange:**  Type: string 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **reauth:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipsecprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipsecprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of tenant level ipsec profiles that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **authentication:**           
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **comment:**  Type: string 
               - **ikev1_params:**           
                   - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
               - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
               - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
               - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
               - **private_key:**  Type: string 
               - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **secret:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **x509Objects:**           
                   - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                   - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                   - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **dpd_delay:**  Type: integer 
           - **dpd_enable:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dpd_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **esp_group:**           
               - **force_encapsulation:**  Type: boolean 
               - **lifesize:**           
                   - **units:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **mode:**  Type: string 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **responder_sase_proposals:**           
                   - **dh_group:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **encryption:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **hash:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ike_group:**           
               - **aggressive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **authentication_multiple:**  Type: integer 
               - **key_exchange:**  Type: string 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **reauth:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipsecprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def lannetworks(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
        Create a new LAN (v3.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_config:**           
               - **default_routers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dhcp_relay:**           
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **option_82:**           
                       - **circuit_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **reforwarding_policy:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **server_ips:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
               - **dhcp_server:**           
                   - **broadcast_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **custom_options:**           
                       - **option_definition:**  Type: string 
                       - **option_value:**  Type: string 
                   - **default_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **dns_servers:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **gateway:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_ranges:**           
                       - **end_ip:**  Type: string 
                       - **start_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **max_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
                   - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **static_mappings:**           
                       - **ip_address:**  Type: string 
                       - **mac:**  Type: string 
                       - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **subnet:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_config:**           
               - **default_routers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/lannetworks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def lannetworks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
        Query db for Site LAN networks that match query parameters (v3.3)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/lannetworks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def localprefixfilters(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new local prefix filter. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/localprefixfilters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def localprefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/localprefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def login(self, data, api_version="v2.0"):
        Login api


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/login".format(api_version)

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

    def machine_upgrade_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Machine Upgrade Config (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machine_upgrade/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def machines_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query and get machines of a tenant (v2.5)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aaa_client_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aaa_Client_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_client_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aaa_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aaa_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_metrics/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_agg_bw_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Agg_Bw_Stats API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/agg_bw_stats".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_application_qos(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Application_Qos API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/application/qos".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_healthscore(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Healthscore API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/healthscore".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Mroute API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/multicast/mroute".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Wan_Neighbor API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/multicast/wan_neighbor".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_aggregates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Aggregates API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/aggregates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_anomaly(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Anomaly API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/anomaly".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_forecast(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Forecast API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/forecast".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_health(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Health API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/health".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_object_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Object_Stats API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/object_stats".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_application_qos_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Application_Qos_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/application/qos_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_application_users(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Application_Users API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/application/users".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_bulk_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Bulk_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/bulk_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_cellular_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/cellular_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_cellular_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/cellular_metrics/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_flows(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.9"):
        POST Monitor_Flows API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.9)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/flows".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_insights(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Insights API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/insights".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_insightslist(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Insightslist API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/insightslist".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_lqm_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Lqm_Point_Metrics_Monitor API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/lqm_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        POST Monitor_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_metrics_probes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Metrics_Probes API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/metrics/probes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_network_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_network_point_metrics_bw(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Bw API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics_bw".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_network_point_metrics_hs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Hs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics_hs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_object_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
        POST Monitor_Object_Stats API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/object_stats".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_probe_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Probe_Point_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/probe_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_qos_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Qos_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/qos_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_sys_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        POST Monitor_Sys_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_sys_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Topn_Sys_Metrics_Monitor API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_metrics/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_sys_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Sys_Point_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        POST Monitor_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def mstp_instances(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a MSTP Instance (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **instance_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **instance_priority:**  Type: integer 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/mstp_instances".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def mstp_instances_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of MSTP Instances that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/mstp_instances/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastdynamicrps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast Dynamic RPs (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastdynamicrps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastigmpmemberships_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast IGMP group membership information (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastigmpmemberships/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastpeergroups(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create multicast peer group (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **is_source_site_receiver:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_sites:**           
               - **peer_site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastpeergroups".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastroutes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast route table (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastroutes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastrps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Creates Multicast RP config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **groups:**           
               - **ipv4_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **is_active_rp:**  Type: boolean 
           - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/multicastrps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastrps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast RP config (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastrps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastsourcesiderps_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query multicast source side RPs (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/multicastsourcesiderps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastsourcesiteconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create multicast source site config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **site_configs:**           
               - **group_ipv4_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **source_ipv4_address:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/multicastsourcesiteconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicaststatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast status information (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicaststatus/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastwanstatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast WAN status (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastwanstatus/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT global prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Global Prefixes. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natlocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT local prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natlocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query site local prefixes. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natlocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicypools(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NATPolicy Pool. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicypools".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicypools_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query NAT policy pools. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicypools/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicyrules(self, natpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT Policy Rule (v2.0)


          - **natpolicyset_id**: NAT Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **actions:**           
               - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **destination_prefixes:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone:**           
               - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **natpolicypools:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **source_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefixes:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone:**           
               - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets/{}/natpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query NAT policy rules. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT Policy Set (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_rules:**           
               - **actions:**           
                   - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **port:**  Type: integer 
                   - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **destination_prefixes:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_zone:**           
                   - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_zone_id:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **natpolicypools:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
               - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **source_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **source_prefixes:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **source_zone:**           
                   - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **source_zone_id:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
           - **source_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **update_order:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query policy sets. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NATPolicySet Stack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query policyset stacks. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natzones(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Nat Policy Zone. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query NAT policy zones. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new LAN segment (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkcontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkcontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Network Global Prefixes. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query site network prefix association. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyrules(self, networkpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        Create a new NetworkPolicyRule (v2.2)


          - **networkpolicyset_id**: Network Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets/{}/networkpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        Query Network policy rules. (v2.2)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NetworkPolicySet (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_rules:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
               - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **paths_allowed:**           
                   - **active_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **service_context:**           
                   - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Network policy sets. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NetworkPolicySetStack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**           
               - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
               - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
               - **policy_rules:**           
                   - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
                   - **paths_allowed:**           
                       - **active_paths:**           
                           - **label:**  Type: string 
                           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **backup_paths:**           
                           - **label:**  Type: string 
                           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                           - **label:**  Type: string 
                           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **service_context:**           
                       - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **type:**  Type: string 
                   - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **legacy_policystack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **policyset_ids_update:**  Type: boolean 
           - **policysets:**           
               - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **policy_rules:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query network policyset stacks. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networks_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get all config/state info for given network from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networks/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an Security Policy V2 Global Prefix (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Security Policy V2 Global Prefixes of a tenant (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an Security Policy V2 Local Prefix (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query security policy v2 local prefix site associations of a tenant (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules(self, ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a Security Policy V2 Rule under a policy set (v2.1)


          - **ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id**: NGFW Security Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **services:**           
               - **destination_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
               - **source_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query security policy v2 rules of a tenant (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **services:**           
               - **destination_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
               - **source_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Security Policy V2 Set (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security policy v2 sets of a tenant (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Security Policy V2 Set Stack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Security Policy V2 Set stacks of a tenant (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfconfigs(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/ospfconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfdiscoveredneighbors_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfdiscoveredneighbors/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfreachableprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfreachableprefixes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfreachableprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def otpaccess(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Verify Challenge phrase and generate response phrase (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **challenge_phrase:**  Type: string 
           - **response_phrase:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/otpaccess".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def password_change(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Allows one to change password (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **oldPassword:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **repeatPassword:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/accounts/password/change".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def pathgroups(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a Path Group for a tenant. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/pathgroups".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def pathgroups_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/pathgroups/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicyrules_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysets API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules(self, perfmgmtpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Perfmgmtpolicyrules API Function


          - **perfmgmtpolicyset_id**: Performance Management Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets/{}/perfmgmtpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtthresholdprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtthresholdprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policyrules(self, policyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        Create a new Policy (v3.1)


          - **policyset_id**: Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/{}/policyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        Queries db for policyrules that match query params. (v3.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        Create a new Policy Set (v3.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bandwidth_allocation_schemes:**           
               - **bandwidth_range:**           
                   - **high:**  Type: number 
                   - **low:**  Type: number 
               - **business_priorities:**           
                   - **bandwidth_allocation:**  Type: number 
                   - **bandwidth_split_per_type:**           
                       - **bulk:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_audio:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_video:**  Type: number 
                       - **transactional:**  Type: number 
                   - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **business_priority_names:**           
               - **priority_name:**  Type: string 
               - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **default_policy:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_stance:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policysets_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get all config/state info across all policysets from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        Queries db for policysets that match query params. (v3.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        POST Prefixes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prefixfilters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between site and security prefix filter. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **filters:**           
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **prefix_filter_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prefixfilters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prefixfilters_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **query_params:**           
               - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Priority Global Prefixes. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query site priority prefix association. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyrules(self, prioritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new PriorityPolicyRule (v2.1)


          - **prioritypolicyset_id**: Priority Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **dscp:**           
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets/{}/prioritypolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Priority policy rules. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new PriorityPolicySet (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bandwidth_allocation_schemes:**           
               - **bandwidth_range:**           
                   - **high:**  Type: number 
                   - **low:**  Type: number 
               - **business_priorities:**           
                   - **bandwidth_allocation:**  Type: number 
                   - **bandwidth_split_per_type:**           
                       - **bulk:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_audio:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_video:**  Type: number 
                       - **transactional:**  Type: number 
                   - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **business_priority_names:**           
               - **priority_name:**  Type: string 
               - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **default_rule_dscp_mappings:**           
               - **dscp:**  [Type: integer] 
               - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **template:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Priority policy sets. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new PriorityPolicySetStack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query priority policyset stacks. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismaaccess_configs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Prisma Access Config with remote networks and security processing node (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **remote_networks:**           
               - **edge_location_display:**  Type: string 
               - **edge_location_value:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_network_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_link_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **spn_name:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prismaaccess_configs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismaaccess_configs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Prisma Access config (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **remote_networks:**           
               - **edge_location_display:**  Type: string 
               - **edge_location_value:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_network_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_link_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **spn_name:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismaaccess_configs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismasase_connections(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Prismasase_Connections API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prismasase_connections".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismasase_connections_configs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Prismasase_Connections_Configs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismasase_connections/configs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismasase_connections_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Prismasase_Connections_Status_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismasase_connections/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeconfigs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeconfigs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeprofiles_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def radii(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Used to create element radius (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **override_indicator:**  [Type: string] 
           - **radius_configuration:**           
               - **accounting_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **authentication_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **ip_version:**  Type: integer 
               - **priority:**  Type: integer 
               - **retain_shared_secret:**  Type: boolean 
               - **server_ip_address:**  Type: string 
               - **shared_secret:**  Type: string 
               - **shared_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **radius_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_interface_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/radii".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def recovery_tokens(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a Recovery Token for Fips change mode (v2.1)


          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **token_validity_in_hour:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/recovery_tokens".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def reports_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Reports_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/reports/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def reportsdir_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Reportsdir_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/reportsdir/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def roles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Add a custom role (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **custom_permissions:**           
               - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **disallow_permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/roles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_aspathaccesslists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create AS-Path Access List (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **as_path_regex_list:**           
               - **as_path_regex:**  Type: string 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_aspathaccesslists".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_aspathaccesslists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of access lists that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_aspathaccesslists/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_ipcommunitylists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create IP Community List (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **as_path_regex_list:**           
               - **as_path_regex:**  Type: string 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_ipcommunitylists".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_ipcommunitylists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of community lists that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_ipcommunitylists/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_prefixlists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create IP Prefix List (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **prefix_filter_list:**           
               - **ge:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipv6_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **le:**  Type: integer 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
               - **prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_prefixlists".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_prefixlists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of prefix lists that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_prefixlists/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_routemaps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create Route Map (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **route_map_entries:**           
               - **continue_entry:**  Type: string 
               - **match:**           
                   - **as_path_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **community_list_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_next_hop_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_prefix_list_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **metric:**  Type: integer 
                   - **tag:**  Type: integer 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
               - **set:**           
                   - **additive_community:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **as_path_prepend:**  Type: string 
                   - **community:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_next_hop:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_v6_next_hop:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_preference:**  Type: integer 
                   - **metric:**  Type: integer 
                   - **tag:**  Type: integer 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
                   - **weight:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **used_for:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_routemaps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_routemaps_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Queries db for limit number of route maps that match query params. (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_routemaps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.2"):
        Query and get ESP machines across regions (v3.2)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sdwanapps_configs(self, sdwanapp_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Sdwanapps_Configs API Function


          - **sdwanapp_id**: SDWAN Application ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sdwanapps/{}/configs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicyruleorder(self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Update a tenant security policy set. (v2.0)


          - **securitypolicyset_id**: Security Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **operations:**           
               - **insert_before:**  Type: string 
               - **policyrule_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/{}/firewallpolicyruleorder".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicyrules(self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new tenant security policy rule. (v2.0)


          - **securitypolicyset_id**: Security Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **application_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_filter_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **disabled_flag:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **source_filter_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/{}/securitypolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of LAN networks that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new tenant security policy set. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of security policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securityzones(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new security zone (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securityzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of security zones that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicebindingmaps(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new Service Binding Map (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **is_default:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **service_bindings:**           
               - **service_endpoint_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicebindingmaps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicebindingmaps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicebindingmaps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def serviceendpoints(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
        Create a new Service Endpoint (v2.4)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_enterprise_traffic:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disable_tunnel_reoptimization:**  Type: boolean 
           - **liveliness_probe:**           
               - **http:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **http_status_codes:**  [Type: integer] 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **url:**  Type: string 
               - **icmp_ping:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **location:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **latitude:**  Type: number 
               - **longitude:**  Type: number 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sase_properties:**           
               - **allocated_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
               - **allocated_sc_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **pa_compute_region_oid:**  Type: string 
               - **total_sc_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_link_peers:**           
               - **hostnames:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/serviceendpoints".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def serviceendpoints_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
        Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.4)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_enterprise_traffic:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disable_tunnel_reoptimization:**  Type: boolean 
           - **liveliness_probe:**           
               - **http:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **http_status_codes:**  [Type: integer] 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **url:**  Type: string 
               - **icmp_ping:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **location:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **latitude:**  Type: number 
               - **longitude:**  Type: number 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sase_properties:**           
               - **allocated_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
               - **allocated_sc_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **pa_compute_region_oid:**  Type: string 
               - **total_sc_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_link_peers:**           
               - **hostnames:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/serviceendpoints/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicelabels(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new Service Label (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sase_properties:**           
               - **active_sase_label:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicelabels".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicelabels_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of service labels that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicelabels/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def signup(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Signup new operators (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **addresses:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **email:**  Type: string 
           - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
           - **first_name:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_list:**           
               - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
           - **last_name:**  Type: string 
           - **logout_others:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **phone_numbers:**           
               - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
               - **number:**  Type: integer 
               - **types:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **repeatPassword:**  Type: string 
           - **requestId:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **secondary_emails:**           
               - **email:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/signup".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get site config/state info for queried site from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Site_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_extensions(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create site level extension configuration (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **conf:**  Type: object 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **entity_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **namespace:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/extensions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_extensions_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query site level extensions that match query params (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_ipfixlocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix site prefix association (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_lannetworks_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
        Query LAN networks that match query params (v3.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/lannetworks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_natlocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between site and NAT Prefix. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/natlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_networkpolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an association between site and Network local Prefix. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a security policy V2 local prefix site association (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an association between site and Priority local Prefix. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.10"):
        Queries db for limit number of sites that match query params. (v4.10)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.10)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_sitesecurityzones_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security zone for NB API. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **query_params:**           
               - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/sitesecurityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_spokeclusters_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sites(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.10"):
        Create a site (v4.10)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.10)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **admin_state:**  Type: string 
           - **branch_gateway:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **element_cluster_role:**  Type: string 
           - **extended_tags:**           
               - **key:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **value_type:**  Type: string 
           - **location:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **latitude:**  Type: number 
               - **longitude:**  Type: number 
           - **multicast_peer_group_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **network_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **perfmgmt_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_set_id:**  Type: string 
           - **prefer_lan_default_over_wan_default_route:**  Type: boolean 
           - **priority_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **security_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **security_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **service_binding:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_profile_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sitesecurityzones(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between site and security zone. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **networks:**           
               - **network_id:**  Type: string 
               - **network_type:**  Type: string 
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/sitesecurityzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sitesecurityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security zone. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **query_params:**           
               - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sitesecurityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def snmpagents(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create SNMP Agent (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **system_contact:**  Type: string 
           - **system_location:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **v2_config:**           
               - **community:**  Type: string 
           - **v3_config:**           
               - **user_access:**           
                   - **auth_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **auth_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **engine_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **security_level:**  Type: string 
                   - **user_name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/snmpagents".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Snmpdiscoverystartnodes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/snmpdiscoverystartnodes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def snmptraps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create SNMP Trap (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **v2_config:**           
               - **community:**  Type: string 
           - **v3_config:**           
               - **user_access:**           
                   - **auth_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **auth_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **engine_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **security_level:**  Type: string 
                   - **user_name:**  Type: string 
           - **version:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/snmptraps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def software_current_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Get the current image status of all the element (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/software/current_status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def software_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query software state for all tenants elements (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/software/state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def software_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query the software upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/software/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def softwarehistory_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for all software download done by a tenant (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/softwarehistory/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def spokeclusters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create Spoke Cluster (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **advertisement_interval:**  Type: number 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **preempt:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def spokeclusters_ops(self, site_id, spokecluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Handle operations on spokecluster. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **spokecluster_id**: Spoke Cluster ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def spokeclusters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/spokeclusters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def staticroutes(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create static route (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address_family:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **nexthop_reachability_probe:**  Type: boolean 
           - **nexthops:**           
               - **admin_distance:**  Type: integer 
               - **nexthop_interface_id:**  Type: string 
               - **nexthop_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **self:**  Type: boolean 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/staticroutes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
        Query and get element status objects for a tenant (v2.4)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def syslogserverprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create Syslog Server Profile (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enable_flow_logging:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **server_fqdn:**  Type: string 
           - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **server_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **severity_level:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/syslogserverprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def syslogservers(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        Create Syslog Server (v2.2)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enable_flow_logging:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **server_fqdn:**  Type: string 
           - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **server_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **severity_level:**  Type: string 
           - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **syslog_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/syslogservers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def templates_ntp(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NTP Template (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_template:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **ntp_servers:**           
               - **host:**  Type: string 
               - **max_poll:**  Type: integer 
               - **min_poll:**  Type: integer 
               - **version:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/templates/ntp".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_anynetlinks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.4"):
        POST Tenant_Anynetlinks API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/anynetlinks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_bgppeers_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Queries db for BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bgppeers/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_element_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Handle operations on element. (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_extensions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of tenant extensions that match the query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **conf:**  Type: object 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **namespace:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_forgot_password_login(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Forgot password API (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **email:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/login/password/forgot".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

    def tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix local prefix (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_machine_operations(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Update a specific machine of a tenant using operations (v2.5)


          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **connected:**  Type: boolean 
           - **console_conf_passphrase:**  Type: string 
           - **em_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **hw_id:**  Type: string 
           - **image_version:**  Type: string 
           - **inventory_op:**           - **machine_state:**           - **manufacture_id:**  Type: string 
           - **model_name:**  Type: string 
           - **ordering_info:**  Type: string 
           - **owner_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **pki_op:**           
               - **ca_list:**  [Type: string] 
               - **operation:**  Type: string 
           - **renew_state:**           - **sales_order_number:**  Type: string 
           - **ship_state:**           - **sl_no:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new Network Policy local prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_permissions(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Add a custom permission (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **value:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/permissions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_prefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new Priority Policy local prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_waninterfaces_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.8"):
        Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.8)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.8)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfaces/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def toolkitsessions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Toolkitsessions_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/toolkitsessions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def topology(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.4"):
        POST Topology API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/topology".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def upgrade_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Machine Upgrade Status (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/upgrade_status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def useridagents(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Useridagents API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/useridagents".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def useridagents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Useridagents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/useridagents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def users(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an user identity. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **first_name:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **last_name:**  Type: string 
           - **middle_name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **user_dn:**  Type: string 
           - **user_fqn:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/users".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vff_token_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Tenant Vff License Tokens (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/tokens/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicense_tokens(self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create Tenant Vff License Token (v2.0)


          - **vfflicense_id**: Virtual Form Factor License ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ion_key:**  Type: string 
           - **is_expired:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_multiuse:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_revoked:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_used:**  Type: boolean 
           - **secret_key:**  Type: string 
           - **valid_till_secs:**  Type: integer 
           - **vfflicense_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/{}/tokens".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicenses_operations(self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Vff operation (v2.0)


          - **vfflicense_id**: Virtual Form Factor License ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **inventory_op:**           - **ions_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicenses_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query and get Vff License (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicensesstatus_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query and get Vff License State (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicensesstatus/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vpnlinks_operations(self, vpnlink_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Perform an operation on a VPN link (v2.0)


          - **vpnlink_id**: VPN Link ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vpnlinks/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vpnlinks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query db for VPNLinks that match query parameters (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vpnlinks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontextprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontextprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontextprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontextprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontextprofiles_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontextprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontexts API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontexts_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfacelabels_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query db for site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bfd_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bw_config_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bwc_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **cost:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **link_bw_down:**  Type: number 
           - **link_bw_up:**  Type: number 
           - **lqm_config:**           
               - **hub_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **inter_packet_gap:**  Type: integer 
               - **statistic:**  Type: string 
           - **lqm_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **vpnlink_configuration:**           
               - **keep_alive_failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **keep_alive_interval:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfacelabels/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfaces(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.8"):
        Create a new Site WAN interface (v2.8)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.8)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bfd_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bw_config_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bwc_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **cost:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **l3_reachability:**           
               - **probe_config_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **use_element_default:**  Type: boolean 
           - **label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **link_bw_down:**  Type: number 
           - **link_bw_up:**  Type: number 
           - **lqm_config:**           
               - **hub_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **inter_packet_gap:**  Type: integer 
               - **statistic:**  Type: string 
           - **lqm_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_id:**  Type: string 
           - **probe_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **use_for_application_reachability_probes:**  Type: boolean 
           - **use_for_controller_connections:**  Type: boolean 
           - **use_lqm_for_non_hub_paths:**  Type: boolean 
           - **vpnlink_configuration:**           
               - **keep_alive_failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **keep_alive_interval:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/waninterfaces".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfaces_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Waninterfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfaces/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfaces_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/waninterfaces/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def wannetworks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new WAN (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **provider_as_numbers:**  [Type: integer] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wannetworks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def wannetworks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query db for WAN networks that match query parameters (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wannetworks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def wanoverlays(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new app/wan context (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **vni:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wanoverlays".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ws_extensions(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ws_Extensions API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ws/extensions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ws_extensions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ws_Extensions_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ws/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    # Public Digest compatibility maps below, mapping what is available via
    # /v2.0/permissions API versus what is used in this SDK.

    aaa_client_metrics_monitor = monitor_aaa_client_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aaa_client_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_aaa_client_metrics`"""

    aaa_metrics_monitor = monitor_aaa_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aaa_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_aaa_metrics`"""

    access_elementusers = elementusers_access
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `access_elementusers` to `elementusers_access`"""

    agg_bw_stats_monitor = monitor_agg_bw_stats
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `agg_bw_stats_monitor` to `monitor_agg_bw_stats`"""

    aggregates_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_aggregates
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aggregates_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_aggregates`"""

    aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates`"""

    anomaly_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_anomaly
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `anomaly_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_anomaly`"""

    anynetlinks_t = tenant_anynetlinks
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `anynetlinks_t` to `tenant_anynetlinks`"""

    bulk_metrics_monitor = monitor_bulk_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `bulk_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_bulk_metrics`"""

    bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs = deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs` to `deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes`"""

    cellular_metrics_monitor = monitor_cellular_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `cellular_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_cellular_metrics`"""

    change_password = password_change
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `change_password` to `password_change`"""

    configs_prismasase_connections = prismasase_connections_configs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `configs_prismasase_connections` to `prismasase_connections_configs`"""

    configs_sdwanapps = sdwanapps_configs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `configs_sdwanapps` to `sdwanapps_configs`"""

    copy_element_configurations_elementshells = elementshells_copy_element_configurations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `copy_element_configurations_elementshells` to `elementshells_copy_element_configurations`"""

    deltasync_directoryservices = directoryservices_deltasync
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `deltasync_directoryservices` to `directoryservices_deltasync`"""

    deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments`"""

    deviceidconfigs_i = element_deviceidconfigs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `deviceidconfigs_i` to `element_deviceidconfigs`"""

    extensions_i = element_extensions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `extensions_i` to `element_extensions`"""

    extensions_s = site_extensions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `extensions_s` to `site_extensions`"""

    extensions_ws = ws_extensions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `extensions_ws` to `ws_extensions`"""

    flows_monitor = monitor_flows
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `flows_monitor` to `monitor_flows`"""

    forecast_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_forecast
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `forecast_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_forecast`"""

    forgot_password_login_t = tenant_forgot_password_login
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `forgot_password_login_t` to `tenant_forgot_password_login`"""

    health_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_health
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `health_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_health`"""

    healthscore_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_healthscore
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `healthscore_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_healthscore`"""

    insights_monitor = monitor_insights
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `insights_monitor` to `monitor_insights`"""

    insightslist_monitor = monitor_insightslist
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `insightslist_monitor` to `monitor_insightslist`"""

    interfaces_elementshells = elementshells_interfaces
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `interfaces_elementshells` to `elementshells_interfaces`"""

    ipfixlocalprefixes_s = site_ipfixlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ipfixlocalprefixes_s` to `site_ipfixlocalprefixes`"""

    ipfixlocalprefixes_t = tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ipfixlocalprefixes_t` to `tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes`"""

    login_clients = clients_login
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `login_clients` to `clients_login`"""

    logout_clients = clients_logout
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `logout_clients` to `clients_logout`"""

    lqm_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_lqm_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `lqm_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_lqm_point_metrics`"""

    metrics_monitor = monitor_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `metrics_monitor` to `monitor_metrics`"""

    mroute_multicast_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `mroute_multicast_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute`"""

    natlocalprefixes_s = site_natlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `natlocalprefixes_s` to `site_natlocalprefixes`"""

    natlocalprefixes_t = natlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `natlocalprefixes_t` to `natlocalprefixes`"""

    network_point_metrics_bw_monitor = monitor_network_point_metrics_bw
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `network_point_metrics_bw_monitor` to `monitor_network_point_metrics_bw`"""

    network_point_metrics_hs_monitor = monitor_network_point_metrics_hs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `network_point_metrics_hs_monitor` to `monitor_network_point_metrics_hs`"""

    network_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_network_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `network_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_network_point_metrics`"""

    networkpolicylocalprefixes_s = site_networkpolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `networkpolicylocalprefixes_s` to `site_networkpolicylocalprefixes`"""

    networkpolicylocalprefixes_t = tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `networkpolicylocalprefixes_t` to `tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes`"""

    ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_s = site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_s` to `site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_t = ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_t` to `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    ntp_templates = templates_ntp
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ntp_templates` to `templates_ntp`"""

    object_stats_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_object_stats
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `object_stats_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_object_stats`"""

    object_stats_monitor = monitor_object_stats
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `object_stats_monitor` to `monitor_object_stats`"""

    operations_e = tenant_element_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `operations_e` to `tenant_element_operations`"""

    operations_h = hubclusters_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `operations_h` to `hubclusters_operations`"""

    operations_t = tenant_machine_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `operations_t` to `tenant_machine_operations`"""

    ops_bgppeers = bgppeers_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_bgppeers` to `bgppeers_operations`"""

    ops_deviceidprofiles = deviceidprofiles_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_deviceidprofiles` to `deviceidprofiles_operations`"""

    ops_events = events_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_events` to `events_operations`"""

    ops_interfaces = interfaces_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_interfaces` to `interfaces_operations`"""

    ops_spokeclusters = spokeclusters_ops
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_spokeclusters` to `spokeclusters_ops`"""

    ops_vfflicenses = vfflicenses_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_vfflicenses` to `vfflicenses_operations`"""

    ops_vpnlinks = vpnlinks_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_vpnlinks` to `vpnlinks_operations`"""

    overrides_appdefs = appdefs_overrides
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `overrides_appdefs` to `appdefs_overrides`"""

    perfmgmtpolicyrules_perfmgmtpolicysets = perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `perfmgmtpolicyrules_perfmgmtpolicysets` to `perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules`"""

    permissions_t = tenant_permissions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `permissions_t` to `tenant_permissions`"""

    prioritypolicylocalprefixes_s = site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_s` to `site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    prioritypolicylocalprefixes_t = tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_t` to `tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    probe_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_probe_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `probe_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_probe_point_metrics`"""

    probes_metrics_monitor = monitor_metrics_probes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `probes_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_metrics_probes`"""

    qos_application_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_application_qos
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `qos_application_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_application_qos`"""

    qos_metrics_application_monitor = monitor_application_qos_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `qos_metrics_application_monitor` to `monitor_application_qos_metrics`"""

    qos_metrics_monitor = monitor_qos_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `qos_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_qos_metrics`"""

    query_activeuserips = activeuserips_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_activeuserips` to `activeuserips_query`"""

    query_apnprofiles = apnprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_apnprofiles` to `apnprofiles_query`"""

    query_appdefs = appdefs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_appdefs` to `appdefs_query`"""

    query_auditlog = auditlog_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_auditlog` to `auditlog_query`"""

    query_bgppeers = bgppeers_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bgppeers` to `bgppeers_query`"""

    query_bgppeers_t = tenant_bgppeers_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bgppeers_t` to `tenant_bgppeers_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_e = element_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_e` to `element_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_networks = networks_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_networks` to `networks_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_policysets = policysets_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_policysets` to `policysets_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_s = site_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_s` to `site_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_cellular_modules = cellular_modules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_cellular_modules` to `cellular_modules_query`"""

    query_clients = clients_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_clients` to `clients_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_anynetlinks = anynetlinks_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_anynetlinks` to `anynetlinks_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_e = element_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_e` to `element_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_interfaces = interfaces_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_interfaces` to `interfaces_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_s = site_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_s` to `site_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_waninterfaces = waninterfaces_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_waninterfaces` to `waninterfaces_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_current_status_software = software_current_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_current_status_software` to `software_current_status_query`"""

    query_demsiteconfigs = demsiteconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_demsiteconfigs` to `demsiteconfigs_query`"""

    query_demstatus = demstatus_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_demstatus` to `demstatus_query`"""

    query_deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query`"""

    query_deviceidconfigs = deviceidconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_deviceidconfigs` to `deviceidconfigs_query`"""

    query_directoryusergroups = directoryusergroups_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_directoryusergroups` to `directoryusergroups_query`"""

    query_directoryusers = directoryusers_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_directoryusers` to `directoryusers_query`"""

    query_dnsserviceprofiles = dnsserviceprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_dnsserviceprofiles` to `dnsserviceprofiles_query`"""

    query_dnsserviceroles = dnsserviceroles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_dnsserviceroles` to `dnsserviceroles_query`"""

    query_dnsservices = dnsservices_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_dnsservices` to `dnsservices_query`"""

    query_e = element_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_e` to `element_query`"""

    query_elementsecurityzones = elementsecurityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_elementsecurityzones` to `elementsecurityzones_query`"""

    query_elementshells = elementshells_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_elementshells` to `elementshells_query`"""

    query_eventcorrelationpolicyrules = eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_eventcorrelationpolicyrules` to `eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_eventcorrelationpolicysets = eventcorrelationpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_eventcorrelationpolicysets` to `eventcorrelationpolicysets_query`"""

    query_events = events_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_events` to `events_query`"""

    query_extensions_i = element_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_i` to `element_extensions_query`"""

    query_extensions_s = site_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_s` to `site_extensions_query`"""

    query_extensions_t = tenant_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_t` to `tenant_extensions_query`"""

    query_extensions_ws = ws_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_ws` to `ws_extensions_query`"""

    query_globalprefixfilters = globalprefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_globalprefixfilters` to `globalprefixfilters_query`"""

    query_h = hubclusters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_h` to `hubclusters_query`"""

    query_interfaces = interfaces_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_interfaces` to `interfaces_query`"""

    query_ipfix = ipfix_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfix` to `ipfix_query`"""

    query_ipfixcollectorcontexts = ipfixcollectorcontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixcollectorcontexts` to `ipfixcollectorcontexts_query`"""

    query_ipfixfiltercontexts = ipfixfiltercontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixfiltercontexts` to `ipfixfiltercontexts_query`"""

    query_ipfixglobalprefixes = ipfixglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixglobalprefixes` to `ipfixglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ipfixlocalprefixes = ipfixlocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixlocalprefixes` to `ipfixlocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ipfixprofiles = ipfixprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixprofiles` to `ipfixprofiles_query`"""

    query_ipfixtemplates = ipfixtemplates_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixtemplates` to `ipfixtemplates_query`"""

    query_ipsecprofiles = ipsecprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipsecprofiles` to `ipsecprofiles_query`"""

    query_lannetworks = site_lannetworks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_lannetworks` to `site_lannetworks_query`"""

    query_lannetworks_t = lannetworks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_lannetworks_t` to `lannetworks_query`"""

    query_localprefixfilters = localprefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_localprefixfilters` to `localprefixfilters_query`"""

    query_m = machines_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_m` to `machines_query`"""

    query_machine_upgrade = machine_upgrade_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_machine_upgrade` to `machine_upgrade_query`"""

    query_machines_c = clients_machines_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_machines_c` to `clients_machines_query`"""

    query_mstp_instances = mstp_instances_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_mstp_instances` to `mstp_instances_query`"""

    query_multicastdynamicrps = multicastdynamicrps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastdynamicrps` to `multicastdynamicrps_query`"""

    query_multicastigmpmemberships = multicastigmpmemberships_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastigmpmemberships` to `multicastigmpmemberships_query`"""

    query_multicastroutes = multicastroutes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastroutes` to `multicastroutes_query`"""

    query_multicastrps = multicastrps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastrps` to `multicastrps_query`"""

    query_multicastsourcesiderps = multicastsourcesiderps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastsourcesiderps` to `multicastsourcesiderps_query`"""

    query_multicaststatus = multicaststatus_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicaststatus` to `multicaststatus_query`"""

    query_multicastwanstatus = multicastwanstatus_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastwanstatus` to `multicastwanstatus_query`"""

    query_natglobalprefixes = natglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natglobalprefixes` to `natglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_natlocalprefixes = natlocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natlocalprefixes` to `natlocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_natpolicypools = natpolicypools_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicypools` to `natpolicypools_query`"""

    query_natpolicyrules = natpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicyrules` to `natpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_natpolicysets = natpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicysets` to `natpolicysets_query`"""

    query_natpolicysetstacks = natpolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicysetstacks` to `natpolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_natzones = natzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natzones` to `natzones_query`"""

    query_networkcontexts = networkcontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkcontexts` to `networkcontexts_query`"""

    query_networkpolicyglobalprefixes = networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicyglobalprefixes` to `networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_networkpolicylocalprefixes = networkpolicylocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicylocalprefixes` to `networkpolicylocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_networkpolicyrules = networkpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicyrules` to `networkpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_networkpolicysets = networkpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicysets` to `networkpolicysets_query`"""

    query_networkpolicysetstacks = networkpolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicysetstacks` to `networkpolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes = ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes` to `ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes = ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes` to `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicyrules = ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicyrules` to `ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicysets = ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicysets` to `ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks = ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks` to `ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_ospfconfigs = ospfconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ospfconfigs` to `ospfconfigs_query`"""

    query_ospfdiscoveredneighbors = ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ospfdiscoveredneighbors` to `ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query`"""

    query_ospfreachableprefixes = ospfreachableprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ospfreachableprefixes` to `ospfreachableprefixes_query`"""

    query_pathgroups = pathgroups_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_pathgroups` to `pathgroups_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtpolicyrules = perfmgmtpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtpolicyrules` to `perfmgmtpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtpolicysets = perfmgmtpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtpolicysets` to `perfmgmtpolicysets_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtpolicysetstacks = perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtpolicysetstacks` to `perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtthresholdprofiles = perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtthresholdprofiles` to `perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query`"""

    query_policyrules = policyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_policyrules` to `policyrules_query`"""

    query_policysets = policysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_policysets` to `policysets_query`"""

    query_prefixes = prefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prefixes` to `prefixes_query`"""

    query_prefixfilters = prefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prefixfilters` to `prefixfilters_query`"""

    query_prefixfilters_t = tenant_prefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prefixfilters_t` to `tenant_prefixfilters_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicyglobalprefixes = prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicyglobalprefixes` to `prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicylocalprefixes = prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicylocalprefixes` to `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicyrules = prioritypolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicyrules` to `prioritypolicyrules_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicysets = prioritypolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicysets` to `prioritypolicysets_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicysetstacks = prioritypolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicysetstacks` to `prioritypolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_prismaaccess_configs = prismaaccess_configs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prismaaccess_configs` to `prismaaccess_configs_query`"""

    query_probeconfigs = probeconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_probeconfigs` to `probeconfigs_query`"""

    query_probeprofiles = probeprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_probeprofiles` to `probeprofiles_query`"""

    query_reports = reports_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_reports` to `reports_query`"""

    query_reportsdir = reportsdir_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_reportsdir` to `reportsdir_query`"""

    query_routing_aspathaccesslists = routing_aspathaccesslists_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_aspathaccesslists` to `routing_aspathaccesslists_query`"""

    query_routing_ipcommunitylists = routing_ipcommunitylists_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_ipcommunitylists` to `routing_ipcommunitylists_query`"""

    query_routing_prefixlists = routing_prefixlists_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_prefixlists` to `routing_prefixlists_query`"""

    query_routing_routemaps = routing_routemaps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_routemaps` to `routing_routemaps_query`"""

    query_s = site_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_s` to `site_query`"""

    query_securitypolicyrules = securitypolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_securitypolicyrules` to `securitypolicyrules_query`"""

    query_securitypolicysets = securitypolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_securitypolicysets` to `securitypolicysets_query`"""

    query_securityzones = securityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_securityzones` to `securityzones_query`"""

    query_servicebindingmaps = servicebindingmaps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_servicebindingmaps` to `servicebindingmaps_query`"""

    query_serviceendpoints = serviceendpoints_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_serviceendpoints` to `serviceendpoints_query`"""

    query_servicelabels = servicelabels_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_servicelabels` to `servicelabels_query`"""

    query_sitesecurityzones = site_sitesecurityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_sitesecurityzones` to `site_sitesecurityzones_query`"""

    query_sitesecurityzones_t = sitesecurityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_sitesecurityzones_t` to `sitesecurityzones_query`"""

    query_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query`"""

    query_snmpdiscoverystartnodes = snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_snmpdiscoverystartnodes` to `snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query`"""

    query_softwarehistory = softwarehistory_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_softwarehistory` to `softwarehistory_query`"""

    query_spokeclusters = site_spokeclusters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_spokeclusters` to `site_spokeclusters_query`"""

    query_spokeclusters_t = spokeclusters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_spokeclusters_t` to `spokeclusters_query`"""

    query_state_software = software_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_state_software` to `software_state_query`"""

    query_status = status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status` to `status_query`"""

    query_status_cellular_module_firmware = cellular_module_firmware_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status_cellular_module_firmware` to `cellular_module_firmware_status_query`"""

    query_status_prismasase_connections = prismasase_connections_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status_prismasase_connections` to `prismasase_connections_status_query`"""

    query_status_software = software_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status_software` to `software_status_query`"""

    query_tokens_vfflicenses = vff_token_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_tokens_vfflicenses` to `vff_token_query`"""

    query_toolkitsessions = toolkitsessions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_toolkitsessions` to `toolkitsessions_query`"""

    query_upgrade_status = upgrade_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_upgrade_status` to `upgrade_status_query`"""

    query_useridagents = useridagents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_useridagents` to `useridagents_query`"""

    query_vpnlinks = vpnlinks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_vpnlinks` to `vpnlinks_query`"""

    query_vrfcontextprofiles = vrfcontextprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_vrfcontextprofiles` to `vrfcontextprofiles_query`"""

    query_vrfcontexts = vrfcontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_vrfcontexts` to `vrfcontexts_query`"""

    query_waninterfacelabels = waninterfacelabels_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_waninterfacelabels` to `waninterfacelabels_query`"""

    query_waninterfaces = waninterfaces_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_waninterfaces` to `waninterfaces_query`"""

    query_waninterfaces_t = tenant_waninterfaces_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_waninterfaces_t` to `tenant_waninterfaces_query`"""

    query_wannetworks = wannetworks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_wannetworks` to `wannetworks_query`"""

    reallocate_clients = clients_reallocate
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `reallocate_clients` to `clients_reallocate`"""

    rquery_e = elements_rquery
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `rquery_e` to `elements_rquery`"""

    rquery_vfflicenses = vfflicenses_rquery
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `rquery_vfflicenses` to `vfflicenses_rquery`"""

    rquery_vfflicensesstatus = vfflicensesstatus_rquery
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `rquery_vfflicensesstatus` to `vfflicensesstatus_rquery`"""

    sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates`"""

    snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs = deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs` to `deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes`"""

    summary_events = events_summary
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `summary_events` to `events_summary`"""

    sync_directoryservices = directoryservices_sync
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sync_directoryservices` to `directoryservices_sync`"""

    sys_metrics_monitor = monitor_sys_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sys_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_sys_metrics`"""

    sys_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_sys_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sys_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_sys_point_metrics`"""

    tokens_vfflicenses = vfflicense_tokens
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `tokens_vfflicenses` to `vfflicense_tokens`"""

    topn_aaa_metrics_monitor = monitor_aaa_metrics_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_aaa_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_aaa_metrics_topn`"""

    topn_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_topn`"""

    topn_cellular_metrics_monitor = monitor_cellular_metrics_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_cellular_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_cellular_metrics_topn`"""

    topn_monitor = monitor_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_monitor` to `monitor_topn`"""

    topn_sys_metrics_monitor = monitor_sys_metrics_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_sys_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_sys_metrics_topn`"""

    users_application_monitor = monitor_application_users
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `users_application_monitor` to `monitor_application_users`"""

    wan_neighbor_multicast_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `wan_neighbor_multicast_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor`"""

    elements_bulk_config_state_query = element_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `elements_bulk_config_state_query` to `element_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    elements_query = element_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `elements_query` to `element_query`"""

    sites_bulk_config_state_query = site_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sites_bulk_config_state_query` to `site_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    sites_query = site_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sites_query` to `site_query`"""

Module variables

var api_logger

logging.getlogger object to enable debug printing via cloudgenix.API.set_debug


class Post

CloudGenix API - POST requests

Object to handle making Post requests via shared Requests Session.

class Post(object):
    CloudGenix API - POST requests

    Object to handle making Post requests via shared Requests Session.

    # placeholder for parent class namespace
    _parent_class = None

    def activeuserips_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Activeuserips_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/activeuserips/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def allocate_to_shell(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Allocate_To_Shell API Function


          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/allocate_to_shell".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def anynetlinks_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Anynetlinks_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/anynetlinks/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def apnprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an APN Profile (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **apn:**  Type: string 
           - **authentication:**  Type: string 
           - **clear_password:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/apnprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def apnprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of apn profiles that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/apnprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def appdefs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
        Create an application definition (v2.6)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **abbreviation:**  Type: string 
           - **aggregate_flows:**  Type: boolean 
           - **app_type:**  Type: string 
           - **app_unreachability_detection:**  Type: boolean 
           - **category:**  Type: string 
           - **conn_idle_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **display_name:**  Type: string 
           - **domains:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ingress_traffic_pct:**  Type: integer 
           - **ip_rules:**  [Type: object] 
           - **is_deprecated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **network_scan_application:**  Type: boolean 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **overrides_allowed:**  Type: boolean 
           - **p_category:**  Type: string 
           - **p_parent_id:**  Type: string 
           - **p_sub_category:**  Type: string 
           - **parent_id:**  Type: string 
           - **path_affinity:**  Type: string 
           - **session_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **supported_engines:**  Type: string 
           - **system_app_overridden:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tcp_rules:**  [Type: string] 
           - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **udp_rules:**  [Type: object] 
           - **use_parentapp_network_policy:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def appdefs_overrides(self, appdef_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create a application definition overrides for system appdef (v2.3)


          - **appdef_id**: Application Definition ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate_flows:**  Type: boolean 
           - **app_unreachability_detection:**  Type: boolean 
           - **category:**  Type: string 
           - **conn_idle_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **domains:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ingress_traffic_pct:**  Type: integer 
           - **ip_rules:**           
               - **dest_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dest_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dscp:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
               - **src_filters:**  [Type: string] 
           - **override_default_ip_rules:**  Type: boolean 
           - **override_default_tcp_rules:**  Type: boolean 
           - **override_default_udp_rules:**  Type: boolean 
           - **override_domains:**  Type: boolean 
           - **overrides_disable:**  Type: boolean 
           - **p_category:**  Type: string 
           - **path_affinity:**  Type: string 
           - **session_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tcp_rules:**           
               - **client_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **client_port:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **dscp:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **server_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **server_port:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **server_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **udp_rules:**           
               - **dest_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dscp:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **udp_filters:**  [Type: string] 
               - **udp_port:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **use_parentapp_network_policy:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs/{}/overrides".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def appdefs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
        Queries db for limit number of app defs that match query params. (v2.6)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def auditlog_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Auditlog_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/auditlog/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def authtokens(self, operator_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an auth token (v2.1)


          - **operator_id**: Operator ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **expires_utc_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **session_key_c:**  Type: string 
           - **x_auth_token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/operators/{}/authtokens".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bgppeers(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Create BGP peer config (v2.5)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **advertise_default_route:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_v4_prefixes:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_v6_prefixes:**  Type: boolean 
           - **bgp_config:**           
               - **adv_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **hold_time:**  Type: integer 
               - **keepalive_time:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_as_num:**  Type: string 
               - **md5_secret:**  Type: string 
               - **multi_hop_limit:**  Type: integer 
               - **peer_auth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **peer_retry_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_ip_v6:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_as_num:**  Type: string 
           - **route_map_in_id:**  Type: string 
           - **route_map_out_id:**  Type: string 
           - **router_id:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **shutdown:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **update_source:**  Type: string 
           - **update_source_v6:**  Type: string 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bgppeers_operations(self, site_id, element_id, bgppeer_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Reset BGP peer config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **bgppeer_id**: BGP Peer ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bgppeers_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Queries db for limit number of BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments(self, sitetemplate_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments API Function


          - **sitetemplate_id**: Site Template ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/{}/deployments".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/deployments/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def bulkoperations(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Bulkoperations API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/bulkoperations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def cellular_module_firmware_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query the cellular module firmware upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/cellular_module_firmware/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def cellular_modules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of cellular modules that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/cellular_modules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def certificate_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Start CIC renewal process for an element device (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/certificate_operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_login(self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Login api for esp client (v2.0)


          - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **email:**  Type: string 
           - **logout_others:**  Type: boolean 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **requestId:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/login".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

    def clients_logout(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Logout api for esp client. Reverts back to esp session (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **disallowed_permissions:**  Type: object 
           - **operator_id:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**  Type: object 
           - **redirect_region:**  Type: string 
           - **redirect_urlpath:**  Type: string 
           - **redirect_x_auth_token:**  Type: string 
           - **resource_role_map:**  [Type: object] 
           - **resource_uri_map:**  Type: object 
           - **resource_version_map:**  Type: object 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **version_exceptions_map:**  [Type: object] 
           - **x_auth_token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/logout".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_machines_query(self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query and get all machines allocated by ESP to a client tenant (v2.5)


          - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/machines/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get esp tenant clients details for tenant id (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **canonical_name:**  Type: string 
           - **clients:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_list:**           
               - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
           - **is_esp:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_support:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**           
               - **addresses:**           
                   - **city:**  Type: string 
                   - **country:**  Type: string 
                   - **post_code:**  Type: string 
                   - **state:**  Type: string 
                   - **street:**  Type: string 
                   - **street2:**  Type: string 
               - **custom_roles:**           
                   - **custom_permissions:**           
                       - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                       - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                       - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **id:**  Type: string 
                       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                       - **region:**  Type: string 
                       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disallow_permissions:**           
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **permissions:**           
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
                   - **roles:**           
                       - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **disable_idp_login:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **email:**  Type: string 
               - **email_iam:**  Type: string 
               - **email_validated:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
               - **first_name:**  Type: string 
               - **from_esp:**  Type: boolean 
               - **from_esp_name:**  Type: string 
               - **from_esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_list:**           
                   - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
               - **is_locked:**  Type: boolean 
               - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
               - **last_login:**  Type: string 
               - **last_name:**  Type: string 
               - **linked_accounts:**           
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **failed_login_attempts:**  Type: integer 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **provider_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **provider_value:**  Type: string 
                   - **provider_value_updated_on:**  Type: integer 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **migration_state:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **phone_numbers:**           
                   - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
                   - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
                   - **number:**  Type: integer 
                   - **types:**           
                       - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **secondary_emails:**           
                   - **email:**  Type: string 
               - **settings:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **password_policy:**           
               - **enable_failed_login_attempts:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_failed_login_time_delay:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_maximum_password_length:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_minimum_password_length:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_password_aging:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_password_identity_difference:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_password_no_reuse_count:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_lower_case_letters:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_numbers:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_special_characters:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enable_two_upper_case_letters:**  Type: boolean 
               - **failed_login_attempts:**  Type: integer 
               - **maximum_password_length:**  Type: integer 
               - **minimum_password_length:**  Type: integer 
               - **password_aging_days:**  Type: integer 
               - **password_aging_notification:**  Type: integer 
               - **password_no_reuse_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **special_characters:**  Type: string 
               - **special_characters_regex:**  Type: string 
           - **phone_numbers:**           
               - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
               - **number:**  Type: integer 
               - **types:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **provider_data:**           
               - **certificate:**           
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **certificate_expiry_utc:**  Type: integer 
                   - **certificate_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **issued_by:**           
                       - **common_name:**  Type: string 
                       - **country:**  Type: string 
                       - **location:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization_unit:**  Type: string 
                       - **state:**  Type: string 
                   - **issued_to:**           
                       - **common_name:**  Type: string 
                       - **country:**  Type: string 
                       - **location:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization:**  Type: string 
                       - **organization_unit:**  Type: string 
                       - **state:**  Type: string 
                   - **parent_id:** 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **serial_number:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **version:**  Type: string 
               - **password_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **provider:**           
                   - **canonical_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **map_external_group:**  Type: object 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **protocol:**           
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **template:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **salt:**  Type: string 
               - **security:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def clients_reallocate(self, client_id, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Reallocate a specific machine from one client tenant to another, both client tenants are clients of the same ESP. (v2.5)


          - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **connected:**  Type: boolean 
           - **console_conf_passphrase:**  Type: string 
           - **em_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **hw_id:**  Type: string 
           - **image_version:**  Type: string 
           - **inventory_op:**           - **machine_state:**           - **manufacture_id:**  Type: string 
           - **model_name:**  Type: string 
           - **ordering_info:**  Type: string 
           - **owner_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **pki_op:**           
               - **ca_list:**  [Type: string] 
               - **operation:**  Type: string 
           - **renew_state:**           - **sales_order_number:**  Type: string 
           - **ship_state:**           - **sl_no:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/machines/{}/reallocate".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def demsiteconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Demsiteconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/demsiteconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def demsiteconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Demsiteconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/demsiteconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def demstatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query ADEM status (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **dem_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/demstatus/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs_Bulkdelete_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **deviceidconfig_id**: Device Id Config ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs/{}/bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidconfigs_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **deviceidconfig_id**: Device Id Config ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs/{}/snmpdiscoverystartnodes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def deviceidprofiles_operations(self, deviceidprofile_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Deviceidprofiles_Operations API Function


          - **deviceidprofile_id**: Device Id Profile ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidprofiles/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dhcpservers(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create a new dhcp server configuration for a subnet (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address_family:**  Type: string 
           - **broadcast_address:**  Type: string 
           - **custom_options:**           
               - **option_definition:**  Type: string 
               - **option_value:**  Type: string 
               - **vendor_class_identifier:**  Type: string 
           - **default_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_servers:**  [Type: string] 
           - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
           - **gateway:**  Type: string 
           - **ip_ranges:**           
               - **end_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **start_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **max_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **static_mappings:**           
               - **client_duid:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_address:**  Type: string 
               - **mac:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **subnet:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/dhcpservers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryservices(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryservices API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryservices_deltasync(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryservices_Deltasync API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices/deltasync".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryservices_sync(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryservices_Sync API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices/sync".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryusergroups_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryusergroups_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryusergroups/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def directoryusers_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Directoryusers_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryusers/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new DNS service profile (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **authoritative_config:**           
               - **caa_records:**           
                   - **flags:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tag:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **cname_records:**           
                   - **name:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **target:**  Type: string 
                   - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **dns_resource_records:**           
                   - **hex_data:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **rr_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **host_records:**           
                   - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **mx_host_records:**           
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
                   - **mx_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **preference:**  Type: integer 
               - **naptr_records:**           
                   - **flags:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **order:**  Type: integer 
                   - **preference:**  Type: integer 
                   - **regexp:**  Type: string 
                   - **replacement:**  Type: string 
                   - **service:**  Type: string 
               - **peers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ptr_records:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **target:**  Type: string 
               - **secondary_servers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **servers:**           
                   - **dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
               - **soa:**           
                   - **expiry:**  Type: integer 
                   - **host_master:**  Type: string 
                   - **refresh:**  Type: integer 
                   - **retry:**  Type: integer 
                   - **serial_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **srv_hosts:**           
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **port:**  Type: integer 
                   - **priority:**  Type: integer 
                   - **protocol:**  Type: string 
                   - **service:**  Type: string 
                   - **target:**  Type: integer 
                   - **weight:**  Type: integer 
               - **synth_domains:**           
                   - **domain:**  Type: string 
                   - **end_ipaddress:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipaddress_prefix:**  Type: string 
                   - **prefix:**  Type: string 
                   - **start_ipaddress:**  Type: string 
               - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **txt_records:**           
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **texts:**  [Type: string] 
               - **zones:**           
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **exclude_prefix:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **include_prefix:**  [Type: string] 
           - **cache_config:**           
               - **cache_size:**  Type: integer 
               - **disable_negative_caching:**  Type: boolean 
               - **max_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **min_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **negative_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **dns_forward_config:**           
               - **dns_servers:**           
                   - **address_family:**  Type: string 
                   - **dnsserver_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **dnsserver_port:**  Type: integer 
                   - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **forward_dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_prefix:**  Type: string 
                   - **source_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **max_source_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **min_source_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **send_to_all_dns_servers:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_queries_metadata:**           
               - **add_client_mac:**           
                   - **mac_encoding_format:**  Type: string 
               - **add_customer_premises_equipment:**           
                   - **identifier_text:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **add_subnets:**           
                   - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv6_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
           - **dns_rebind_config:**           
               - **enable_localhost_rebind:**  Type: boolean 
               - **rebind_domains:**  [Type: string] 
               - **stop_dns_rebind_privateip:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_response_overrides:**           
               - **aliases:**           
                   - **mask:**  Type: integer 
                   - **original_end_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **original_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **original_start_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **replace_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **bogus_nx_domains:**  [Type: string] 
               - **disable_private_ip_lookups:**  Type: boolean 
               - **ignore_ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
               - **local_ttl:**  Type: integer 
               - **max_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **dnssec_config:**           
               - **disable_dnssec_timecheck:**  Type: boolean 
               - **dns_check_unsigned:**  Type: boolean 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **trust_anchors:**           
                   - **class:**  Type: string 
                   - **domain:**  Type: string 
                   - **key_digest:**           
                       - **algorithm:**  Type: integer 
                       - **digest:**  Type: string 
                       - **digest_type:**  Type: integer 
                       - **key_tag:**  Type: integer 
           - **domains_to_addresses:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
           - **edns_packet_max:**  Type: integer 
           - **enable_dns_loop_detection:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_dnssec_proxy:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_strict_domain_name:**  Type: boolean 
           - **listen_dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
           - **listen_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query DNS service profile based on parameters (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceroles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new DNS service role (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceroles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsserviceroles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DNS service role based on parameters (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceroles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsservices(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new DNS service config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **cache_config:**           
               - **cache_size:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **dns_queries_metadata:**           
               - **add_customer_premises_equipment:**           
                   - **identifier_text:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **add_subnets:**           
                   - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv6_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
           - **dnsservice_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **dnsservicerole_bindings:**           
               - **dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
               - **interfaces:**           
                   - **interface_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **interface_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **domains_to_addresses:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
           - **domains_to_interfaces:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **interface_id:**  Type: string 
           - **element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **max_concurrent_dns_queries:**  Type: integer 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **upperCaseName:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/dnsservices".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def dnsservices_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DNS service config based on parameters (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsservices/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get element config/state info for queried elements from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Element_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_deviceidconfigs(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Element_Deviceidconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/deviceidconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_extensions(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create element level extension configuration (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **conf:**  Type: object 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **entity_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **namespace:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/extensions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_extensions_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query element level extensions that match query params (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def element_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of elements that match query params. (v3.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementaccessconfigs(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        POST Elementaccessconfigs API Function


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/elementaccessconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elements_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        POST Elements_Rquery API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementsecurityzones(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between element and security zone. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **interface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **lannetwork_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **waninterface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **wanoverlay_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/securityzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementsecurityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query element security zones. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementsecurityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Elementshells API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells_copy_element_configurations(self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Elementshells_Copy_Element_Configurations API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **elementshell_id**: Element Shell ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells/{}/copy_element_configurations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells_interfaces(self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Elementshells_Interfaces API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **elementshell_id**: Element Shell ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells/{}/interfaces".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementshells_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Elementshells_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementshells/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementusers(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create Element User (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **is_tenant_level:**  Type: boolean 
           - **login_id:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **role:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **username:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementusers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def elementusers_access(self, elementuser_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Grant Specific role to Element user on specific element (v2.1)


          - **elementuser_id**: Element User ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **role:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **user_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementusers/{}/access".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def entitlements(self, operator_id, session_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Entitlements API Function


          - **operator_id**: Operator ID
          - **session_id**: User Session ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/operators/{}/sessions/{}/actionservice/appportal/api/v1/entitlements".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicyrules(self, eventcorrelationpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create event correlation policyrule configuration (v2.1)


          - **eventcorrelationpolicyset_id**: Event Correlation Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **dampening_duration:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **end_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **escalation_rules:**           
               - **flap_rule:**           
                   - **flap_duration:**  Type: integer 
                   - **flap_rate:**  Type: integer 
               - **standing_rule:**           
                   - **priority:**  Type: string 
                   - **standing_for:**  Type: integer 
           - **event_codes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **priority:**  Type: string 
           - **resource_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **resource_type:**  Type: string 
           - **start_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **sub_resource_type:**  Type: string 
           - **suppress:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets/{}/eventcorrelationpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of event correlation policyrules that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def eventcorrelationpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def events_operations(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Events_Operations API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def events_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.6"):
        POST Events_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def events_summary(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Events_Summary API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/summary".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def externalcaconfigs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Externalcaconfigs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/externalcaconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def fips_mode_change_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Change Mode of an element from FIPS to Non-FIPS or vice-versa. (v2.1)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/fips_mode_change_operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def globalprefixfilters(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new global prefix filter. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **filters:**           
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/globalprefixfilters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def globalprefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/globalprefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclustermembers(self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        Creates a new hub cluster member. (v3.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **hubcluster_id**: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **headend1_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **headend2_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **load_factors:**           
               - **alarm_threshold:**  Type: integer 
               - **allocated:**  Type: integer 
               - **subscription_factor:**  Type: number 
               - **threshold:**           
                   - **critical_alarm:**  Type: integer 
                   - **major_alarm:**  Type: integer 
                   - **subscription_factor:**  Type: number 
               - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters/{}/hubclustermembers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclusters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
        Creates a new hub cluster (v4.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_cluster:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **elements:**           
               - **hubClusterElementNumber:**  Type: string 
               - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
               - **locked:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_sites:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_count_alarm_threshold:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclusters_operations(self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
        Operations hub cluster api (v4.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **hubcluster_id**: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **operation:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_sites:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def hubclusters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
        Query hub clusters (v4.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/hubclusters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.18"):
        Create a Interface (v4.18)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.18)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
           - **attached_lan_networks:**           
               - **lan_network_id:**  Type: string 
               - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **authentication_config:**           
               - **fallback_retry_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **mode:**  Type: string 
               - **reauthentication_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **bound_interfaces:**  [Type: string] 
           - **bypass_pair:**           
               - **lan:**  Type: string 
               - **lan_state_propagation:**  Type: boolean 
               - **use_relay:**  Type: boolean 
               - **wan:**  Type: string 
           - **cellular_config:**           
               - **apn_config:**           
                   - **apn:**  Type: string 
                   - **authentication:**  Type: string 
                   - **clear_password:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **password:**  Type: string 
                   - **password_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **user_name:**  Type: string 
               - **apnprofile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **auto_apn:**  Type: boolean 
               - **parent_module_id:**  Type: string 
               - **parent_sim_slot_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **devicemgmt_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **dhcp_relay:**           
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **option_82:**           
                   - **circuit_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **reforwarding_policy:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **server_ips:**  [Type: string] 
               - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **directed_broadcast:**  Type: boolean 
           - **ethernet_port:**           
               - **full_duplex:**  Type: boolean 
               - **port_id:**           
                   - **connector:**  Type: string 
                   - **device:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **element_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **max_mtu:**  Type: integer 
                   - **max_speed:**  Type: integer 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **original_mac_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **site_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **port_name:**  Type: string 
               - **speed:**  Type: integer 
           - **interface_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixfiltercontext_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_config:**           
               - **dhcp_config:**           
                   - **client_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
               - **dns_v4_config:**           
                   - **name_servers:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **search:**  [Type: string] 
               - **pppoe_config:**           
                   - **chap_passwd:**  Type: string 
                   - **chap_user:**  Type: string 
                   - **set_route:**  Type: boolean 
               - **routes:**           
                   - **destination:**  Type: string 
                   - **via:**  Type: string 
               - **static_config:**           
                   - **address:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv6_config:**           
               - **dhcp_config:**           
                   - **client_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
               - **dns_v6_config:**           
                   - **name_servers:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **search:**  [Type: string] 
               - **routes:**           
                   - **destination:**  Type: string 
                   - **via:**  Type: string 
               - **static_config:**           
                   - **address:**  Type: string 
                   - **enable_prefix_distribution:**  Type: boolean 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **lldp_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **mac_address:**  Type: string 
           - **mtu:**  Type: integer 
           - **multicast_config:**           
               - **igmp_version:**  Type: string 
               - **multicast_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_address:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_address_v6:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_pools:**           
               - **ipv4_ranges:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **nat_port_v6:**  Type: integer 
           - **nat_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **parent:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_bypasspair_wan_port_type:**  Type: string 
           - **poe_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **power_usage_threshold:**  Type: integer 
           - **pppoe_config:**           
               - **host_uniq:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_address_type:**  Type: string 
               - **password:**  Type: string 
               - **reconnection_delay:**  Type: integer 
               - **service_name:**  Type: string 
               - **username:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **secondary_ip_configs:**           
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **service_link_config:**           
               - **gre_config:**           
                   - **csum:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keepalive_enable:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keepalive_fail_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **keepalive_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipsec_config:**           
                   - **authentication:**           
                       - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **comment:**  Type: string 
                       - **ikev1_params:**           
                           - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                           - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                       - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
                       - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                       - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **secret:**  Type: string 
                       - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                       - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **type:**  Type: string 
                       - **x509Objects:**           
                           - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                           - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                           - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                           - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                           - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                           - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                           - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                           - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                           - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                           - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                   - **ipsec_profile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **last_parent:**  Type: string 
               - **parent:**  Type: string 
               - **passive_mode:**           
                   - **enable:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **peer_ip_dynamic:**  Type: boolean 
               - **peer:**           
                   - **hostname:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_endpoint_id:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **site_wan_interface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **static_arp_configs:**           
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **mac_address:**  Type: string 
           - **sub_interface:**           
               - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **switch_port_config:**           
               - **access_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
               - **bpdu_guard_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **forward_fast_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **native_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
               - **root_guard_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **storm_control_config:**           
                   - **broadcast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
                   - **multicast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
                   - **unicast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
               - **stp_port_cost:**  Type: integer 
               - **stp_port_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **stp_port_priority:**  Type: integer 
               - **trunk_vlans:**  [Type: string] 
               - **vlan_mode:**  Type: string 
               - **voice_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **used_for:**  Type: string 
           - **vlan_config:**           
               - **mstp_instance:**  Type: integer 
               - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
               - **voice_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/interfaces".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Interfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/interfaces/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces_operations(self, site_id, element_id, interface_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Interfaces_Operations API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **interface_id**: Interface ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/interfaces/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def interfaces_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.18"):
        Queries db for limit number of interfaces that match query params. (v4.18)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.18)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/interfaces/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfix(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **collector_config:**           
               - **host:**  Type: string 
               - **host_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
               - **max_message_size:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **export_cache_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **filters:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dst_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **dst_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipfixfiltercontext_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **priority_traffic_types:**  [Type: string] 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **rtp_transport_type:**  Type: string 
               - **src_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **src_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **wan_path_direction:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixprofile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixtemplate_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sampler:**           
               - **algorithm:**  Type: string 
               - **time_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **time_spacing:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/ipfix".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfix_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix configs that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfix/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixcollectorcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Collector context (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixcollectorcontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixcollectorcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix collector context that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixcollectorcontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixfiltercontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Filter context (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixfiltercontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixfiltercontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix filter context that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixfiltercontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Global prefix (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ipfixglobalprefixes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixlocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix site prefix association that match query (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix Profile (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **collector_config:**           
               - **host:**  Type: string 
               - **host_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
               - **max_message_size:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **export_cache_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **filters:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dst_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **dst_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipfixfiltercontext_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **priority_traffic_types:**  [Type: string] 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **rtp_transport_type:**  Type: string 
               - **src_ports:**           
                   - **end:**  Type: string 
                   - **start:**  Type: string 
               - **src_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **wan_path_direction:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixtemplate_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sampler:**           
               - **algorithm:**  Type: string 
               - **time_interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **time_spacing:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix profiles that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixtemplates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix template (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **flow_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **generate_biflow:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **option_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **options:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **template_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixtemplates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipfixtemplates_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of ipfix templates that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **flow_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **generate_biflow:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **option_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **options:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **template_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixtemplates/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipsecprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new IPSEC Profile (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **authentication:**           
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **comment:**  Type: string 
               - **ikev1_params:**           
                   - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
               - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
               - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
               - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
               - **private_key:**  Type: string 
               - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **secret:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **x509Objects:**           
                   - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                   - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                   - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **dpd_delay:**  Type: integer 
           - **dpd_enable:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dpd_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **esp_group:**           
               - **force_encapsulation:**  Type: boolean 
               - **lifesize:**           
                   - **units:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **mode:**  Type: string 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **responder_sase_proposals:**           
                   - **dh_group:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **encryption:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **hash:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ike_group:**           
               - **aggressive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **authentication_multiple:**  Type: integer 
               - **key_exchange:**  Type: string 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **reauth:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipsecprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ipsecprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of tenant level ipsec profiles that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **authentication:**           
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
               - **comment:**  Type: string 
               - **ikev1_params:**           
                   - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                   - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id:**  Type: string 
               - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
               - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
               - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
               - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
               - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
               - **private_key:**  Type: string 
               - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **secret:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **x509Objects:**           
                   - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                   - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                   - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **dpd_delay:**  Type: integer 
           - **dpd_enable:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dpd_timeout:**  Type: integer 
           - **esp_group:**           
               - **force_encapsulation:**  Type: boolean 
               - **lifesize:**           
                   - **units:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **mode:**  Type: string 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **responder_sase_proposals:**           
                   - **dh_group:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **encryption:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **hash:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ike_group:**           
               - **aggressive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **authentication_multiple:**  Type: integer 
               - **key_exchange:**  Type: string 
               - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
               - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **proposals:**           
                   - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
                   - **encryption:**  Type: string 
                   - **hash:**  Type: string 
               - **reauth:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipsecprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def lannetworks(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
        Create a new LAN (v3.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_config:**           
               - **default_routers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **dhcp_relay:**           
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **option_82:**           
                       - **circuit_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **reforwarding_policy:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **server_ips:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
               - **dhcp_server:**           
                   - **broadcast_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **custom_options:**           
                       - **option_definition:**  Type: string 
                       - **option_value:**  Type: string 
                   - **default_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **dns_servers:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **gateway:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_ranges:**           
                       - **end_ip:**  Type: string 
                       - **start_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **max_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
                   - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **static_mappings:**           
                       - **ip_address:**  Type: string 
                       - **mac:**  Type: string 
                       - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **subnet:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_config:**           
               - **default_routers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/lannetworks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def lannetworks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
        Query db for Site LAN networks that match query parameters (v3.3)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/lannetworks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def localprefixfilters(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new local prefix filter. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/localprefixfilters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def localprefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/localprefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def login(self, data, api_version="v2.0"):
        Login api


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/login".format(api_version)

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

    def machine_upgrade_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Machine Upgrade Config (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machine_upgrade/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def machines_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query and get machines of a tenant (v2.5)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aaa_client_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aaa_Client_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_client_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aaa_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aaa_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_metrics/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_agg_bw_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Agg_Bw_Stats API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/agg_bw_stats".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_application_qos(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Application_Qos API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/application/qos".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_healthscore(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Healthscore API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/healthscore".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Mroute API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/multicast/mroute".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Wan_Neighbor API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/multicast/wan_neighbor".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_aggregates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Aggregates API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/aggregates".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_anomaly(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Anomaly API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/anomaly".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_forecast(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Forecast API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/forecast".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_health(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Health API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/health".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_object_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Object_Stats API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/object_stats".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_aiops_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Aiops_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_application_qos_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Application_Qos_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/application/qos_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_application_users(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Application_Users API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/application/users".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_bulk_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Bulk_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/bulk_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_cellular_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/cellular_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_cellular_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/cellular_metrics/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_flows(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.9"):
        POST Monitor_Flows API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.9)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/flows".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_insights(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Insights API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/insights".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_insightslist(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Insightslist API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/insightslist".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_lqm_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Lqm_Point_Metrics_Monitor API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/lqm_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        POST Monitor_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_metrics_probes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Metrics_Probes API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/metrics/probes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_network_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_network_point_metrics_bw(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Bw API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics_bw".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_network_point_metrics_hs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Hs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics_hs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_object_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
        POST Monitor_Object_Stats API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/object_stats".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_probe_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Probe_Point_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/probe_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_qos_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Qos_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/qos_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_sys_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        POST Monitor_Sys_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_sys_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Topn_Sys_Metrics_Monitor API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_metrics/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_sys_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Monitor_Sys_Point_Metrics API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_point_metrics".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def monitor_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        POST Monitor_Topn API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/topn".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def mstp_instances(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a MSTP Instance (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **instance_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **instance_priority:**  Type: integer 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/mstp_instances".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def mstp_instances_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of MSTP Instances that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/mstp_instances/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastdynamicrps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast Dynamic RPs (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastdynamicrps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastigmpmemberships_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast IGMP group membership information (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastigmpmemberships/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastpeergroups(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create multicast peer group (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **is_source_site_receiver:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_sites:**           
               - **peer_site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastpeergroups".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastroutes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast route table (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastroutes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastrps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Creates Multicast RP config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **groups:**           
               - **ipv4_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **is_active_rp:**  Type: boolean 
           - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/multicastrps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastrps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast RP config (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastrps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastsourcesiderps_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query multicast source side RPs (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/multicastsourcesiderps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastsourcesiteconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create multicast source site config (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **site_configs:**           
               - **group_ipv4_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **source_ipv4_address:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/multicastsourcesiteconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicaststatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast status information (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicaststatus/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def multicastwanstatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Multicast WAN status (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastwanstatus/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT global prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Global Prefixes. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natlocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT local prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natlocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query site local prefixes. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natlocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicypools(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NATPolicy Pool. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicypools".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicypools_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query NAT policy pools. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicypools/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicyrules(self, natpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT Policy Rule (v2.0)


          - **natpolicyset_id**: NAT Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **actions:**           
               - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **destination_prefixes:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone:**           
               - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **natpolicypools:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **source_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefixes:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone:**           
               - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets/{}/natpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query NAT policy rules. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NAT Policy Set (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_rules:**           
               - **actions:**           
                   - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **port:**  Type: integer 
                   - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **destination_prefixes:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_zone:**           
                   - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_zone_id:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **natpolicypools:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
               - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **source_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **source_prefixes:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **source_zone:**           
                   - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **source_zone_id:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
           - **source_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **update_order:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query policy sets. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NATPolicySet Stack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query policyset stacks. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natzones(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Nat Policy Zone. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def natzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query NAT policy zones. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new LAN segment (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkcontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkcontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Network Global Prefixes. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query site network prefix association. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyrules(self, networkpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        Create a new NetworkPolicyRule (v2.2)


          - **networkpolicyset_id**: Network Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets/{}/networkpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        Query Network policy rules. (v2.2)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NetworkPolicySet (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_rules:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
               - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **paths_allowed:**           
                   - **active_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **service_context:**           
                   - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Network policy sets. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NetworkPolicySetStack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**           
               - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
               - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
               - **policy_rules:**           
                   - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
                   - **paths_allowed:**           
                       - **active_paths:**           
                           - **label:**  Type: string 
                           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **backup_paths:**           
                           - **label:**  Type: string 
                           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                           - **label:**  Type: string 
                           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **service_context:**           
                       - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                       - **type:**  Type: string 
                   - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **legacy_policystack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **policyset_ids_update:**  Type: boolean 
           - **policysets:**           
               - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **policy_rules:**           
                   - **description:**  Type: string 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
                   - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networkpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query network policyset stacks. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def networks_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get all config/state info for given network from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networks/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an Security Policy V2 Global Prefix (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Security Policy V2 Global Prefixes of a tenant (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an Security Policy V2 Local Prefix (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query security policy v2 local prefix site associations of a tenant (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules(self, ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a Security Policy V2 Rule under a policy set (v2.1)


          - **ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id**: NGFW Security Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **services:**           
               - **destination_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
               - **source_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query security policy v2 rules of a tenant (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **services:**           
               - **destination_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
               - **source_ports:**           
                   - **from:**  Type: integer 
                   - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Security Policy V2 Set (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security policy v2 sets of a tenant (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Security Policy V2 Set Stack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Security Policy V2 Set stacks of a tenant (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfconfigs(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfconfigs API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/ospfconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfdiscoveredneighbors_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfdiscoveredneighbors/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ospfreachableprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ospfreachableprefixes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfreachableprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def otpaccess(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Verify Challenge phrase and generate response phrase (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **challenge_phrase:**  Type: string 
           - **response_phrase:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/otpaccess".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def password_change(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Allows one to change password (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **oldPassword:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **repeatPassword:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/accounts/password/change".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def pathgroups(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a Path Group for a tenant. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/pathgroups".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def pathgroups_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/pathgroups/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicyrules_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysets API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules(self, perfmgmtpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Perfmgmtpolicyrules API Function


          - **perfmgmtpolicyset_id**: Performance Management Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets/{}/perfmgmtpolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtthresholdprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtthresholdprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policyrules(self, policyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        Create a new Policy (v3.1)


          - **policyset_id**: Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/{}/policyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        Queries db for policyrules that match query params. (v3.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        Create a new Policy Set (v3.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bandwidth_allocation_schemes:**           
               - **bandwidth_range:**           
                   - **high:**  Type: number 
                   - **low:**  Type: number 
               - **business_priorities:**           
                   - **bandwidth_allocation:**  Type: number 
                   - **bandwidth_split_per_type:**           
                       - **bulk:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_audio:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_video:**  Type: number 
                       - **transactional:**  Type: number 
                   - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **business_priority_names:**           
               - **priority_name:**  Type: string 
               - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **default_policy:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_stance:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policysets_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get all config/state info across all policysets from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def policysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
        Queries db for policysets that match query params. (v3.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
        POST Prefixes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prefixfilters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between site and security prefix filter. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **filters:**           
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **prefix_filter_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prefixfilters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prefixfilters_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **query_params:**           
               - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Priority Global Prefixes. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query site priority prefix association. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyrules(self, prioritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new PriorityPolicyRule (v2.1)


          - **prioritypolicyset_id**: Priority Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **dscp:**           
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_or_group:**           
               - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets/{}/prioritypolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query Priority policy rules. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new PriorityPolicySet (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bandwidth_allocation_schemes:**           
               - **bandwidth_range:**           
                   - **high:**  Type: number 
                   - **low:**  Type: number 
               - **business_priorities:**           
                   - **bandwidth_allocation:**  Type: number 
                   - **bandwidth_split_per_type:**           
                       - **bulk:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_audio:**  Type: number 
                       - **rt_video:**  Type: number 
                       - **transactional:**  Type: number 
                   - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **business_priority_names:**           
               - **priority_name:**  Type: string 
               - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **default_rule_dscp_mappings:**           
               - **dscp:**  [Type: integer] 
               - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **template:**  Type: boolean 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Priority policy sets. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new PriorityPolicySetStack (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
           - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysetstacks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prioritypolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query priority policyset stacks. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismaaccess_configs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a Prisma Access Config with remote networks and security processing node (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **remote_networks:**           
               - **edge_location_display:**  Type: string 
               - **edge_location_value:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_network_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_link_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **spn_name:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prismaaccess_configs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismaaccess_configs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Prisma Access config (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **remote_networks:**           
               - **edge_location_display:**  Type: string 
               - **edge_location_value:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_network_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_link_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **spn_name:**  Type: string 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismaaccess_configs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismasase_connections(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Prismasase_Connections API Function


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prismasase_connections".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismasase_connections_configs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        POST Prismasase_Connections_Configs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismasase_connections/configs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def prismasase_connections_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Prismasase_Connections_Status_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismasase_connections/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeconfigs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeconfigs API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeconfigs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeconfigs_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeconfigs/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def probeprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Probeprofiles_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def radii(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Used to create element radius (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **override_indicator:**  [Type: string] 
           - **radius_configuration:**           
               - **accounting_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **authentication_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **ip_version:**  Type: integer 
               - **priority:**  Type: integer 
               - **retain_shared_secret:**  Type: boolean 
               - **server_ip_address:**  Type: string 
               - **shared_secret:**  Type: string 
               - **shared_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **radius_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_interface_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/radii".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def recovery_tokens(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a Recovery Token for Fips change mode (v2.1)


          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **token_validity_in_hour:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/recovery_tokens".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def reports_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Reports_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/reports/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def reportsdir_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Reportsdir_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/reportsdir/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def roles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Add a custom role (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **custom_permissions:**           
               - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **disallow_permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/roles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_aspathaccesslists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create AS-Path Access List (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **as_path_regex_list:**           
               - **as_path_regex:**  Type: string 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_aspathaccesslists".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_aspathaccesslists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of access lists that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_aspathaccesslists/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_ipcommunitylists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create IP Community List (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **as_path_regex_list:**           
               - **as_path_regex:**  Type: string 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_ipcommunitylists".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_ipcommunitylists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of community lists that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_ipcommunitylists/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_prefixlists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create IP Prefix List (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **prefix_filter_list:**           
               - **ge:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipv6_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **le:**  Type: integer 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
               - **prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_prefixlists".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_prefixlists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of prefix lists that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_prefixlists/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_routemaps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create Route Map (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **route_map_entries:**           
               - **continue_entry:**  Type: string 
               - **match:**           
                   - **as_path_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **community_list_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_next_hop_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_prefix_list_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **metric:**  Type: integer 
                   - **tag:**  Type: integer 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
               - **set:**           
                   - **additive_community:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **as_path_prepend:**  Type: string 
                   - **community:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_next_hop:**  Type: string 
                   - **ip_v6_next_hop:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_preference:**  Type: integer 
                   - **metric:**  Type: integer 
                   - **tag:**  Type: integer 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
                   - **weight:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **used_for:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_routemaps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def routing_routemaps_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Queries db for limit number of route maps that match query params. (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_routemaps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.2"):
        Query and get ESP machines across regions (v3.2)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sdwanapps_configs(self, sdwanapp_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Sdwanapps_Configs API Function


          - **sdwanapp_id**: SDWAN Application ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sdwanapps/{}/configs".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicyruleorder(self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Update a tenant security policy set. (v2.0)


          - **securitypolicyset_id**: Security Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **operations:**           
               - **insert_before:**  Type: string 
               - **policyrule_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/{}/firewallpolicyruleorder".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicyrules(self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new tenant security policy rule. (v2.0)


          - **securitypolicyset_id**: Security Policy Set ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **application_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_filter_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **disabled_flag:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **source_filter_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/{}/securitypolicyrules".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of LAN networks that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new tenant security policy set. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securitypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of security policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securityzones(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new security zone (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securityzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def securityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of security zones that match query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicebindingmaps(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new Service Binding Map (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **is_default:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **service_bindings:**           
               - **service_endpoint_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicebindingmaps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicebindingmaps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicebindingmaps/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def serviceendpoints(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
        Create a new Service Endpoint (v2.4)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_enterprise_traffic:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disable_tunnel_reoptimization:**  Type: boolean 
           - **liveliness_probe:**           
               - **http:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **http_status_codes:**  [Type: integer] 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **url:**  Type: string 
               - **icmp_ping:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **location:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **latitude:**  Type: number 
               - **longitude:**  Type: number 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sase_properties:**           
               - **allocated_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
               - **allocated_sc_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **pa_compute_region_oid:**  Type: string 
               - **total_sc_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_link_peers:**           
               - **hostnames:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/serviceendpoints".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def serviceendpoints_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
        Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.4)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
           - **allow_enterprise_traffic:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disable_tunnel_reoptimization:**  Type: boolean 
           - **liveliness_probe:**           
               - **http:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **http_status_codes:**  [Type: integer] 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **url:**  Type: string 
               - **icmp_ping:**           
                   - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
                   - **interval:**  Type: integer 
                   - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **location:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **latitude:**  Type: number 
               - **longitude:**  Type: number 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sase_properties:**           
               - **allocated_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
               - **allocated_sc_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **pa_compute_region_oid:**  Type: string 
               - **total_sc_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_link_peers:**           
               - **hostnames:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **site_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/serviceendpoints/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicelabels(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new Service Label (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **sase_properties:**           
               - **active_sase_label:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicelabels".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def servicelabels_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Queries db for limit number of service labels that match query params. (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicelabels/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def signup(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Signup new operators (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **addresses:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **email:**  Type: string 
           - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
           - **first_name:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_list:**           
               - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
           - **last_name:**  Type: string 
           - **logout_others:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **phone_numbers:**           
               - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
               - **number:**  Type: integer 
               - **types:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **repeatPassword:**  Type: string 
           - **requestId:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **secondary_emails:**           
               - **email:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/signup".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Get site config/state info for queried site from NB (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Site_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_extensions(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create site level extension configuration (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **conf:**  Type: object 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **entity_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **namespace:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/extensions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_extensions_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query site level extensions that match query params (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_ipfixlocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix site prefix association (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_lannetworks_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
        Query LAN networks that match query params (v3.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/lannetworks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_natlocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between site and NAT Prefix. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/natlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_networkpolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an association between site and Network local Prefix. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a security policy V2 local prefix site association (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create an association between site and Priority local Prefix. (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.10"):
        Queries db for limit number of sites that match query params. (v4.10)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.10)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_sitesecurityzones_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security zone for NB API. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **query_params:**           
               - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/sitesecurityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def site_spokeclusters_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sites(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.10"):
        Create a site (v4.10)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.10)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **admin_state:**  Type: string 
           - **branch_gateway:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **element_cluster_role:**  Type: string 
           - **extended_tags:**           
               - **key:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **value_type:**  Type: string 
           - **location:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **latitude:**  Type: number 
               - **longitude:**  Type: number 
           - **multicast_peer_group_id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **network_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **perfmgmt_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_set_id:**  Type: string 
           - **prefer_lan_default_over_wan_default_route:**  Type: boolean 
           - **priority_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **security_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **security_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
           - **service_binding:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_profile_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sitesecurityzones(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an association between site and security zone. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **networks:**           
               - **network_id:**  Type: string 
               - **network_type:**  Type: string 
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/sitesecurityzones".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def sitesecurityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security zone. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **query_params:**           
               - **zone_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sitesecurityzones/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def snmpagents(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create SNMP Agent (v2.1)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **system_contact:**  Type: string 
           - **system_location:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **v2_config:**           
               - **community:**  Type: string 
           - **v3_config:**           
               - **user_access:**           
                   - **auth_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **auth_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **engine_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **security_level:**  Type: string 
                   - **user_name:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/snmpagents".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Snmpdiscoverystartnodes_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/snmpdiscoverystartnodes/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def snmptraps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create SNMP Trap (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **v2_config:**           
               - **community:**  Type: string 
           - **v3_config:**           
               - **user_access:**           
                   - **auth_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **auth_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_phrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **enc_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **engine_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **security_level:**  Type: string 
                   - **user_name:**  Type: string 
           - **version:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/snmptraps".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def software_current_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Get the current image status of all the element (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/software/current_status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def software_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query software state for all tenants elements (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/software/state/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def software_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query the software upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/software/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def softwarehistory_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for all software download done by a tenant (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/softwarehistory/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def spokeclusters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create Spoke Cluster (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **advertisement_interval:**  Type: number 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **preempt:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def spokeclusters_ops(self, site_id, spokecluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Handle operations on spokecluster. (v2.0)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **spokecluster_id**: Spoke Cluster ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def spokeclusters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/spokeclusters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def staticroutes(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
        Create static route (v2.3)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **address_family:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **nexthop_reachability_probe:**  Type: boolean 
           - **nexthops:**           
               - **admin_distance:**  Type: integer 
               - **nexthop_interface_id:**  Type: string 
               - **nexthop_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **self:**  Type: boolean 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/staticroutes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
        Query and get element status objects for a tenant (v2.4)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def syslogserverprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create Syslog Server Profile (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enable_flow_logging:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **server_fqdn:**  Type: string 
           - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **server_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **severity_level:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/syslogserverprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def syslogservers(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
        Create Syslog Server (v2.2)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **enable_flow_logging:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **server_fqdn:**  Type: string 
           - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **server_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **severity_level:**  Type: string 
           - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **syslog_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/syslogservers".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def templates_ntp(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new NTP Template (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **default_template:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **ntp_servers:**           
               - **host:**  Type: string 
               - **max_poll:**  Type: integer 
               - **min_poll:**  Type: integer 
               - **version:**  Type: integer 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/templates/ntp".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_anynetlinks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.4"):
        POST Tenant_Anynetlinks API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/anynetlinks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_bgppeers_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Queries db for BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bgppeers/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_element_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Handle operations on element. (v2.0)


          - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 
           - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_extensions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Queries db for limit number of tenant extensions that match the query params. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **conf:**  Type: object 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **namespace:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_forgot_password_login(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Forgot password API (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **email:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/login/password/forgot".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

    def tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a IPFix local prefix (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_machine_operations(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Update a specific machine of a tenant using operations (v2.5)


          - **machine_id**: Machine ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **connected:**  Type: boolean 
           - **console_conf_passphrase:**  Type: string 
           - **em_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **hw_id:**  Type: string 
           - **image_version:**  Type: string 
           - **inventory_op:**           - **machine_state:**           - **manufacture_id:**  Type: string 
           - **model_name:**  Type: string 
           - **ordering_info:**  Type: string 
           - **owner_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **pki_op:**           
               - **ca_list:**  [Type: string] 
               - **operation:**  Type: string 
           - **renew_state:**           - **sales_order_number:**  Type: string 
           - **ship_state:**           - **sl_no:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **token:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new Network Policy local prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_permissions(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Add a custom permission (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **value:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/permissions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_prefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prefixfilters/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new Priority Policy local prefix. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def tenant_waninterfaces_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.8"):
        Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.8)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.8)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfaces/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def toolkitsessions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Toolkitsessions_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/toolkitsessions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def topology(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.4"):
        POST Topology API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.4)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/topology".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def upgrade_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Machine Upgrade Status (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/upgrade_status/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def useridagents(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Useridagents API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/useridagents".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def useridagents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Useridagents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/useridagents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def users(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create an user identity. (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **first_name:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **last_name:**  Type: string 
           - **middle_name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **user_dn:**  Type: string 
           - **user_fqn:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/users".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vff_token_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query Tenant Vff License Tokens (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/tokens/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicense_tokens(self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create Tenant Vff License Token (v2.0)


          - **vfflicense_id**: Virtual Form Factor License ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **ion_key:**  Type: string 
           - **is_expired:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_multiuse:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_revoked:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_used:**  Type: boolean 
           - **secret_key:**  Type: string 
           - **valid_till_secs:**  Type: integer 
           - **vfflicense_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/{}/tokens".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicenses_operations(self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Vff operation (v2.0)


          - **vfflicense_id**: Virtual Form Factor License ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **inventory_op:**           - **ions_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicenses_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query and get Vff License (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vfflicensesstatus_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query and get Vff License State (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicensesstatus/rquery".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vpnlinks_operations(self, vpnlink_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Perform an operation on a VPN link (v2.0)


          - **vpnlink_id**: VPN Link ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **action:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vpnlinks/{}/operations".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vpnlinks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Query db for VPNLinks that match query parameters (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vpnlinks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontextprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontextprofiles API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontextprofiles".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontextprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontextprofiles_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontextprofiles/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontexts API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontexts".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def vrfcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Vrfcontexts_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontexts/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfacelabels_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query db for site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bfd_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bw_config_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bwc_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **cost:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **link_bw_down:**  Type: number 
           - **link_bw_up:**  Type: number 
           - **lqm_config:**           
               - **hub_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **inter_packet_gap:**  Type: integer 
               - **statistic:**  Type: string 
           - **lqm_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **vpnlink_configuration:**           
               - **keep_alive_failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **keep_alive_interval:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfacelabels/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfaces(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.8"):
        Create a new Site WAN interface (v2.8)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.8)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **bfd_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bw_config_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **bwc_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **cost:**  Type: integer 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **l3_reachability:**           
               - **probe_config_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **use_element_default:**  Type: boolean 
           - **label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **link_bw_down:**  Type: number 
           - **link_bw_up:**  Type: number 
           - **lqm_config:**           
               - **hub_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **inter_packet_gap:**  Type: integer 
               - **statistic:**  Type: string 
           - **lqm_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_id:**  Type: string 
           - **probe_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **use_for_application_reachability_probes:**  Type: boolean 
           - **use_for_controller_connections:**  Type: boolean 
           - **use_lqm_for_non_hub_paths:**  Type: boolean 
           - **vpnlink_configuration:**           
               - **keep_alive_failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **keep_alive_interval:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/waninterfaces".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfaces_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Waninterfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfaces/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def waninterfaces_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
        Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)


          - **site_id**: Site ID
          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/waninterfaces/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def wannetworks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Create a new WAN (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **provider_as_numbers:**  [Type: integer] 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wannetworks".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def wannetworks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
        Query db for WAN networks that match query parameters (v2.1)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **aggregate:**           
               - **field:**  Type: string 
               - **operator:**  Type: string 
           - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
           - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
           - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
           - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
           - **limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **next_query:**  Type: object 
           - **query_params:**  Type: object 
           - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
           - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
           - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
           - **total_count:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wannetworks/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def wanoverlays(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        Create a new app/wan context (v2.0)


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **vni:**  Type: integer 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wanoverlays".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ws_extensions(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ws_Extensions API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ws/extensions".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    def ws_extensions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
        POST Ws_Extensions_Query API Function


          - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
          - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
          - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)

          **Payload Attributes:** 

        **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

        if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
            # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
            tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
        elif not tenant_id:
            # No value for tenant_id.
            raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
        cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller

        url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ws/extensions/query".format(api_version,

        api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
        return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

    # Public Digest compatibility maps below, mapping what is available via
    # /v2.0/permissions API versus what is used in this SDK.

    aaa_client_metrics_monitor = monitor_aaa_client_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aaa_client_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_aaa_client_metrics`"""

    aaa_metrics_monitor = monitor_aaa_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aaa_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_aaa_metrics`"""

    access_elementusers = elementusers_access
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `access_elementusers` to `elementusers_access`"""

    agg_bw_stats_monitor = monitor_agg_bw_stats
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `agg_bw_stats_monitor` to `monitor_agg_bw_stats`"""

    aggregates_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_aggregates
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aggregates_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_aggregates`"""

    aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates`"""

    anomaly_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_anomaly
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `anomaly_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_anomaly`"""

    anynetlinks_t = tenant_anynetlinks
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `anynetlinks_t` to `tenant_anynetlinks`"""

    bulk_metrics_monitor = monitor_bulk_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `bulk_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_bulk_metrics`"""

    bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs = deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs` to `deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes`"""

    cellular_metrics_monitor = monitor_cellular_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `cellular_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_cellular_metrics`"""

    change_password = password_change
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `change_password` to `password_change`"""

    configs_prismasase_connections = prismasase_connections_configs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `configs_prismasase_connections` to `prismasase_connections_configs`"""

    configs_sdwanapps = sdwanapps_configs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `configs_sdwanapps` to `sdwanapps_configs`"""

    copy_element_configurations_elementshells = elementshells_copy_element_configurations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `copy_element_configurations_elementshells` to `elementshells_copy_element_configurations`"""

    deltasync_directoryservices = directoryservices_deltasync
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `deltasync_directoryservices` to `directoryservices_deltasync`"""

    deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments`"""

    deviceidconfigs_i = element_deviceidconfigs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `deviceidconfigs_i` to `element_deviceidconfigs`"""

    extensions_i = element_extensions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `extensions_i` to `element_extensions`"""

    extensions_s = site_extensions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `extensions_s` to `site_extensions`"""

    extensions_ws = ws_extensions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `extensions_ws` to `ws_extensions`"""

    flows_monitor = monitor_flows
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `flows_monitor` to `monitor_flows`"""

    forecast_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_forecast
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `forecast_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_forecast`"""

    forgot_password_login_t = tenant_forgot_password_login
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `forgot_password_login_t` to `tenant_forgot_password_login`"""

    health_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_health
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `health_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_health`"""

    healthscore_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_healthscore
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `healthscore_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_healthscore`"""

    insights_monitor = monitor_insights
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `insights_monitor` to `monitor_insights`"""

    insightslist_monitor = monitor_insightslist
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `insightslist_monitor` to `monitor_insightslist`"""

    interfaces_elementshells = elementshells_interfaces
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `interfaces_elementshells` to `elementshells_interfaces`"""

    ipfixlocalprefixes_s = site_ipfixlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ipfixlocalprefixes_s` to `site_ipfixlocalprefixes`"""

    ipfixlocalprefixes_t = tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ipfixlocalprefixes_t` to `tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes`"""

    login_clients = clients_login
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `login_clients` to `clients_login`"""

    logout_clients = clients_logout
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `logout_clients` to `clients_logout`"""

    lqm_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_lqm_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `lqm_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_lqm_point_metrics`"""

    metrics_monitor = monitor_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `metrics_monitor` to `monitor_metrics`"""

    mroute_multicast_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `mroute_multicast_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute`"""

    natlocalprefixes_s = site_natlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `natlocalprefixes_s` to `site_natlocalprefixes`"""

    natlocalprefixes_t = natlocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `natlocalprefixes_t` to `natlocalprefixes`"""

    network_point_metrics_bw_monitor = monitor_network_point_metrics_bw
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `network_point_metrics_bw_monitor` to `monitor_network_point_metrics_bw`"""

    network_point_metrics_hs_monitor = monitor_network_point_metrics_hs
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `network_point_metrics_hs_monitor` to `monitor_network_point_metrics_hs`"""

    network_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_network_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `network_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_network_point_metrics`"""

    networkpolicylocalprefixes_s = site_networkpolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `networkpolicylocalprefixes_s` to `site_networkpolicylocalprefixes`"""

    networkpolicylocalprefixes_t = tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `networkpolicylocalprefixes_t` to `tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes`"""

    ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_s = site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_s` to `site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_t = ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_t` to `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    ntp_templates = templates_ntp
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ntp_templates` to `templates_ntp`"""

    object_stats_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_object_stats
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `object_stats_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_object_stats`"""

    object_stats_monitor = monitor_object_stats
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `object_stats_monitor` to `monitor_object_stats`"""

    operations_e = tenant_element_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `operations_e` to `tenant_element_operations`"""

    operations_h = hubclusters_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `operations_h` to `hubclusters_operations`"""

    operations_t = tenant_machine_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `operations_t` to `tenant_machine_operations`"""

    ops_bgppeers = bgppeers_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_bgppeers` to `bgppeers_operations`"""

    ops_deviceidprofiles = deviceidprofiles_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_deviceidprofiles` to `deviceidprofiles_operations`"""

    ops_events = events_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_events` to `events_operations`"""

    ops_interfaces = interfaces_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_interfaces` to `interfaces_operations`"""

    ops_spokeclusters = spokeclusters_ops
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_spokeclusters` to `spokeclusters_ops`"""

    ops_vfflicenses = vfflicenses_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_vfflicenses` to `vfflicenses_operations`"""

    ops_vpnlinks = vpnlinks_operations
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `ops_vpnlinks` to `vpnlinks_operations`"""

    overrides_appdefs = appdefs_overrides
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `overrides_appdefs` to `appdefs_overrides`"""

    perfmgmtpolicyrules_perfmgmtpolicysets = perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `perfmgmtpolicyrules_perfmgmtpolicysets` to `perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules`"""

    permissions_t = tenant_permissions
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `permissions_t` to `tenant_permissions`"""

    prioritypolicylocalprefixes_s = site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_s` to `site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    prioritypolicylocalprefixes_t = tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_t` to `tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes`"""

    probe_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_probe_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `probe_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_probe_point_metrics`"""

    probes_metrics_monitor = monitor_metrics_probes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `probes_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_metrics_probes`"""

    qos_application_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_application_qos
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `qos_application_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_application_qos`"""

    qos_metrics_application_monitor = monitor_application_qos_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `qos_metrics_application_monitor` to `monitor_application_qos_metrics`"""

    qos_metrics_monitor = monitor_qos_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `qos_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_qos_metrics`"""

    query_activeuserips = activeuserips_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_activeuserips` to `activeuserips_query`"""

    query_apnprofiles = apnprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_apnprofiles` to `apnprofiles_query`"""

    query_appdefs = appdefs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_appdefs` to `appdefs_query`"""

    query_auditlog = auditlog_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_auditlog` to `auditlog_query`"""

    query_bgppeers = bgppeers_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bgppeers` to `bgppeers_query`"""

    query_bgppeers_t = tenant_bgppeers_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bgppeers_t` to `tenant_bgppeers_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_e = element_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_e` to `element_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_networks = networks_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_networks` to `networks_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_policysets = policysets_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_policysets` to `policysets_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_bulk_config_state_s = site_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_bulk_config_state_s` to `site_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    query_cellular_modules = cellular_modules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_cellular_modules` to `cellular_modules_query`"""

    query_clients = clients_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_clients` to `clients_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_anynetlinks = anynetlinks_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_anynetlinks` to `anynetlinks_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_e = element_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_e` to `element_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_interfaces = interfaces_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_interfaces` to `interfaces_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_s = site_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_s` to `site_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_correlationevents_waninterfaces = waninterfaces_correlationevents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_correlationevents_waninterfaces` to `waninterfaces_correlationevents_query`"""

    query_current_status_software = software_current_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_current_status_software` to `software_current_status_query`"""

    query_demsiteconfigs = demsiteconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_demsiteconfigs` to `demsiteconfigs_query`"""

    query_demstatus = demstatus_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_demstatus` to `demstatus_query`"""

    query_deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query`"""

    query_deviceidconfigs = deviceidconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_deviceidconfigs` to `deviceidconfigs_query`"""

    query_directoryusergroups = directoryusergroups_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_directoryusergroups` to `directoryusergroups_query`"""

    query_directoryusers = directoryusers_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_directoryusers` to `directoryusers_query`"""

    query_dnsserviceprofiles = dnsserviceprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_dnsserviceprofiles` to `dnsserviceprofiles_query`"""

    query_dnsserviceroles = dnsserviceroles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_dnsserviceroles` to `dnsserviceroles_query`"""

    query_dnsservices = dnsservices_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_dnsservices` to `dnsservices_query`"""

    query_e = element_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_e` to `element_query`"""

    query_elementsecurityzones = elementsecurityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_elementsecurityzones` to `elementsecurityzones_query`"""

    query_elementshells = elementshells_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_elementshells` to `elementshells_query`"""

    query_eventcorrelationpolicyrules = eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_eventcorrelationpolicyrules` to `eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_eventcorrelationpolicysets = eventcorrelationpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_eventcorrelationpolicysets` to `eventcorrelationpolicysets_query`"""

    query_events = events_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_events` to `events_query`"""

    query_extensions_i = element_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_i` to `element_extensions_query`"""

    query_extensions_s = site_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_s` to `site_extensions_query`"""

    query_extensions_t = tenant_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_t` to `tenant_extensions_query`"""

    query_extensions_ws = ws_extensions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_extensions_ws` to `ws_extensions_query`"""

    query_globalprefixfilters = globalprefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_globalprefixfilters` to `globalprefixfilters_query`"""

    query_h = hubclusters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_h` to `hubclusters_query`"""

    query_interfaces = interfaces_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_interfaces` to `interfaces_query`"""

    query_ipfix = ipfix_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfix` to `ipfix_query`"""

    query_ipfixcollectorcontexts = ipfixcollectorcontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixcollectorcontexts` to `ipfixcollectorcontexts_query`"""

    query_ipfixfiltercontexts = ipfixfiltercontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixfiltercontexts` to `ipfixfiltercontexts_query`"""

    query_ipfixglobalprefixes = ipfixglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixglobalprefixes` to `ipfixglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ipfixlocalprefixes = ipfixlocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixlocalprefixes` to `ipfixlocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ipfixprofiles = ipfixprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixprofiles` to `ipfixprofiles_query`"""

    query_ipfixtemplates = ipfixtemplates_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipfixtemplates` to `ipfixtemplates_query`"""

    query_ipsecprofiles = ipsecprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ipsecprofiles` to `ipsecprofiles_query`"""

    query_lannetworks = site_lannetworks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_lannetworks` to `site_lannetworks_query`"""

    query_lannetworks_t = lannetworks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_lannetworks_t` to `lannetworks_query`"""

    query_localprefixfilters = localprefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_localprefixfilters` to `localprefixfilters_query`"""

    query_m = machines_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_m` to `machines_query`"""

    query_machine_upgrade = machine_upgrade_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_machine_upgrade` to `machine_upgrade_query`"""

    query_machines_c = clients_machines_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_machines_c` to `clients_machines_query`"""

    query_mstp_instances = mstp_instances_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_mstp_instances` to `mstp_instances_query`"""

    query_multicastdynamicrps = multicastdynamicrps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastdynamicrps` to `multicastdynamicrps_query`"""

    query_multicastigmpmemberships = multicastigmpmemberships_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastigmpmemberships` to `multicastigmpmemberships_query`"""

    query_multicastroutes = multicastroutes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastroutes` to `multicastroutes_query`"""

    query_multicastrps = multicastrps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastrps` to `multicastrps_query`"""

    query_multicastsourcesiderps = multicastsourcesiderps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastsourcesiderps` to `multicastsourcesiderps_query`"""

    query_multicaststatus = multicaststatus_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicaststatus` to `multicaststatus_query`"""

    query_multicastwanstatus = multicastwanstatus_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_multicastwanstatus` to `multicastwanstatus_query`"""

    query_natglobalprefixes = natglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natglobalprefixes` to `natglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_natlocalprefixes = natlocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natlocalprefixes` to `natlocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_natpolicypools = natpolicypools_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicypools` to `natpolicypools_query`"""

    query_natpolicyrules = natpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicyrules` to `natpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_natpolicysets = natpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicysets` to `natpolicysets_query`"""

    query_natpolicysetstacks = natpolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natpolicysetstacks` to `natpolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_natzones = natzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_natzones` to `natzones_query`"""

    query_networkcontexts = networkcontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkcontexts` to `networkcontexts_query`"""

    query_networkpolicyglobalprefixes = networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicyglobalprefixes` to `networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_networkpolicylocalprefixes = networkpolicylocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicylocalprefixes` to `networkpolicylocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_networkpolicyrules = networkpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicyrules` to `networkpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_networkpolicysets = networkpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicysets` to `networkpolicysets_query`"""

    query_networkpolicysetstacks = networkpolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_networkpolicysetstacks` to `networkpolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes = ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes` to `ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes = ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes` to `ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicyrules = ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicyrules` to `ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicysets = ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicysets` to `ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query`"""

    query_ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks = ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks` to `ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_ospfconfigs = ospfconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ospfconfigs` to `ospfconfigs_query`"""

    query_ospfdiscoveredneighbors = ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ospfdiscoveredneighbors` to `ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query`"""

    query_ospfreachableprefixes = ospfreachableprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_ospfreachableprefixes` to `ospfreachableprefixes_query`"""

    query_pathgroups = pathgroups_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_pathgroups` to `pathgroups_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtpolicyrules = perfmgmtpolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtpolicyrules` to `perfmgmtpolicyrules_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtpolicysets = perfmgmtpolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtpolicysets` to `perfmgmtpolicysets_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtpolicysetstacks = perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtpolicysetstacks` to `perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_perfmgmtthresholdprofiles = perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_perfmgmtthresholdprofiles` to `perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query`"""

    query_policyrules = policyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_policyrules` to `policyrules_query`"""

    query_policysets = policysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_policysets` to `policysets_query`"""

    query_prefixes = prefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prefixes` to `prefixes_query`"""

    query_prefixfilters = prefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prefixfilters` to `prefixfilters_query`"""

    query_prefixfilters_t = tenant_prefixfilters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prefixfilters_t` to `tenant_prefixfilters_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicyglobalprefixes = prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicyglobalprefixes` to `prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicylocalprefixes = prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicylocalprefixes` to `prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicyrules = prioritypolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicyrules` to `prioritypolicyrules_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicysets = prioritypolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicysets` to `prioritypolicysets_query`"""

    query_prioritypolicysetstacks = prioritypolicysetstacks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prioritypolicysetstacks` to `prioritypolicysetstacks_query`"""

    query_prismaaccess_configs = prismaaccess_configs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_prismaaccess_configs` to `prismaaccess_configs_query`"""

    query_probeconfigs = probeconfigs_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_probeconfigs` to `probeconfigs_query`"""

    query_probeprofiles = probeprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_probeprofiles` to `probeprofiles_query`"""

    query_reports = reports_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_reports` to `reports_query`"""

    query_reportsdir = reportsdir_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_reportsdir` to `reportsdir_query`"""

    query_routing_aspathaccesslists = routing_aspathaccesslists_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_aspathaccesslists` to `routing_aspathaccesslists_query`"""

    query_routing_ipcommunitylists = routing_ipcommunitylists_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_ipcommunitylists` to `routing_ipcommunitylists_query`"""

    query_routing_prefixlists = routing_prefixlists_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_prefixlists` to `routing_prefixlists_query`"""

    query_routing_routemaps = routing_routemaps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_routing_routemaps` to `routing_routemaps_query`"""

    query_s = site_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_s` to `site_query`"""

    query_securitypolicyrules = securitypolicyrules_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_securitypolicyrules` to `securitypolicyrules_query`"""

    query_securitypolicysets = securitypolicysets_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_securitypolicysets` to `securitypolicysets_query`"""

    query_securityzones = securityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_securityzones` to `securityzones_query`"""

    query_servicebindingmaps = servicebindingmaps_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_servicebindingmaps` to `servicebindingmaps_query`"""

    query_serviceendpoints = serviceendpoints_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_serviceendpoints` to `serviceendpoints_query`"""

    query_servicelabels = servicelabels_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_servicelabels` to `servicelabels_query`"""

    query_sitesecurityzones = site_sitesecurityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_sitesecurityzones` to `site_sitesecurityzones_query`"""

    query_sitesecurityzones_t = sitesecurityzones_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_sitesecurityzones_t` to `sitesecurityzones_query`"""

    query_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query`"""

    query_snmpdiscoverystartnodes = snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_snmpdiscoverystartnodes` to `snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query`"""

    query_softwarehistory = softwarehistory_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_softwarehistory` to `softwarehistory_query`"""

    query_spokeclusters = site_spokeclusters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_spokeclusters` to `site_spokeclusters_query`"""

    query_spokeclusters_t = spokeclusters_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_spokeclusters_t` to `spokeclusters_query`"""

    query_state_software = software_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_state_software` to `software_state_query`"""

    query_status = status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status` to `status_query`"""

    query_status_cellular_module_firmware = cellular_module_firmware_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status_cellular_module_firmware` to `cellular_module_firmware_status_query`"""

    query_status_prismasase_connections = prismasase_connections_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status_prismasase_connections` to `prismasase_connections_status_query`"""

    query_status_software = software_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_status_software` to `software_status_query`"""

    query_tokens_vfflicenses = vff_token_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_tokens_vfflicenses` to `vff_token_query`"""

    query_toolkitsessions = toolkitsessions_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_toolkitsessions` to `toolkitsessions_query`"""

    query_upgrade_status = upgrade_status_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_upgrade_status` to `upgrade_status_query`"""

    query_useridagents = useridagents_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_useridagents` to `useridagents_query`"""

    query_vpnlinks = vpnlinks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_vpnlinks` to `vpnlinks_query`"""

    query_vrfcontextprofiles = vrfcontextprofiles_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_vrfcontextprofiles` to `vrfcontextprofiles_query`"""

    query_vrfcontexts = vrfcontexts_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_vrfcontexts` to `vrfcontexts_query`"""

    query_waninterfacelabels = waninterfacelabels_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_waninterfacelabels` to `waninterfacelabels_query`"""

    query_waninterfaces = waninterfaces_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_waninterfaces` to `waninterfaces_query`"""

    query_waninterfaces_t = tenant_waninterfaces_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_waninterfaces_t` to `tenant_waninterfaces_query`"""

    query_wannetworks = wannetworks_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `query_wannetworks` to `wannetworks_query`"""

    reallocate_clients = clients_reallocate
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `reallocate_clients` to `clients_reallocate`"""

    rquery_e = elements_rquery
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `rquery_e` to `elements_rquery`"""

    rquery_vfflicenses = vfflicenses_rquery
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `rquery_vfflicenses` to `vfflicenses_rquery`"""

    rquery_vfflicensesstatus = vfflicensesstatus_rquery
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `rquery_vfflicensesstatus` to `vfflicensesstatus_rquery`"""

    sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations = bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations` to `bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates`"""

    snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs = deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs` to `deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes`"""

    summary_events = events_summary
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `summary_events` to `events_summary`"""

    sync_directoryservices = directoryservices_sync
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sync_directoryservices` to `directoryservices_sync`"""

    sys_metrics_monitor = monitor_sys_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sys_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_sys_metrics`"""

    sys_point_metrics_monitor = monitor_sys_point_metrics
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sys_point_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_sys_point_metrics`"""

    tokens_vfflicenses = vfflicense_tokens
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `tokens_vfflicenses` to `vfflicense_tokens`"""

    topn_aaa_metrics_monitor = monitor_aaa_metrics_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_aaa_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_aaa_metrics_topn`"""

    topn_aiops_monitor = monitor_aiops_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_aiops_monitor` to `monitor_aiops_topn`"""

    topn_cellular_metrics_monitor = monitor_cellular_metrics_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_cellular_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_cellular_metrics_topn`"""

    topn_monitor = monitor_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_monitor` to `monitor_topn`"""

    topn_sys_metrics_monitor = monitor_sys_metrics_topn
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `topn_sys_metrics_monitor` to `monitor_sys_metrics_topn`"""

    users_application_monitor = monitor_application_users
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `users_application_monitor` to `monitor_application_users`"""

    wan_neighbor_multicast_aggregates_monitor = monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `wan_neighbor_multicast_aggregates_monitor` to `monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor`"""

    elements_bulk_config_state_query = element_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `elements_bulk_config_state_query` to `element_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    elements_query = element_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `elements_query` to `element_query`"""

    sites_bulk_config_state_query = site_bulk_config_state_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sites_bulk_config_state_query` to `site_bulk_config_state_query`"""

    sites_query = site_query
    """ Backwards-compatibility alias of `sites_query` to `site_query`"""

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • Post
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var aaa_client_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of aaa_client_metrics_monitor to monitor_aaa_client_metrics

var aaa_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of aaa_metrics_monitor to monitor_aaa_metrics

var access_elementusers

Backwards-compatibility alias of access_elementusers to elementusers_access

var agg_bw_stats_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of agg_bw_stats_monitor to monitor_agg_bw_stats

var aggregates_aiops_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of aggregates_aiops_monitor to monitor_aiops_aggregates

var aggregates_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of aggregates_monitor to monitor_aggregates

var anomaly_aiops_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of anomaly_aiops_monitor to monitor_aiops_anomaly

Backwards-compatibility alias of anynetlinks_t to tenant_anynetlinks

var bulk_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of bulk_metrics_monitor to monitor_bulk_metrics

var bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs

Backwards-compatibility alias of bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs to deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes

var cellular_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of cellular_metrics_monitor to monitor_cellular_metrics

var change_password

Backwards-compatibility alias of change_password to password_change

var configs_prismasase_connections

Backwards-compatibility alias of configs_prismasase_connections to prismasase_connections_configs

var configs_sdwanapps

Backwards-compatibility alias of configs_sdwanapps to sdwanapps_configs

var copy_element_configurations_elementshells

Backwards-compatibility alias of copy_element_configurations_elementshells to elementshells_copy_element_configurations

var deltasync_directoryservices

Backwards-compatibility alias of deltasync_directoryservices to directoryservices_deltasync

var deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations

Backwards-compatibility alias of deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations to bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments

var deviceidconfigs_i

Backwards-compatibility alias of deviceidconfigs_i to element_deviceidconfigs

var elements_bulk_config_state_query

Backwards-compatibility alias of elements_bulk_config_state_query to element_bulk_config_state_query

var elements_query

Backwards-compatibility alias of elements_query to element_query

var extensions_i

Backwards-compatibility alias of extensions_i to element_extensions

var extensions_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of extensions_s to site_extensions

var extensions_ws

Backwards-compatibility alias of extensions_ws to ws_extensions

var flows_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of flows_monitor to monitor_flows

var forecast_aiops_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of forecast_aiops_monitor to monitor_aiops_forecast

var forgot_password_login_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of forgot_password_login_t to tenant_forgot_password_login

var health_aiops_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of health_aiops_monitor to monitor_aiops_health

var healthscore_aggregates_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of healthscore_aggregates_monitor to monitor_aggregates_healthscore

var insights_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of insights_monitor to monitor_insights

var insightslist_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of insightslist_monitor to monitor_insightslist

var interfaces_elementshells

Backwards-compatibility alias of interfaces_elementshells to elementshells_interfaces

var ipfixlocalprefixes_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of ipfixlocalprefixes_s to site_ipfixlocalprefixes

var ipfixlocalprefixes_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of ipfixlocalprefixes_t to tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes

var login_clients

Backwards-compatibility alias of login_clients to clients_login

var logout_clients

Backwards-compatibility alias of logout_clients to clients_logout

var lqm_point_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of lqm_point_metrics_monitor to monitor_lqm_point_metrics

var metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of metrics_monitor to monitor_metrics

var mroute_multicast_aggregates_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of mroute_multicast_aggregates_monitor to monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute

var natlocalprefixes_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of natlocalprefixes_s to site_natlocalprefixes

var natlocalprefixes_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of natlocalprefixes_t to natlocalprefixes

var network_point_metrics_bw_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of network_point_metrics_bw_monitor to monitor_network_point_metrics_bw

var network_point_metrics_hs_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of network_point_metrics_hs_monitor to monitor_network_point_metrics_hs

var network_point_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of network_point_metrics_monitor to monitor_network_point_metrics

var networkpolicylocalprefixes_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of networkpolicylocalprefixes_s to site_networkpolicylocalprefixes

var networkpolicylocalprefixes_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of networkpolicylocalprefixes_t to tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes

var ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_s to site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes

var ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_t to ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes

var ntp_templates

Backwards-compatibility alias of ntp_templates to templates_ntp

var object_stats_aiops_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of object_stats_aiops_monitor to monitor_aiops_object_stats

var object_stats_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of object_stats_monitor to monitor_object_stats

var operations_e

Backwards-compatibility alias of operations_e to tenant_element_operations

var operations_h

Backwards-compatibility alias of operations_h to hubclusters_operations

var operations_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of operations_t to tenant_machine_operations

var ops_bgppeers

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_bgppeers to bgppeers_operations

var ops_deviceidprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_deviceidprofiles to deviceidprofiles_operations

var ops_events

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_events to events_operations

var ops_interfaces

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_interfaces to interfaces_operations

var ops_spokeclusters

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_spokeclusters to spokeclusters_ops

var ops_vfflicenses

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_vfflicenses to vfflicenses_operations

Backwards-compatibility alias of ops_vpnlinks to vpnlinks_operations

var overrides_appdefs

Backwards-compatibility alias of overrides_appdefs to appdefs_overrides

var perfmgmtpolicyrules_perfmgmtpolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of perfmgmtpolicyrules_perfmgmtpolicysets to perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules

var permissions_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of permissions_t to tenant_permissions

var prioritypolicylocalprefixes_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of prioritypolicylocalprefixes_s to site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes

var prioritypolicylocalprefixes_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of prioritypolicylocalprefixes_t to tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes

var probe_point_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of probe_point_metrics_monitor to monitor_probe_point_metrics

var probes_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of probes_metrics_monitor to monitor_metrics_probes

var qos_application_aggregates_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of qos_application_aggregates_monitor to monitor_aggregates_application_qos

var qos_metrics_application_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of qos_metrics_application_monitor to monitor_application_qos_metrics

var qos_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of qos_metrics_monitor to monitor_qos_metrics

var query_activeuserips

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_activeuserips to activeuserips_query

var query_apnprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_apnprofiles to apnprofiles_query

var query_appdefs

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_appdefs to appdefs_query

var query_auditlog

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_auditlog to auditlog_query

var query_bgppeers

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_bgppeers to bgppeers_query

var query_bgppeers_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_bgppeers_t to tenant_bgppeers_query

var query_bulk_config_state_e

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_bulk_config_state_e to element_bulk_config_state_query

var query_bulk_config_state_networks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_bulk_config_state_networks to networks_bulk_config_state_query

var query_bulk_config_state_policysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_bulk_config_state_policysets to policysets_bulk_config_state_query

var query_bulk_config_state_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_bulk_config_state_s to site_bulk_config_state_query

var query_cellular_modules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_cellular_modules to cellular_modules_query

var query_clients

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_clients to clients_query

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_correlationevents_anynetlinks to anynetlinks_correlationevents_query

var query_correlationevents_e

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_correlationevents_e to element_correlationevents_query

var query_correlationevents_interfaces

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_correlationevents_interfaces to interfaces_correlationevents_query

var query_correlationevents_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_correlationevents_s to site_correlationevents_query

var query_correlationevents_waninterfaces

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_correlationevents_waninterfaces to waninterfaces_correlationevents_query

var query_current_status_software

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_current_status_software to software_current_status_query

var query_demsiteconfigs

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_demsiteconfigs to demsiteconfigs_query

var query_demstatus

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_demstatus to demstatus_query

var query_deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_deployments_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations to bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query

var query_deviceidconfigs

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_deviceidconfigs to deviceidconfigs_query

var query_directoryusergroups

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_directoryusergroups to directoryusergroups_query

var query_directoryusers

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_directoryusers to directoryusers_query

var query_dnsserviceprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_dnsserviceprofiles to dnsserviceprofiles_query

var query_dnsserviceroles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_dnsserviceroles to dnsserviceroles_query

var query_dnsservices

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_dnsservices to dnsservices_query

var query_e

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_e to element_query

var query_elementsecurityzones

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_elementsecurityzones to elementsecurityzones_query

var query_elementshells

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_elementshells to elementshells_query

var query_eventcorrelationpolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_eventcorrelationpolicyrules to eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query

var query_eventcorrelationpolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_eventcorrelationpolicysets to eventcorrelationpolicysets_query

var query_events

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_events to events_query

var query_extensions_i

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_extensions_i to element_extensions_query

var query_extensions_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_extensions_s to site_extensions_query

var query_extensions_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_extensions_t to tenant_extensions_query

var query_extensions_ws

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_extensions_ws to ws_extensions_query

var query_globalprefixfilters

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_globalprefixfilters to globalprefixfilters_query

var query_h

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_h to hubclusters_query

var query_interfaces

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_interfaces to interfaces_query

var query_ipfix

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfix to ipfix_query

var query_ipfixcollectorcontexts

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfixcollectorcontexts to ipfixcollectorcontexts_query

var query_ipfixfiltercontexts

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfixfiltercontexts to ipfixfiltercontexts_query

var query_ipfixglobalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfixglobalprefixes to ipfixglobalprefixes_query

var query_ipfixlocalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfixlocalprefixes to ipfixlocalprefixes_query

var query_ipfixprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfixprofiles to ipfixprofiles_query

var query_ipfixtemplates

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipfixtemplates to ipfixtemplates_query

var query_ipsecprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ipsecprofiles to ipsecprofiles_query

var query_lannetworks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_lannetworks to site_lannetworks_query

var query_lannetworks_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_lannetworks_t to lannetworks_query

var query_localprefixfilters

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_localprefixfilters to localprefixfilters_query

var query_m

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_m to machines_query

var query_machine_upgrade

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_machine_upgrade to machine_upgrade_query

var query_machines_c

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_machines_c to clients_machines_query

var query_mstp_instances

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_mstp_instances to mstp_instances_query

var query_multicastdynamicrps

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicastdynamicrps to multicastdynamicrps_query

var query_multicastigmpmemberships

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicastigmpmemberships to multicastigmpmemberships_query

var query_multicastroutes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicastroutes to multicastroutes_query

var query_multicastrps

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicastrps to multicastrps_query

var query_multicastsourcesiderps

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicastsourcesiderps to multicastsourcesiderps_query

var query_multicaststatus

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicaststatus to multicaststatus_query

var query_multicastwanstatus

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_multicastwanstatus to multicastwanstatus_query

var query_natglobalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natglobalprefixes to natglobalprefixes_query

var query_natlocalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natlocalprefixes to natlocalprefixes_query

var query_natpolicypools

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natpolicypools to natpolicypools_query

var query_natpolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natpolicyrules to natpolicyrules_query

var query_natpolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natpolicysets to natpolicysets_query

var query_natpolicysetstacks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natpolicysetstacks to natpolicysetstacks_query

var query_natzones

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_natzones to natzones_query

var query_networkcontexts

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_networkcontexts to networkcontexts_query

var query_networkpolicyglobalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_networkpolicyglobalprefixes to networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query

var query_networkpolicylocalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_networkpolicylocalprefixes to networkpolicylocalprefixes_query

var query_networkpolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_networkpolicyrules to networkpolicyrules_query

var query_networkpolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_networkpolicysets to networkpolicysets_query

var query_networkpolicysetstacks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_networkpolicysetstacks to networkpolicysetstacks_query

var query_ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes to ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query

var query_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes to ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query

var query_ngfwsecuritypolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ngfwsecuritypolicyrules to ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query

var query_ngfwsecuritypolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ngfwsecuritypolicysets to ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query

var query_ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks to ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query

var query_ospfconfigs

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ospfconfigs to ospfconfigs_query

var query_ospfdiscoveredneighbors

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ospfdiscoveredneighbors to ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query

var query_ospfreachableprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_ospfreachableprefixes to ospfreachableprefixes_query

var query_pathgroups

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_pathgroups to pathgroups_query

var query_perfmgmtpolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_perfmgmtpolicyrules to perfmgmtpolicyrules_query

var query_perfmgmtpolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_perfmgmtpolicysets to perfmgmtpolicysets_query

var query_perfmgmtpolicysetstacks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_perfmgmtpolicysetstacks to perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query

var query_perfmgmtthresholdprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_perfmgmtthresholdprofiles to perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query

var query_policyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_policyrules to policyrules_query

var query_policysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_policysets to policysets_query

var query_prefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prefixes to prefixes_query

var query_prefixfilters

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prefixfilters to prefixfilters_query

var query_prefixfilters_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prefixfilters_t to tenant_prefixfilters_query

var query_prioritypolicyglobalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prioritypolicyglobalprefixes to prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query

var query_prioritypolicylocalprefixes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prioritypolicylocalprefixes to prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query

var query_prioritypolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prioritypolicyrules to prioritypolicyrules_query

var query_prioritypolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prioritypolicysets to prioritypolicysets_query

var query_prioritypolicysetstacks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prioritypolicysetstacks to prioritypolicysetstacks_query

var query_prismaaccess_configs

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_prismaaccess_configs to prismaaccess_configs_query

var query_probeconfigs

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_probeconfigs to probeconfigs_query

var query_probeprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_probeprofiles to probeprofiles_query

var query_reports

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_reports to reports_query

var query_reportsdir

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_reportsdir to reportsdir_query

var query_routing_aspathaccesslists

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_routing_aspathaccesslists to routing_aspathaccesslists_query

var query_routing_ipcommunitylists

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_routing_ipcommunitylists to routing_ipcommunitylists_query

var query_routing_prefixlists

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_routing_prefixlists to routing_prefixlists_query

var query_routing_routemaps

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_routing_routemaps to routing_routemaps_query

var query_s

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_s to site_query

var query_securitypolicyrules

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_securitypolicyrules to securitypolicyrules_query

var query_securitypolicysets

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_securitypolicysets to securitypolicysets_query

var query_securityzones

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_securityzones to securityzones_query

var query_servicebindingmaps

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_servicebindingmaps to servicebindingmaps_query

var query_serviceendpoints

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_serviceendpoints to serviceendpoints_query

var query_servicelabels

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_servicelabels to servicelabels_query

var query_sitesecurityzones

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_sitesecurityzones to site_sitesecurityzones_query

var query_sitesecurityzones_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_sitesecurityzones_t to sitesecurityzones_query

var query_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations to bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query

var query_snmpdiscoverystartnodes

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_snmpdiscoverystartnodes to snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query

var query_softwarehistory

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_softwarehistory to softwarehistory_query

var query_spokeclusters

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_spokeclusters to site_spokeclusters_query

var query_spokeclusters_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_spokeclusters_t to spokeclusters_query

var query_state_software

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_state_software to software_state_query

var query_status

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_status to status_query

var query_status_cellular_module_firmware

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_status_cellular_module_firmware to cellular_module_firmware_status_query

var query_status_prismasase_connections

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_status_prismasase_connections to prismasase_connections_status_query

var query_status_software

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_status_software to software_status_query

var query_tokens_vfflicenses

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_tokens_vfflicenses to vff_token_query

var query_toolkitsessions

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_toolkitsessions to toolkitsessions_query

var query_upgrade_status

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_upgrade_status to upgrade_status_query

var query_useridagents

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_useridagents to useridagents_query

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_vpnlinks to vpnlinks_query

var query_vrfcontextprofiles

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_vrfcontextprofiles to vrfcontextprofiles_query

var query_vrfcontexts

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_vrfcontexts to vrfcontexts_query

var query_waninterfacelabels

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_waninterfacelabels to waninterfacelabels_query

var query_waninterfaces

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_waninterfaces to waninterfaces_query

var query_waninterfaces_t

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_waninterfaces_t to tenant_waninterfaces_query

var query_wannetworks

Backwards-compatibility alias of query_wannetworks to wannetworks_query

var reallocate_clients

Backwards-compatibility alias of reallocate_clients to clients_reallocate

var rquery_e

Backwards-compatibility alias of rquery_e to elements_rquery

var rquery_vfflicenses

Backwards-compatibility alias of rquery_vfflicenses to vfflicenses_rquery

var rquery_vfflicensesstatus

Backwards-compatibility alias of rquery_vfflicensesstatus to vfflicensesstatus_rquery

var sites_bulk_config_state_query

Backwards-compatibility alias of sites_bulk_config_state_query to site_bulk_config_state_query

var sites_query

Backwards-compatibility alias of sites_query to site_query

var sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations

Backwards-compatibility alias of sitetemplates_bulkconfigurations to bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates

var snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs

Backwards-compatibility alias of snmpdiscoverystartnodes_deviceidconfigs to deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes

var summary_events

Backwards-compatibility alias of summary_events to events_summary

var sync_directoryservices

Backwards-compatibility alias of sync_directoryservices to directoryservices_sync

var sys_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of sys_metrics_monitor to monitor_sys_metrics

var sys_point_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of sys_point_metrics_monitor to monitor_sys_point_metrics

var tokens_vfflicenses

Backwards-compatibility alias of tokens_vfflicenses to vfflicense_tokens

var topn_aaa_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of topn_aaa_metrics_monitor to monitor_aaa_metrics_topn

var topn_aiops_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of topn_aiops_monitor to monitor_aiops_topn

var topn_cellular_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of topn_cellular_metrics_monitor to monitor_cellular_metrics_topn

var topn_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of topn_monitor to monitor_topn

var topn_sys_metrics_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of topn_sys_metrics_monitor to monitor_sys_metrics_topn

var users_application_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of users_application_monitor to monitor_application_users

var wan_neighbor_multicast_aggregates_monitor

Backwards-compatibility alias of wan_neighbor_multicast_aggregates_monitor to monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor

Static methods

def activeuserips_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Activeuserips_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def activeuserips_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Activeuserips_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/activeuserips/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def allocate_to_shell(

self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Allocate_To_Shell API Function


  • machine_id: Machine ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def allocate_to_shell(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Allocate_To_Shell API Function
      - **machine_id**: Machine ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/allocate_to_shell".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

POST Anynetlinks_Correlationevents_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def apnprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an APN Profile (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • apn: Type: string
  • authentication: Type: string
  • clear_password: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • password: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • user_name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def apnprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an APN Profile (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **apn:**  Type: string 
       - **authentication:**  Type: string 
       - **clear_password:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **password:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **user_name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/apnprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def apnprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of apn profiles that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def apnprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of apn profiles that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/apnprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def appdefs(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.6')

Create an application definition (v2.6)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.6)

Payload Attributes:

  • abbreviation: Type: string
  • aggregate_flows: Type: boolean
  • app_type: Type: string
  • app_unreachability_detection: Type: boolean
  • category: Type: string
  • conn_idle_timeout: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • display_name: Type: string
  • domains: [Type: string]
  • ingress_traffic_pct: Type: integer
  • ip_rules: [Type: object]
  • is_deprecated: Type: boolean
  • network_scan_application: Type: boolean
  • order_number: Type: integer
  • overrides_allowed: Type: boolean
  • p_category: Type: string
  • p_parent_id: Type: string
  • p_sub_category: Type: string
  • parent_id: Type: string
  • path_affinity: Type: string
  • session_timeout: Type: integer
  • supported_engines: Type: string
  • system_app_overridden: Type: boolean
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tcp_rules: [Type: string]
  • transfer_type: Type: string
  • udp_rules: [Type: object]
  • use_parentapp_network_policy: Type: boolean

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def appdefs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
    Create an application definition (v2.6)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **abbreviation:**  Type: string 
       - **aggregate_flows:**  Type: boolean 
       - **app_type:**  Type: string 
       - **app_unreachability_detection:**  Type: boolean 
       - **category:**  Type: string 
       - **conn_idle_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **display_name:**  Type: string 
       - **domains:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ingress_traffic_pct:**  Type: integer 
       - **ip_rules:**  [Type: object] 
       - **is_deprecated:**  Type: boolean 
       - **network_scan_application:**  Type: boolean 
       - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **overrides_allowed:**  Type: boolean 
       - **p_category:**  Type: string 
       - **p_parent_id:**  Type: string 
       - **p_sub_category:**  Type: string 
       - **parent_id:**  Type: string 
       - **path_affinity:**  Type: string 
       - **session_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **supported_engines:**  Type: string 
       - **system_app_overridden:**  Type: boolean 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tcp_rules:**  [Type: string] 
       - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
       - **udp_rules:**  [Type: object] 
       - **use_parentapp_network_policy:**  Type: boolean 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def appdefs_overrides(

self, appdef_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.3')

Create a application definition overrides for system appdef (v2.3)


  • appdef_id: Application Definition ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate_flows: Type: boolean
  • app_unreachability_detection: Type: boolean
  • category: Type: string
  • conn_idle_timeout: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • domains: [Type: string]
  • ingress_traffic_pct: Type: integer
  • ip_rules:
    • dest_filters: [Type: string]
    • dest_prefixes: [Type: string]
    • dscp:
      • value: Type: integer
    • protocol: Type: string
    • src_filters: [Type: string]
  • override_default_ip_rules: Type: boolean
  • override_default_tcp_rules: Type: boolean
  • override_default_udp_rules: Type: boolean
  • override_domains: Type: boolean
  • overrides_disable: Type: boolean
  • p_category: Type: string
  • path_affinity: Type: string
  • session_timeout: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tcp_rules:
    • client_filters: [Type: string]
    • client_port:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • dscp:
      • value: Type: integer
    • server_filters: [Type: string]
    • server_port:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • server_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • transfer_type: Type: string
  • udp_rules:
    • dest_prefixes: [Type: string]
    • dscp:
      • value: Type: integer
    • udp_filters: [Type: string]
    • udp_port:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
  • use_parentapp_network_policy: Type: boolean

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def appdefs_overrides(self, appdef_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
    Create a application definition overrides for system appdef (v2.3)
      - **appdef_id**: Application Definition ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate_flows:**  Type: boolean 
       - **app_unreachability_detection:**  Type: boolean 
       - **category:**  Type: string 
       - **conn_idle_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **domains:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ingress_traffic_pct:**  Type: integer 
       - **ip_rules:**           
           - **dest_filters:**  [Type: string] 
           - **dest_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **dscp:**           
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
           - **src_filters:**  [Type: string] 
       - **override_default_ip_rules:**  Type: boolean 
       - **override_default_tcp_rules:**  Type: boolean 
       - **override_default_udp_rules:**  Type: boolean 
       - **override_domains:**  Type: boolean 
       - **overrides_disable:**  Type: boolean 
       - **p_category:**  Type: string 
       - **path_affinity:**  Type: string 
       - **session_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tcp_rules:**           
           - **client_filters:**  [Type: string] 
           - **client_port:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **dscp:**           
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **server_filters:**  [Type: string] 
           - **server_port:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **server_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
       - **udp_rules:**           
           - **dest_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **dscp:**           
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **udp_filters:**  [Type: string] 
           - **udp_port:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
       - **use_parentapp_network_policy:**  Type: boolean 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs/{}/overrides".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def appdefs_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.6')

Queries db for limit number of app defs that match query params. (v2.6)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.6)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def appdefs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
    Queries db for limit number of app defs that match query params. (v2.6)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/appdefs/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def auditlog_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Auditlog_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def auditlog_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Auditlog_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/auditlog/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def authtokens(

self, operator_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create an auth token (v2.1)


  • operator_id: Operator ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • custom_roles:
    • custom_permissions:
      • allowed_after_ms: Type: integer
      • allowed_before_ms: Type: integer
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • disallow_permission: Type: boolean
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
      • value: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disallow_permissions:
      • value: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • name: Type: string
    • permissions:
      • value: Type: string
    • roles:
      • name: Type: string
  • expires_utc_ms: Type: integer
  • is_system_owned: Type: boolean
  • roles:
    • name: Type: string
  • session_key_c: Type: string
  • x_auth_token: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def authtokens(self, operator_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create an auth token (v2.1)
      - **operator_id**: Operator ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **custom_roles:**           
           - **custom_permissions:**           
               - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disallow_permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **expires_utc_ms:**  Type: integer 
       - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
       - **roles:**           
           - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **session_key_c:**  Type: string 
       - **x_auth_token:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/operators/{}/authtokens".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bgppeers(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Create BGP peer config (v2.5)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • advertise_default_route: Type: boolean
  • allow_v4_prefixes: Type: boolean
  • allow_v6_prefixes: Type: boolean
  • bgp_config:
    • adv_interval: Type: integer
    • hold_time: Type: integer
    • keepalive_time: Type: integer
    • local_as_num: Type: string
    • md5_secret: Type: string
    • multi_hop_limit: Type: integer
    • peer_auth_type: Type: string
    • peer_retry_time: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • peer_ip: Type: string
  • peer_ip_v6: Type: string
  • peer_type: Type: string
  • remote_as_num: Type: string
  • route_map_in_id: Type: string
  • route_map_out_id: Type: string
  • router_id: Type: string
  • scope: Type: string
  • shutdown: Type: boolean
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • update_source: Type: string
  • update_source_v6: Type: string
  • vrf_context_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bgppeers(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Create BGP peer config (v2.5)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **advertise_default_route:**  Type: boolean 
       - **allow_v4_prefixes:**  Type: boolean 
       - **allow_v6_prefixes:**  Type: boolean 
       - **bgp_config:**           
           - **adv_interval:**  Type: integer 
           - **hold_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **keepalive_time:**  Type: integer 
           - **local_as_num:**  Type: string 
           - **md5_secret:**  Type: string 
           - **multi_hop_limit:**  Type: integer 
           - **peer_auth_type:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_retry_time:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_ip:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_ip_v6:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_type:**  Type: string 
       - **remote_as_num:**  Type: string 
       - **route_map_in_id:**  Type: string 
       - **route_map_out_id:**  Type: string 
       - **router_id:**  Type: string 
       - **scope:**  Type: string 
       - **shutdown:**  Type: boolean 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **update_source:**  Type: string 
       - **update_source_v6:**  Type: string 
       - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bgppeers_operations(

self, site_id, element_id, bgppeer_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Reset BGP peer config (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • bgppeer_id: BGP Peer ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bgppeers_operations(self, site_id, element_id, bgppeer_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Reset BGP peer config (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **bgppeer_id**: BGP Peer ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bgppeers_query(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Queries db for limit number of BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bgppeers_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Queries db for limit number of BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/bgppeers/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments(

self, sitetemplate_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments API Function


  • sitetemplate_id: Site Template ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments(self, sitetemplate_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments API Function
      - **sitetemplate_id**: Site Template ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/{}/deployments".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_deployments_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Deployments_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/deployments/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bulkconfigurations_sitetemplates_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Bulkconfigurations_Sitetemplates_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bulkconfigurations/sitetemplates/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def bulkoperations(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Bulkoperations API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def bulkoperations(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Bulkoperations API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/bulkoperations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def cellular_module_firmware_status_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query the cellular module firmware upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def cellular_module_firmware_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query the cellular module firmware upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/cellular_module_firmware/status/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def cellular_modules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of cellular modules that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def cellular_modules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of cellular modules that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/cellular_modules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def certificate_operations(

self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Start CIC renewal process for an element device (v2.0)


  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string
  • parameters: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def certificate_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Start CIC renewal process for an element device (v2.0)
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
       - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/certificate_operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def clients_login(

self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Login api for esp client (v2.0)


  • client_id: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • email: Type: string
  • logout_others: Type: boolean
  • password: Type: string
  • requestId: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def clients_login(self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Login api for esp client (v2.0)
      - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **email:**  Type: string 
       - **logout_others:**  Type: boolean 
       - **password:**  Type: string 
       - **requestId:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/login".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

def clients_logout(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Logout api for esp client. Reverts back to esp session (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • custom_roles:
    • custom_permissions:
      • allowed_after_ms: Type: integer
      • allowed_before_ms: Type: integer
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • disallow_permission: Type: boolean
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
      • value: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disallow_permissions:
      • value: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • name: Type: string
    • permissions:
      • value: Type: string
    • roles:
      • name: Type: string
  • disallowed_permissions: Type: object
  • operator_id: Type: string
  • permissions: Type: object
  • redirect_region: Type: string
  • redirect_urlpath: Type: string
  • redirect_x_auth_token: Type: string
  • resource_role_map: [Type: object]
  • resource_uri_map: Type: object
  • resource_version_map: Type: object
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • version_exceptions_map: [Type: object]
  • x_auth_token: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def clients_logout(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Logout api for esp client. Reverts back to esp session (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **custom_roles:**           
           - **custom_permissions:**           
               - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disallow_permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **disallowed_permissions:**  Type: object 
       - **operator_id:**  Type: string 
       - **permissions:**  Type: object 
       - **redirect_region:**  Type: string 
       - **redirect_urlpath:**  Type: string 
       - **redirect_x_auth_token:**  Type: string 
       - **resource_role_map:**  [Type: object] 
       - **resource_uri_map:**  Type: object 
       - **resource_version_map:**  Type: object 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **version_exceptions_map:**  [Type: object] 
       - **x_auth_token:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/logout".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def clients_machines_query(

self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Query and get all machines allocated by ESP to a client tenant (v2.5)


  • client_id: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def clients_machines_query(self, client_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Query and get all machines allocated by ESP to a client tenant (v2.5)
      - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/machines/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def clients_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Get esp tenant clients details for tenant id (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • address:
    • city: Type: string
    • country: Type: string
    • post_code: Type: string
    • state: Type: string
    • street: Type: string
    • street2: Type: string
  • canonical_name: Type: string
  • clients: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: string
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: string
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • ipv4_list:
    • ipv4: Type: string
  • is_esp: Type: boolean
  • is_support: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • operator:
    • addresses:
      • city: Type: string
      • country: Type: string
      • post_code: Type: string
      • state: Type: string
      • street: Type: string
      • street2: Type: string
    • custom_roles:
      • custom_permissions:
        • allowed_after_ms: Type: integer
        • allowed_before_ms: Type: integer
        • disabled: Type: boolean
        • disabled_reason: Type: string
        • disallow_permission: Type: boolean
        • id: Type: string
        • inactive: Type: boolean
        • inactive_reason: Type: string
        • region: Type: string
        • tenant_id: Type: string
        • value: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disallow_permissions:
        • value: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • name: Type: string
      • permissions:
        • value: Type: string
      • roles:
        • name: Type: string
    • disable_idp_login: Type: boolean
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • email: Type: string
    • email_iam: Type: string
    • email_validated: Type: boolean
    • enable_session_ip_lock: Type: boolean
    • first_name: Type: string
    • from_esp: Type: boolean
    • from_esp_name: Type: string
    • from_esp_tenant_id: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • ipv4_list:
      • ipv4: Type: string
    • is_locked: Type: boolean
    • is_system_owned: Type: boolean
    • last_login: Type: string
    • last_name: Type: string
    • linked_accounts:
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • failed_login_attempts: Type: integer
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • provider_key: Type: string
      • provider_value: Type: string
      • provider_value_updated_on: Type: integer
      • region: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
    • migration_state:
    • name: Type: string
    • phone_numbers:
      • country_code: Type: integer
      • local_extension: Type: integer
      • number: Type: integer
      • types:
        • value: Type: string
    • region: Type: string
    • roles:
      • name: Type: string
    • secondary_emails:
      • email: Type: string
    • settings: Type: string
    • tenant_id: Type: string
  • password_policy:
    • enable_failed_login_attempts: Type: boolean
    • enable_failed_login_time_delay: Type: boolean
    • enable_maximum_password_length: Type: boolean
    • enable_minimum_password_length: Type: boolean
    • enable_password_aging: Type: boolean
    • enable_password_identity_difference: Type: boolean
    • enable_password_no_reuse_count: Type: boolean
    • enable_session_ip_lock: Type: boolean
    • enable_two_lower_case_letters: Type: boolean
    • enable_two_numbers: Type: boolean
    • enable_two_special_characters: Type: boolean
    • enable_two_upper_case_letters: Type: boolean
    • failed_login_attempts: Type: integer
    • maximum_password_length: Type: integer
    • minimum_password_length: Type: integer
    • password_aging_days: Type: integer
    • password_aging_notification: Type: integer
    • password_no_reuse_count: Type: integer
    • special_characters: Type: string
    • special_characters_regex: Type: string
  • phone_numbers:
    • country_code: Type: integer
    • local_extension: Type: integer
    • number: Type: integer
    • types:
      • value: Type: string
  • provider_data:
    • certificate:
      • certificate: Type: string
      • certificate_expiry_utc: Type: integer
      • certificate_type: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • issued_by:
        • common_name: Type: string
        • country: Type: string
        • location: Type: string
        • organization: Type: string
        • organization_unit: Type: string
        • state: Type: string
      • issued_to:
        • common_name: Type: string
        • country: Type: string
        • location: Type: string
        • organization: Type: string
        • organization_unit: Type: string
        • state: Type: string
      • parent_id:
      • region: Type: string
      • serial_number: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
      • version: Type: string
    • password_hash: Type: string
    • provider:
      • canonical_name: Type: string
      • description: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • map_external_group: Type: object
      • name: Type: string
      • protocol:
      • region: Type: string
      • template: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
    • salt: Type: string
    • security: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def clients_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Get esp tenant clients details for tenant id (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **address:**           
           - **city:**  Type: string 
           - **country:**  Type: string 
           - **post_code:**  Type: string 
           - **state:**  Type: string 
           - **street:**  Type: string 
           - **street2:**  Type: string 
       - **canonical_name:**  Type: string 
       - **clients:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_list:**           
           - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
       - **is_esp:**  Type: boolean 
       - **is_support:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **operator:**           
           - **addresses:**           
               - **city:**  Type: string 
               - **country:**  Type: string 
               - **post_code:**  Type: string 
               - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **street:**  Type: string 
               - **street2:**  Type: string 
           - **custom_roles:**           
               - **custom_permissions:**           
                   - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
                   - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **id:**  Type: string 
                   - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
                   - **region:**  Type: string 
                   - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disallow_permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **permissions:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
               - **roles:**           
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **disable_idp_login:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **email:**  Type: string 
           - **email_iam:**  Type: string 
           - **email_validated:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
           - **first_name:**  Type: string 
           - **from_esp:**  Type: boolean 
           - **from_esp_name:**  Type: string 
           - **from_esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_list:**           
               - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
           - **is_locked:**  Type: boolean 
           - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
           - **last_login:**  Type: string 
           - **last_name:**  Type: string 
           - **linked_accounts:**           
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **failed_login_attempts:**  Type: integer 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **provider_key:**  Type: string 
               - **provider_value:**  Type: string 
               - **provider_value_updated_on:**  Type: integer 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **migration_state:**           
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **phone_numbers:**           
               - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
               - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
               - **number:**  Type: integer 
               - **types:**           
                   - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **secondary_emails:**           
               - **email:**  Type: string 
           - **settings:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **password_policy:**           
           - **enable_failed_login_attempts:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_failed_login_time_delay:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_maximum_password_length:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_minimum_password_length:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_password_aging:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_password_identity_difference:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_password_no_reuse_count:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_two_lower_case_letters:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_two_numbers:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_two_special_characters:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enable_two_upper_case_letters:**  Type: boolean 
           - **failed_login_attempts:**  Type: integer 
           - **maximum_password_length:**  Type: integer 
           - **minimum_password_length:**  Type: integer 
           - **password_aging_days:**  Type: integer 
           - **password_aging_notification:**  Type: integer 
           - **password_no_reuse_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **special_characters:**  Type: string 
           - **special_characters_regex:**  Type: string 
       - **phone_numbers:**           
           - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
           - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
           - **number:**  Type: integer 
           - **types:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
       - **provider_data:**           
           - **certificate:**           
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **certificate_expiry_utc:**  Type: integer 
               - **certificate_type:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **issued_by:**           
                   - **common_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **country:**  Type: string 
                   - **location:**  Type: string 
                   - **organization:**  Type: string 
                   - **organization_unit:**  Type: string 
                   - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **issued_to:**           
                   - **common_name:**  Type: string 
                   - **country:**  Type: string 
                   - **location:**  Type: string 
                   - **organization:**  Type: string 
                   - **organization_unit:**  Type: string 
                   - **state:**  Type: string 
               - **parent_id:** 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **serial_number:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **version:**  Type: string 
           - **password_hash:**  Type: string 
           - **provider:**           
               - **canonical_name:**  Type: string 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **map_external_group:**  Type: object 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **protocol:**           
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **template:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **salt:**  Type: string 
           - **security:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def clients_reallocate(

self, client_id, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Reallocate a specific machine from one client tenant to another, both client tenants are clients of the same ESP. (v2.5)


  • client_id: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
  • machine_id: Machine ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • connected: Type: boolean
  • console_conf_passphrase: Type: string
  • em_element_id: Type: string
  • esp_tenant_id: Type: string
  • hw_id: Type: string
  • image_version: Type: string
  • inventory_op: - machine_state: - manufacture_id: Type: string
  • model_name: Type: string
  • ordering_info: Type: string
  • owner_tenant_id: Type: string
  • pki_op:
    • ca_list: [Type: string]
    • operation: Type: string
  • renew_state: - sales_order_number: Type: string
  • ship_state: - sl_no: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • token: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def clients_reallocate(self, client_id, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Reallocate a specific machine from one client tenant to another, both client tenants are clients of the same ESP. (v2.5)
      - **client_id**: ESP/MSP Client ID (typically their tenant_id)
      - **machine_id**: Machine ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **connected:**  Type: boolean 
       - **console_conf_passphrase:**  Type: string 
       - **em_element_id:**  Type: string 
       - **esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **hw_id:**  Type: string 
       - **image_version:**  Type: string 
       - **inventory_op:**           - **machine_state:**           - **manufacture_id:**  Type: string 
       - **model_name:**  Type: string 
       - **ordering_info:**  Type: string 
       - **owner_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **pki_op:**           
           - **ca_list:**  [Type: string] 
           - **operation:**  Type: string 
       - **renew_state:**           - **sales_order_number:**  Type: string 
       - **ship_state:**           - **sl_no:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **token:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/clients/{}/machines/{}/reallocate".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def demsiteconfigs(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Demsiteconfigs API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def demsiteconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Demsiteconfigs API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/demsiteconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def demsiteconfigs_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Demsiteconfigs_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def demsiteconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Demsiteconfigs_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/demsiteconfigs/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def demstatus_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query ADEM status (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • dem_enabled: Type: boolean
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def demstatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query ADEM status (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **dem_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/demstatus/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def deviceidconfigs(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Deviceidconfigs API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def deviceidconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Deviceidconfigs API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(

self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Deviceidconfigs_Bulkdelete_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • deviceidconfig_id: Device Id Config ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def deviceidconfigs_bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Deviceidconfigs_Bulkdelete_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **deviceidconfig_id**: Device Id Config ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs/{}/bulkdelete_snmpdiscoverystartnodes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def deviceidconfigs_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Deviceidconfigs_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def deviceidconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Deviceidconfigs_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidconfigs/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(

self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Deviceidconfigs_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • deviceidconfig_id: Device Id Config ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def deviceidconfigs_snmpdiscoverystartnodes(self, site_id, deviceidconfig_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Deviceidconfigs_Snmpdiscoverystartnodes API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **deviceidconfig_id**: Device Id Config ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/deviceidconfigs/{}/snmpdiscoverystartnodes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def deviceidprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Deviceidprofiles API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def deviceidprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Deviceidprofiles API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def deviceidprofiles_operations(

self, deviceidprofile_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Deviceidprofiles_Operations API Function


  • deviceidprofile_id: Device Id Profile ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def deviceidprofiles_operations(self, deviceidprofile_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Deviceidprofiles_Operations API Function
      - **deviceidprofile_id**: Device Id Profile ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/deviceidprofiles/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dhcpservers(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.3')

Create a new dhcp server configuration for a subnet (v2.3)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • address_family: Type: string
  • broadcast_address: Type: string
  • custom_options:
    • option_definition: Type: string
    • option_value: Type: string
    • vendor_class_identifier: Type: string
  • default_lease_time: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • dns_servers: [Type: string]
  • domain_name: Type: string
  • gateway: Type: string
  • ip_ranges:
    • end_ip: Type: string
    • start_ip: Type: string
  • max_lease_time: Type: integer
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • static_mappings:
    • client_duid: Type: string
    • ip_address: Type: string
    • mac: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
  • subnet: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • vrf_context_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dhcpservers(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
    Create a new dhcp server configuration for a subnet (v2.3)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **address_family:**  Type: string 
       - **broadcast_address:**  Type: string 
       - **custom_options:**           
           - **option_definition:**  Type: string 
           - **option_value:**  Type: string 
           - **vendor_class_identifier:**  Type: string 
       - **default_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **dns_servers:**  [Type: string] 
       - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
       - **gateway:**  Type: string 
       - **ip_ranges:**           
           - **end_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **start_ip:**  Type: string 
       - **max_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **static_mappings:**           
           - **client_duid:**  Type: string 
           - **ip_address:**  Type: string 
           - **mac:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **subnet:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/dhcpservers".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def directoryservices(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Directoryservices API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def directoryservices(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Directoryservices API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def directoryservices_deltasync(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Directoryservices_Deltasync API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def directoryservices_deltasync(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Directoryservices_Deltasync API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices/deltasync".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def directoryservices_sync(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Directoryservices_Sync API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def directoryservices_sync(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Directoryservices_Sync API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryservices/sync".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def directoryusergroups_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Directoryusergroups_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def directoryusergroups_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Directoryusergroups_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryusergroups/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def directoryusers_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Directoryusers_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def directoryusers_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Directoryusers_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/directoryusers/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dnsserviceprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new DNS service profile (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • authoritative_config:
    • caa_records:
      • flags: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • tag: Type: string
      • value: Type: string
    • cname_records:
      • name: [Type: string]
      • target: Type: string
      • ttl: Type: integer
    • dns_resource_records:
      • hex_data: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • rr_number: Type: integer
    • host_records:
      • domain_names: [Type: string]
      • ipv4_address: Type: string
      • ipv6_address: Type: string
      • ttl: Type: integer
    • mx_host_records:
      • hostname: Type: string
      • mx_name: Type: string
      • preference: Type: integer
    • naptr_records:
      • flags: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • order: Type: integer
      • preference: Type: integer
      • regexp: Type: string
      • replacement: Type: string
      • service: Type: string
    • peers: [Type: string]
    • ptr_records:
      • name: Type: string
      • target: Type: string
    • secondary_servers: [Type: string]
    • servers:
      • dnsservicerole_id: Type: string
      • domain_name: Type: string
    • soa:
      • expiry: Type: integer
      • host_master: Type: string
      • refresh: Type: integer
      • retry: Type: integer
      • serial_number: Type: integer
    • srv_hosts:
      • domain_name: Type: string
      • port: Type: integer
      • priority: Type: integer
      • protocol: Type: string
      • service: Type: string
      • target: Type: integer
      • weight: Type: integer
    • synth_domains:
      • domain: Type: string
      • end_ipaddress: Type: string
      • ipaddress_prefix: Type: string
      • prefix: Type: string
      • start_ipaddress: Type: string
    • ttl: Type: integer
    • txt_records:
      • domain_name: Type: string
      • texts: [Type: string]
    • zones:
      • domain_name: Type: string
      • exclude_prefix: [Type: string]
      • include_prefix: [Type: string]
  • cache_config:
    • cache_size: Type: integer
    • disable_negative_caching: Type: boolean
    • max_cache_ttl: Type: integer
    • min_cache_ttl: Type: integer
    • negative_cache_ttl: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • dns_forward_config:
    • dns_servers:
      • address_family: Type: string
      • dnsserver_ip: Type: string
      • dnsserver_port: Type: integer
      • domain_names: [Type: string]
      • forward_dnsservicerole_id: Type: string
      • ip_prefix: Type: string
      • source_port: Type: integer
    • max_source_port: Type: integer
    • min_source_port: Type: integer
    • send_to_all_dns_servers: Type: boolean
  • dns_queries_metadata:
    • add_client_mac:
      • mac_encoding_format: Type: string
    • add_customer_premises_equipment:
      • identifier_text: Type: string
      • type: Type: string
    • add_subnets:
      • ipv4_address: Type: string
      • ipv4_prefix_length: Type: integer
      • ipv6_address: Type: string
      • ipv6_prefix_length: Type: integer
  • dns_rebind_config:
    • enable_localhost_rebind: Type: boolean
    • rebind_domains: [Type: string]
    • stop_dns_rebind_privateip: Type: boolean
  • dns_response_overrides:
    • aliases:
      • mask: Type: integer
      • original_end_ip: Type: string
      • original_ip: Type: string
      • original_start_ip: Type: string
      • replace_ip: Type: string
    • bogus_nx_domains: [Type: string]
    • disable_private_ip_lookups: Type: boolean
    • ignore_ip_addresses: [Type: string]
    • local_ttl: Type: integer
    • max_ttl: Type: integer
  • dnssec_config:
    • disable_dnssec_timecheck: Type: boolean
    • dns_check_unsigned: Type: boolean
    • enabled: Type: boolean
    • trust_anchors:
      • class: Type: string
      • domain: Type: string
      • key_digest:
        • algorithm: Type: integer
        • digest: Type: string
        • digest_type: Type: integer
        • key_tag: Type: integer
  • domains_to_addresses:
    • domain_names: [Type: string]
    • ipv4_address: Type: string
    • ipv6_address: Type: string
  • edns_packet_max: Type: integer
  • enable_dns_loop_detection: Type: boolean
  • enable_dnssec_proxy: Type: boolean
  • enable_strict_domain_name: Type: boolean
  • listen_dnsservicerole_id: Type: string
  • listen_port: Type: integer
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dnsserviceprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new DNS service profile (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **authoritative_config:**           
           - **caa_records:**           
               - **flags:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tag:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **cname_records:**           
               - **name:**  [Type: string] 
               - **target:**  Type: string 
               - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **dns_resource_records:**           
               - **hex_data:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **rr_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **host_records:**           
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **mx_host_records:**           
               - **hostname:**  Type: string 
               - **mx_name:**  Type: string 
               - **preference:**  Type: integer 
           - **naptr_records:**           
               - **flags:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **order:**  Type: integer 
               - **preference:**  Type: integer 
               - **regexp:**  Type: string 
               - **replacement:**  Type: string 
               - **service:**  Type: string 
           - **peers:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ptr_records:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **target:**  Type: string 
           - **secondary_servers:**  [Type: string] 
           - **servers:**           
               - **dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
               - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
           - **soa:**           
               - **expiry:**  Type: integer 
               - **host_master:**  Type: string 
               - **refresh:**  Type: integer 
               - **retry:**  Type: integer 
               - **serial_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **srv_hosts:**           
               - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **priority:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocol:**  Type: string 
               - **service:**  Type: string 
               - **target:**  Type: integer 
               - **weight:**  Type: integer 
           - **synth_domains:**           
               - **domain:**  Type: string 
               - **end_ipaddress:**  Type: string 
               - **ipaddress_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **start_ipaddress:**  Type: string 
           - **ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **txt_records:**           
               - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
               - **texts:**  [Type: string] 
           - **zones:**           
               - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
               - **exclude_prefix:**  [Type: string] 
               - **include_prefix:**  [Type: string] 
       - **cache_config:**           
           - **cache_size:**  Type: integer 
           - **disable_negative_caching:**  Type: boolean 
           - **max_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **min_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **negative_cache_ttl:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **dns_forward_config:**           
           - **dns_servers:**           
               - **address_family:**  Type: string 
               - **dnsserver_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **dnsserver_port:**  Type: integer 
               - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
               - **forward_dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_prefix:**  Type: string 
               - **source_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **max_source_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **min_source_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **send_to_all_dns_servers:**  Type: boolean 
       - **dns_queries_metadata:**           
           - **add_client_mac:**           
               - **mac_encoding_format:**  Type: string 
           - **add_customer_premises_equipment:**           
               - **identifier_text:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **add_subnets:**           
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
       - **dns_rebind_config:**           
           - **enable_localhost_rebind:**  Type: boolean 
           - **rebind_domains:**  [Type: string] 
           - **stop_dns_rebind_privateip:**  Type: boolean 
       - **dns_response_overrides:**           
           - **aliases:**           
               - **mask:**  Type: integer 
               - **original_end_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **original_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **original_start_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **replace_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **bogus_nx_domains:**  [Type: string] 
           - **disable_private_ip_lookups:**  Type: boolean 
           - **ignore_ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **local_ttl:**  Type: integer 
           - **max_ttl:**  Type: integer 
       - **dnssec_config:**           
           - **disable_dnssec_timecheck:**  Type: boolean 
           - **dns_check_unsigned:**  Type: boolean 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **trust_anchors:**           
               - **class:**  Type: string 
               - **domain:**  Type: string 
               - **key_digest:**           
                   - **algorithm:**  Type: integer 
                   - **digest:**  Type: string 
                   - **digest_type:**  Type: integer 
                   - **key_tag:**  Type: integer 
       - **domains_to_addresses:**           
           - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
       - **edns_packet_max:**  Type: integer 
       - **enable_dns_loop_detection:**  Type: boolean 
       - **enable_dnssec_proxy:**  Type: boolean 
       - **enable_strict_domain_name:**  Type: boolean 
       - **listen_dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
       - **listen_port:**  Type: integer 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dnsserviceprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query DNS service profile based on parameters (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dnsserviceprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query DNS service profile based on parameters (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dnsserviceroles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new DNS service role (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dnsserviceroles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new DNS service role (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceroles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dnsserviceroles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query DNS service role based on parameters (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dnsserviceroles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query DNS service role based on parameters (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsserviceroles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dnsservices(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new DNS service config (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • cache_config:
    • cache_size: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • dns_queries_metadata:
    • add_customer_premises_equipment:
      • identifier_text: Type: string
      • type: Type: string
    • add_subnets:
      • ipv4_address: Type: string
      • ipv4_prefix_length: Type: integer
      • ipv6_address: Type: string
      • ipv6_prefix_length: Type: integer
  • dnsservice_profile_id: Type: string
  • dnsservicerole_bindings:
    • dnsservicerole_id: Type: string
    • interfaces:
      • interface_id: Type: string
      • interface_ip: Type: string
  • domains_to_addresses:
    • domain_names: [Type: string]
    • ipv4_address: Type: string
    • ipv6_address: Type: string
  • domains_to_interfaces:
    • domain_names: [Type: string]
    • interface_id: Type: string
  • element_id: Type: string
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • max_concurrent_dns_queries: Type: integer
  • name: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • upperCaseName: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dnsservices(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new DNS service config (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **cache_config:**           
           - **cache_size:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **dns_queries_metadata:**           
           - **add_customer_premises_equipment:**           
               - **identifier_text:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **add_subnets:**           
               - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
               - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv6_prefix_length:**  Type: integer 
       - **dnsservice_profile_id:**  Type: string 
       - **dnsservicerole_bindings:**           
           - **dnsservicerole_id:**  Type: string 
           - **interfaces:**           
               - **interface_id:**  Type: string 
               - **interface_ip:**  Type: string 
       - **domains_to_addresses:**           
           - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv6_address:**  Type: string 
       - **domains_to_interfaces:**           
           - **domain_names:**  [Type: string] 
           - **interface_id:**  Type: string 
       - **element_id:**  Type: string 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **max_concurrent_dns_queries:**  Type: integer 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **upperCaseName:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/dnsservices".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def dnsservices_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query DNS service config based on parameters (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def dnsservices_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query DNS service config based on parameters (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/dnsservices/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def element_bulk_config_state_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Get element config/state info for queried elements from NB (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def element_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Get element config/state info for queried elements from NB (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def element_correlationevents_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Element_Correlationevents_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def element_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Element_Correlationevents_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def element_deviceidconfigs(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Element_Deviceidconfigs API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def element_deviceidconfigs(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Element_Deviceidconfigs API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/deviceidconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def element_extensions(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create element level extension configuration (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • conf: Type: object
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • entity_id: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • namespace: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def element_extensions(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create element level extension configuration (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **conf:**  Type: object 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **entity_id:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **namespace:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/extensions".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def element_extensions_query(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query element level extensions that match query params (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def element_extensions_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query element level extensions that match query params (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def element_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.1')

Queries db for limit number of elements that match query params. (v3.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def element_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of elements that match query params. (v3.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementaccessconfigs(

self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.2')

POST Elementaccessconfigs API Function


  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.2)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementaccessconfigs(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
    POST Elementaccessconfigs API Function
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/elementaccessconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elements_rquery(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.0')

POST Elements_Rquery API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elements_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
    POST Elements_Rquery API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/rquery".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementsecurityzones(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an association between element and security zone. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • interface_ids: [Type: string]
  • lannetwork_ids: [Type: string]
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • waninterface_ids: [Type: string]
  • wanoverlay_ids: [Type: string]
  • zone_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementsecurityzones(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an association between element and security zone. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **interface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **lannetwork_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **waninterface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **wanoverlay_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **zone_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/securityzones".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementsecurityzones_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query element security zones. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementsecurityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query element security zones. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementsecurityzones/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementshells(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Elementshells API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementshells(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Elementshells API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementshells_copy_element_configurations(

self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Elementshells_Copy_Element_Configurations API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • elementshell_id: Element Shell ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementshells_copy_element_configurations(self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Elementshells_Copy_Element_Configurations API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **elementshell_id**: Element Shell ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells/{}/copy_element_configurations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementshells_interfaces(

self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Elementshells_Interfaces API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • elementshell_id: Element Shell ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementshells_interfaces(self, site_id, elementshell_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Elementshells_Interfaces API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **elementshell_id**: Element Shell ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elementshells/{}/interfaces".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementshells_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Elementshells_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementshells_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Elementshells_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementshells/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementusers(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create Element User (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • is_tenant_level: Type: boolean
  • login_id: Type: string
  • password: Type: string
  • role: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • username: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementusers(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create Element User (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **is_tenant_level:**  Type: boolean 
       - **login_id:**  Type: string 
       - **password:**  Type: string 
       - **role:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **username:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementusers".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def elementusers_access(

self, elementuser_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Grant Specific role to Element user on specific element (v2.1)


  • elementuser_id: Element User ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • element_id: Type: string
  • role: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • user_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def elementusers_access(self, elementuser_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Grant Specific role to Element user on specific element (v2.1)
      - **elementuser_id**: Element User ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **element_id:**  Type: string 
       - **role:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **user_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elementusers/{}/access".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def entitlements(

self, operator_id, session_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Entitlements API Function


  • operator_id: Operator ID
  • session_id: User Session ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def entitlements(self, operator_id, session_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Entitlements API Function
      - **operator_id**: Operator ID
      - **session_id**: User Session ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/operators/{}/sessions/{}/actionservice/appportal/api/v1/entitlements".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def eventcorrelationpolicyrules(

self, eventcorrelationpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create event correlation policyrule configuration (v2.1)


  • eventcorrelationpolicyset_id: Event Correlation Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • dampening_duration: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • end_time: Type: integer
  • escalation_rules:
    • flap_rule:
      • flap_duration: Type: integer
      • flap_rate: Type: integer
    • standing_rule:
      • priority: Type: string
      • standing_for: Type: integer
  • event_codes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • priority: Type: string
  • resource_ids: [Type: string]
  • resource_type: Type: string
  • start_time: Type: integer
  • sub_resource_type: Type: string
  • suppress: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def eventcorrelationpolicyrules(self, eventcorrelationpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create event correlation policyrule configuration (v2.1)
      - **eventcorrelationpolicyset_id**: Event Correlation Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **dampening_duration:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **end_time:**  Type: integer 
       - **escalation_rules:**           
           - **flap_rule:**           
               - **flap_duration:**  Type: integer 
               - **flap_rate:**  Type: integer 
           - **standing_rule:**           
               - **priority:**  Type: string 
               - **standing_for:**  Type: integer 
       - **event_codes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **priority:**  Type: string 
       - **resource_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **resource_type:**  Type: string 
       - **start_time:**  Type: integer 
       - **sub_resource_type:**  Type: string 
       - **suppress:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets/{}/eventcorrelationpolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of event correlation policyrules that match query params. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def eventcorrelationpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of event correlation policyrules that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def eventcorrelationpolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def eventcorrelationpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def eventcorrelationpolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def eventcorrelationpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of event correlation policysets that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/eventcorrelationpolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def events_operations(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Events_Operations API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def events_operations(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Events_Operations API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def events_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.6')

POST Events_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.6)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def events_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.6"):
    POST Events_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.6)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def events_summary(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Events_Summary API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def events_summary(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Events_Summary API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/events/summary".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def externalcaconfigs(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Externalcaconfigs API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def externalcaconfigs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Externalcaconfigs API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/externalcaconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def fips_mode_change_operations(

self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Change Mode of an element from FIPS to Non-FIPS or vice-versa. (v2.1)


  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string
  • parameters: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def fips_mode_change_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Change Mode of an element from FIPS to Non-FIPS or vice-versa. (v2.1)
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
       - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/fips_mode_change_operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def globalprefixfilters(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new global prefix filter. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • filters:
    • type: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def globalprefixfilters(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new global prefix filter. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **filters:**           
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/globalprefixfilters".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def globalprefixfilters_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def globalprefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/globalprefixfilters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def hubclustermembers(

self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.0')

Creates a new hub cluster member. (v3.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • hubcluster_id: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • headend1_site_ids: [Type: string]
  • headend2_site_ids: [Type: string]
  • hub_element_id: Type: string
  • load_factors:
    • alarm_threshold: Type: integer
    • allocated: Type: integer
    • subscription_factor: Type: number
    • threshold:
      • critical_alarm: Type: integer
      • major_alarm: Type: integer
      • subscription_factor: Type: number
    • type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def hubclustermembers(self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
    Creates a new hub cluster member. (v3.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **hubcluster_id**: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **headend1_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **headend2_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
       - **load_factors:**           
           - **alarm_threshold:**  Type: integer 
           - **allocated:**  Type: integer 
           - **subscription_factor:**  Type: number 
           - **threshold:**           
               - **critical_alarm:**  Type: integer 
               - **major_alarm:**  Type: integer 
               - **subscription_factor:**  Type: number 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters/{}/hubclustermembers".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def hubclusters(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.0')

Creates a new hub cluster (v4.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • default_cluster: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • elements:
    • hubClusterElementNumber: Type: string
    • hub_element_id: Type: string
    • locked: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • peer_sites: [Type: string]
  • site_count_alarm_threshold: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def hubclusters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
    Creates a new hub cluster (v4.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **default_cluster:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **elements:**           
           - **hubClusterElementNumber:**  Type: string 
           - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
           - **locked:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_sites:**  [Type: string] 
       - **site_count_alarm_threshold:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def hubclusters_operations(

self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.0')

Operations hub cluster api (v4.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • hubcluster_id: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • hub_element_id: Type: string
  • operation: Type: string
  • peer_sites: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def hubclusters_operations(self, site_id, hubcluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
    Operations hub cluster api (v4.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **hubcluster_id**: Hub (DC) Cluster ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **hub_element_id:**  Type: string 
       - **operation:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_sites:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/hubclusters/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def hubclusters_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.0')

Query hub clusters (v4.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def hubclusters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.0"):
    Query hub clusters (v4.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/hubclusters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def interfaces(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.18')

Create a Interface (v4.18)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.18)

Payload Attributes:

  • admin_up: Type: boolean
  • attached_lan_networks:
    • lan_network_id: Type: string
    • vlan_id: Type: integer
  • authentication_config:
    • fallback_retry_count: Type: integer
    • mode: Type: string
    • reauthentication_timeout: Type: integer
  • bound_interfaces: [Type: string]
  • bypass_pair:
    • lan: Type: string
    • lan_state_propagation: Type: boolean
    • use_relay: Type: boolean
    • wan: Type: string
  • cellular_config:
    • apn_config:
      • apn: Type: string
      • authentication: Type: string
      • clear_password: Type: boolean
      • password: Type: string
      • password_encrypted: Type: string
      • user_name: Type: string
    • apnprofile_id: Type: string
    • auto_apn: Type: boolean
    • parent_module_id: Type: string
    • parent_sim_slot_number: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • devicemgmt_policysetstack_id: Type: string
  • dhcp_relay:
    • enabled: Type: boolean
    • option_82:
      • circuit_id: Type: string
      • enabled: Type: boolean
      • reforwarding_policy: Type: string
      • remote_id: Type: string
    • server_ips: [Type: string]
    • source_interface: Type: string
  • directed_broadcast: Type: boolean
  • ethernet_port:
    • full_duplex: Type: boolean
    • port_id:
      • connector: Type: string
      • device: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • element_id: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • max_mtu: Type: integer
      • max_speed: Type: integer
      • name: Type: string
      • original_mac_address: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • site_id: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
    • port_name: Type: string
    • speed: Type: integer
  • interface_profile_id: Type: string
  • ipfixcollectorcontext_id: Type: string
  • ipfixfiltercontext_id: Type: string
  • ipv4_config:
    • dhcp_config:
      • client_id: Type: string
      • hostname: Type: string
    • dns_v4_config:
      • name_servers: [Type: string]
      • search: [Type: string]
    • pppoe_config:
      • chap_passwd: Type: string
      • chap_user: Type: string
      • set_route: Type: boolean
    • routes:
      • destination: Type: string
      • via: Type: string
    • static_config:
      • address: Type: string
    • type: Type: string
  • ipv6_config:
    • dhcp_config:
      • client_id: Type: string
      • hostname: Type: string
    • dns_v6_config:
      • name_servers: [Type: string]
      • search: [Type: string]
    • routes:
      • destination: Type: string
      • via: Type: string
    • static_config:
      • address: Type: string
      • enable_prefix_distribution: Type: boolean
    • type: Type: string
  • lldp_enabled: Type: boolean
  • mac_address: Type: string
  • mtu: Type: integer
  • multicast_config:
    • igmp_version: Type: string
    • multicast_enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • nat_address: Type: string
  • nat_address_v6: Type: string
  • nat_pools:
    • ipv4_ranges:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • nat_pool_id: Type: string
  • nat_port: Type: integer
  • nat_port_v6: Type: integer
  • nat_zone_id: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • parent: Type: string
  • peer_bypasspair_wan_port_type: Type: string
  • poe_enabled: Type: boolean
  • power_usage_threshold: Type: integer
  • pppoe_config:
    • host_uniq: Type: string
    • ip_address_type: Type: string
    • password: Type: string
    • reconnection_delay: Type: integer
    • service_name: Type: string
    • username: Type: string
  • scope: Type: string
  • secondary_ip_configs:
    • ipv4_address: Type: string
    • scope: Type: string
  • service_link_config:
    • gre_config:
      • csum: Type: boolean
      • keepalive_enable: Type: boolean
      • keepalive_fail_count: Type: integer
      • keepalive_interval: Type: integer
    • ipsec_config:
      • authentication:
        • certificate: Type: string
        • certificate_profile_id: Type: string
        • comment: Type: string
        • ikev1_params:
          • xauth_id: Type: string
          • xauth_secret: Type: string
          • xauth_secret_encrypted: Type: string
          • xauth_secret_hash: Type: string
          • xauth_type: Type: string
        • local_ca_certificate: Type: string
        • local_id: Type: string
        • local_id_custom: Type: string
        • local_pa_certificate_id: Type: string
        • pa_master_key_id: Type: string
        • passphrase: Type: string
        • passphrase_encrypted: Type: string
        • peer_id_check: Type: string
        • permit_peer_id_mismatch: Type: boolean
        • private_key: Type: string
        • private_key_encrypted: Type: string
        • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
        • remote_id: Type: string
        • secret: Type: string
        • secret_encrypted: Type: string
        • secret_hash: Type: string
        • strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use: Type: boolean
        • type: Type: string
        • x509Objects:
          • certHolder: Type: object
          • certificate: Type: string
          • is_local_ca_cert_set: Type: boolean
          • is_remote_ca_cert_set: Type: boolean
          • keyPair: Type: object
          • local_ca_certificate: Type: string
          • local_ca_certs_set: [Type: object]
          • passphrase: Type: string
          • private_key: Type: string
          • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
          • remote_ca_certs_set: [Type: object]
      • ipsec_profile_id: Type: string
    • last_parent: Type: string
    • parent: Type: string
    • passive_mode:
      • enable: Type: boolean
      • peer_ip_dynamic: Type: boolean
    • peer:
      • hostname: Type: string
      • ip_addresses: [Type: string]
    • service_endpoint_id: Type: string
    • type: Type: string
  • site_wan_interface_ids: [Type: string]
  • static_arp_configs:
    • ipv4_address: Type: string
    • mac_address: Type: string
  • sub_interface:
    • vlan_id: Type: integer
  • switch_port_config:
    • access_vlan_id: Type: integer
    • bpdu_guard_enabled: Type: boolean
    • forward_fast_enabled: Type: boolean
    • native_vlan_id: Type: integer
    • root_guard_enabled: Type: boolean
    • storm_control_config:
      • broadcast_threshold: Type: integer
      • multicast_threshold: Type: integer
      • unicast_threshold: Type: integer
    • stp_port_cost: Type: integer
    • stp_port_enabled: Type: boolean
    • stp_port_priority: Type: integer
    • trunk_vlans: [Type: string]
    • vlan_mode: Type: string
    • voice_vlan_id: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string
  • used_for: Type: string
  • vlan_config:
    • mstp_instance: Type: integer
    • vlan_id: Type: integer
    • voice_enabled: Type: boolean
  • vrf_context_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def interfaces(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.18"):
    Create a Interface (v4.18)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.18)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
       - **attached_lan_networks:**           
           - **lan_network_id:**  Type: string 
           - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
       - **authentication_config:**           
           - **fallback_retry_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **mode:**  Type: string 
           - **reauthentication_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **bound_interfaces:**  [Type: string] 
       - **bypass_pair:**           
           - **lan:**  Type: string 
           - **lan_state_propagation:**  Type: boolean 
           - **use_relay:**  Type: boolean 
           - **wan:**  Type: string 
       - **cellular_config:**           
           - **apn_config:**           
               - **apn:**  Type: string 
               - **authentication:**  Type: string 
               - **clear_password:**  Type: boolean 
               - **password:**  Type: string 
               - **password_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **user_name:**  Type: string 
           - **apnprofile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **auto_apn:**  Type: boolean 
           - **parent_module_id:**  Type: string 
           - **parent_sim_slot_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **devicemgmt_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
       - **dhcp_relay:**           
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **option_82:**           
               - **circuit_id:**  Type: string 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **reforwarding_policy:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
           - **server_ips:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
       - **directed_broadcast:**  Type: boolean 
       - **ethernet_port:**           
           - **full_duplex:**  Type: boolean 
           - **port_id:**           
               - **connector:**  Type: string 
               - **device:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **element_id:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **max_mtu:**  Type: integer 
               - **max_speed:**  Type: integer 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **original_mac_address:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **site_id:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **port_name:**  Type: string 
           - **speed:**  Type: integer 
       - **interface_profile_id:**  Type: string 
       - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
       - **ipfixfiltercontext_id:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_config:**           
           - **dhcp_config:**           
               - **client_id:**  Type: string 
               - **hostname:**  Type: string 
           - **dns_v4_config:**           
               - **name_servers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **search:**  [Type: string] 
           - **pppoe_config:**           
               - **chap_passwd:**  Type: string 
               - **chap_user:**  Type: string 
               - **set_route:**  Type: boolean 
           - **routes:**           
               - **destination:**  Type: string 
               - **via:**  Type: string 
           - **static_config:**           
               - **address:**  Type: string 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv6_config:**           
           - **dhcp_config:**           
               - **client_id:**  Type: string 
               - **hostname:**  Type: string 
           - **dns_v6_config:**           
               - **name_servers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **search:**  [Type: string] 
           - **routes:**           
               - **destination:**  Type: string 
               - **via:**  Type: string 
           - **static_config:**           
               - **address:**  Type: string 
               - **enable_prefix_distribution:**  Type: boolean 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **lldp_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **mac_address:**  Type: string 
       - **mtu:**  Type: integer 
       - **multicast_config:**           
           - **igmp_version:**  Type: string 
           - **multicast_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **nat_address:**  Type: string 
       - **nat_address_v6:**  Type: string 
       - **nat_pools:**           
           - **ipv4_ranges:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
       - **nat_port:**  Type: integer 
       - **nat_port_v6:**  Type: integer 
       - **nat_zone_id:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **parent:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_bypasspair_wan_port_type:**  Type: string 
       - **poe_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **power_usage_threshold:**  Type: integer 
       - **pppoe_config:**           
           - **host_uniq:**  Type: string 
           - **ip_address_type:**  Type: string 
           - **password:**  Type: string 
           - **reconnection_delay:**  Type: integer 
           - **service_name:**  Type: string 
           - **username:**  Type: string 
       - **scope:**  Type: string 
       - **secondary_ip_configs:**           
           - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
           - **scope:**  Type: string 
       - **service_link_config:**           
           - **gre_config:**           
               - **csum:**  Type: boolean 
               - **keepalive_enable:**  Type: boolean 
               - **keepalive_fail_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **keepalive_interval:**  Type: integer 
           - **ipsec_config:**           
               - **authentication:**           
                   - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **comment:**  Type: string 
                   - **ikev1_params:**           
                       - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
                       - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
                       - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                       - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                       - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
                   - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                   - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
                   - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                   - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **secret:**  Type: string 
                   - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
                   - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
                   - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
                   - **x509Objects:**           
                       - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
                       - **certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
                       - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
                       - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
                       - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
                       - **private_key:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
                       - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
               - **ipsec_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **last_parent:**  Type: string 
           - **parent:**  Type: string 
           - **passive_mode:**           
               - **enable:**  Type: boolean 
               - **peer_ip_dynamic:**  Type: boolean 
           - **peer:**           
               - **hostname:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
           - **service_endpoint_id:**  Type: string 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **site_wan_interface_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **static_arp_configs:**           
           - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
           - **mac_address:**  Type: string 
       - **sub_interface:**           
           - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
       - **switch_port_config:**           
           - **access_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **bpdu_guard_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **forward_fast_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **native_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **root_guard_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **storm_control_config:**           
               - **broadcast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
               - **multicast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
               - **unicast_threshold:**  Type: integer 
           - **stp_port_cost:**  Type: integer 
           - **stp_port_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **stp_port_priority:**  Type: integer 
           - **trunk_vlans:**  [Type: string] 
           - **vlan_mode:**  Type: string 
           - **voice_vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **used_for:**  Type: string 
       - **vlan_config:**           
           - **mstp_instance:**  Type: integer 
           - **vlan_id:**  Type: integer 
           - **voice_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/interfaces".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def interfaces_correlationevents_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Interfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def interfaces_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Interfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/interfaces/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def interfaces_operations(

self, site_id, element_id, interface_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Interfaces_Operations API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • interface_id: Interface ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def interfaces_operations(self, site_id, element_id, interface_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Interfaces_Operations API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **interface_id**: Interface ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/interfaces/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def interfaces_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.18')

Queries db for limit number of interfaces that match query params. (v4.18)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.18)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def interfaces_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.18"):
    Queries db for limit number of interfaces that match query params. (v4.18)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.18)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/interfaces/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfix(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix Config (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • collector_config:
    • host: Type: string
    • host_port: Type: integer
    • ipfixcollectorcontext_id: Type: string
    • max_message_size: Type: integer
    • protocol: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • export_cache_timeout: Type: integer
  • filters:
    • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
    • dst_ports:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • dst_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • ipfixfiltercontext_ids: [Type: string]
    • priority_traffic_types: [Type: string]
    • protocols: [Type: string]
    • rtp_transport_type: Type: string
    • src_ports:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • src_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • wan_path_direction: Type: string
  • ipfixprofile_id: Type: string
  • ipfixtemplate_id: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • sampler:
    • algorithm: Type: string
    • time_interval: Type: integer
    • time_spacing: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfix(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix Config (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **collector_config:**           
           - **host:**  Type: string 
           - **host_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
           - **max_message_size:**  Type: integer 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **export_cache_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **filters:**           
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **dst_ports:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **dst_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixfiltercontext_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **priority_traffic_types:**  [Type: string] 
           - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
           - **rtp_transport_type:**  Type: string 
           - **src_ports:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **src_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **wan_path_direction:**  Type: string 
       - **ipfixprofile_id:**  Type: string 
       - **ipfixtemplate_id:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **sampler:**           
           - **algorithm:**  Type: string 
           - **time_interval:**  Type: integer 
           - **time_spacing:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/ipfix".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfix_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of ipfix configs that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfix_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of ipfix configs that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfix/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixcollectorcontexts(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix Collector context (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixcollectorcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix Collector context (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixcollectorcontexts".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixcollectorcontexts_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of ipfix collector context that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixcollectorcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of ipfix collector context that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixcollectorcontexts/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixfiltercontexts(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix Filter context (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixfiltercontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix Filter context (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixfiltercontexts".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixfiltercontexts_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of ipfix filter context that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixfiltercontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of ipfix filter context that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixfiltercontexts/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixglobalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix Global prefix (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix Global prefix (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixglobalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixglobalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ipfixglobalprefixes_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ipfixglobalprefixes_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixlocalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of ipfix site prefix association that match query (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixlocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of ipfix site prefix association that match query (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix Profile (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • collector_config:
    • host: Type: string
    • host_port: Type: integer
    • ipfixcollectorcontext_id: Type: string
    • max_message_size: Type: integer
    • protocol: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • export_cache_timeout: Type: integer
  • filters:
    • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
    • dst_ports:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • dst_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • ipfixfiltercontext_ids: [Type: string]
    • priority_traffic_types: [Type: string]
    • protocols: [Type: string]
    • rtp_transport_type: Type: string
    • src_ports:
      • end: Type: string
      • start: Type: string
    • src_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • wan_path_direction: Type: string
  • ipfixtemplate_id: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • sampler:
    • algorithm: Type: string
    • time_interval: Type: integer
    • time_spacing: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix Profile (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **collector_config:**           
           - **host:**  Type: string 
           - **host_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **ipfixcollectorcontext_id:**  Type: string 
           - **max_message_size:**  Type: integer 
           - **protocol:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **export_cache_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **filters:**           
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **dst_ports:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **dst_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipfixfiltercontext_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **priority_traffic_types:**  [Type: string] 
           - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
           - **rtp_transport_type:**  Type: string 
           - **src_ports:**           
               - **end:**  Type: string 
               - **start:**  Type: string 
           - **src_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **wan_path_direction:**  Type: string 
       - **ipfixtemplate_id:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **sampler:**           
           - **algorithm:**  Type: string 
           - **time_interval:**  Type: integer 
           - **time_spacing:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of ipfix profiles that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of ipfix profiles that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixtemplates(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix template (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • flow_fields: [Type: string]
  • generate_biflow: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • option_export_timeout: Type: integer
  • options: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • template_export_timeout: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixtemplates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix template (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **flow_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **generate_biflow:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **option_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **options:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **template_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixtemplates".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipfixtemplates_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of ipfix templates that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • flow_fields: [Type: string]
  • generate_biflow: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • option_export_timeout: Type: integer
  • options: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • template_export_timeout: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipfixtemplates_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of ipfix templates that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **flow_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **generate_biflow:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **option_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **options:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **template_export_timeout:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixtemplates/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipsecprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new IPSEC Profile (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • authentication:
    • certificate: Type: string
    • certificate_profile_id: Type: string
    • comment: Type: string
    • ikev1_params:
      • xauth_id: Type: string
      • xauth_secret: Type: string
      • xauth_secret_encrypted: Type: string
      • xauth_secret_hash: Type: string
      • xauth_type: Type: string
    • local_ca_certificate: Type: string
    • local_id: Type: string
    • local_id_custom: Type: string
    • local_pa_certificate_id: Type: string
    • pa_master_key_id: Type: string
    • passphrase: Type: string
    • passphrase_encrypted: Type: string
    • peer_id_check: Type: string
    • permit_peer_id_mismatch: Type: boolean
    • private_key: Type: string
    • private_key_encrypted: Type: string
    • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
    • remote_id: Type: string
    • secret: Type: string
    • secret_encrypted: Type: string
    • secret_hash: Type: string
    • strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use: Type: boolean
    • type: Type: string
    • x509Objects:
      • certHolder: Type: object
      • certificate: Type: string
      • is_local_ca_cert_set: Type: boolean
      • is_remote_ca_cert_set: Type: boolean
      • keyPair: Type: object
      • local_ca_certificate: Type: string
      • local_ca_certs_set: [Type: object]
      • passphrase: Type: string
      • private_key: Type: string
      • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
      • remote_ca_certs_set: [Type: object]
  • description: Type: string
  • dpd_delay: Type: integer
  • dpd_enable: Type: boolean
  • dpd_timeout: Type: integer
  • esp_group:
    • force_encapsulation: Type: boolean
    • lifesize:
      • units: Type: string
      • value: Type: integer
    • lifetime: Type: integer
    • lifetime_units: Type: string
    • mode: Type: string
    • proposals:
      • dh_groups: Type: string
      • encryption: Type: string
      • hash: Type: string
    • responder_sase_proposals:
      • dh_group: [Type: string]
      • encryption: [Type: string]
      • hash: [Type: string]
  • ike_group:
    • aggressive: Type: boolean
    • authentication_multiple: Type: integer
    • key_exchange: Type: string
    • lifetime: Type: integer
    • lifetime_units: Type: string
    • port: Type: integer
    • proposals:
      • dh_groups: Type: string
      • encryption: Type: string
      • hash: Type: string
    • reauth: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipsecprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new IPSEC Profile (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **authentication:**           
           - **certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **comment:**  Type: string 
           - **ikev1_params:**           
               - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
           - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **local_id:**  Type: string 
           - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
           - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
           - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
           - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
           - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
           - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
           - **private_key:**  Type: string 
           - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
           - **secret:**  Type: string 
           - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
           - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **x509Objects:**           
               - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
               - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
               - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
               - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
               - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
               - **private_key:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **dpd_delay:**  Type: integer 
       - **dpd_enable:**  Type: boolean 
       - **dpd_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **esp_group:**           
           - **force_encapsulation:**  Type: boolean 
           - **lifesize:**           
               - **units:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
           - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
           - **mode:**  Type: string 
           - **proposals:**           
               - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
               - **encryption:**  Type: string 
               - **hash:**  Type: string 
           - **responder_sase_proposals:**           
               - **dh_group:**  [Type: string] 
               - **encryption:**  [Type: string] 
               - **hash:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ike_group:**           
           - **aggressive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **authentication_multiple:**  Type: integer 
           - **key_exchange:**  Type: string 
           - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
           - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
           - **port:**  Type: integer 
           - **proposals:**           
               - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
               - **encryption:**  Type: string 
               - **hash:**  Type: string 
           - **reauth:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipsecprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ipsecprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of tenant level ipsec profiles that match query params. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • authentication:
    • certificate: Type: string
    • certificate_profile_id: Type: string
    • comment: Type: string
    • ikev1_params:
      • xauth_id: Type: string
      • xauth_secret: Type: string
      • xauth_secret_encrypted: Type: string
      • xauth_secret_hash: Type: string
      • xauth_type: Type: string
    • local_ca_certificate: Type: string
    • local_id: Type: string
    • local_id_custom: Type: string
    • local_pa_certificate_id: Type: string
    • pa_master_key_id: Type: string
    • passphrase: Type: string
    • passphrase_encrypted: Type: string
    • peer_id_check: Type: string
    • permit_peer_id_mismatch: Type: boolean
    • private_key: Type: string
    • private_key_encrypted: Type: string
    • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
    • remote_id: Type: string
    • secret: Type: string
    • secret_encrypted: Type: string
    • secret_hash: Type: string
    • strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use: Type: boolean
    • type: Type: string
    • x509Objects:
      • certHolder: Type: object
      • certificate: Type: string
      • is_local_ca_cert_set: Type: boolean
      • is_remote_ca_cert_set: Type: boolean
      • keyPair: Type: object
      • local_ca_certificate: Type: string
      • local_ca_certs_set: [Type: object]
      • passphrase: Type: string
      • private_key: Type: string
      • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
      • remote_ca_certs_set: [Type: object]
  • description: Type: string
  • dpd_delay: Type: integer
  • dpd_enable: Type: boolean
  • dpd_timeout: Type: integer
  • esp_group:
    • force_encapsulation: Type: boolean
    • lifesize:
      • units: Type: string
      • value: Type: integer
    • lifetime: Type: integer
    • lifetime_units: Type: string
    • mode: Type: string
    • proposals:
      • dh_groups: Type: string
      • encryption: Type: string
      • hash: Type: string
    • responder_sase_proposals:
      • dh_group: [Type: string]
      • encryption: [Type: string]
      • hash: [Type: string]
  • ike_group:
    • aggressive: Type: boolean
    • authentication_multiple: Type: integer
    • key_exchange: Type: string
    • lifetime: Type: integer
    • lifetime_units: Type: string
    • port: Type: integer
    • proposals:
      • dh_groups: Type: string
      • encryption: Type: string
      • hash: Type: string
    • reauth: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ipsecprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of tenant level ipsec profiles that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **authentication:**           
           - **certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **certificate_profile_id:**  Type: string 
           - **comment:**  Type: string 
           - **ikev1_params:**           
               - **xauth_id:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_secret:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_secret_hash:**  Type: string 
               - **xauth_type:**  Type: string 
           - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **local_id:**  Type: string 
           - **local_id_custom:**  Type: string 
           - **local_pa_certificate_id:**  Type: string 
           - **pa_master_key_id:**  Type: string 
           - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
           - **passphrase_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **peer_id_check:**  Type: string 
           - **permit_peer_id_mismatch:**  Type: boolean 
           - **private_key:**  Type: string 
           - **private_key_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
           - **secret:**  Type: string 
           - **secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
           - **secret_hash:**  Type: string 
           - **strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use:**  Type: boolean 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **x509Objects:**           
               - **certHolder:**  Type: object 
               - **certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **is_local_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
               - **is_remote_ca_cert_set:**  Type: boolean 
               - **keyPair:**  Type: object 
               - **local_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **local_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
               - **passphrase:**  Type: string 
               - **private_key:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
               - **remote_ca_certs_set:**  [Type: object] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **dpd_delay:**  Type: integer 
       - **dpd_enable:**  Type: boolean 
       - **dpd_timeout:**  Type: integer 
       - **esp_group:**           
           - **force_encapsulation:**  Type: boolean 
           - **lifesize:**           
               - **units:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: integer 
           - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
           - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
           - **mode:**  Type: string 
           - **proposals:**           
               - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
               - **encryption:**  Type: string 
               - **hash:**  Type: string 
           - **responder_sase_proposals:**           
               - **dh_group:**  [Type: string] 
               - **encryption:**  [Type: string] 
               - **hash:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ike_group:**           
           - **aggressive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **authentication_multiple:**  Type: integer 
           - **key_exchange:**  Type: string 
           - **lifetime:**  Type: integer 
           - **lifetime_units:**  Type: string 
           - **port:**  Type: integer 
           - **proposals:**           
               - **dh_groups:**  Type: string 
               - **encryption:**  Type: string 
               - **hash:**  Type: string 
           - **reauth:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipsecprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def lannetworks(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.3')

Create a new LAN (v3.3)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_config:
    • default_routers: [Type: string]
    • dhcp_relay:
      • enabled: Type: boolean
      • option_82:
        • circuit_id: Type: string
        • enabled: Type: boolean
        • reforwarding_policy: Type: string
        • remote_id: Type: string
      • server_ips: [Type: string]
      • source_interface: Type: string
    • dhcp_server:
      • broadcast_address: Type: string
      • custom_options:
        • option_definition: Type: string
        • option_value: Type: string
      • default_lease_time: Type: integer
      • description: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • dns_servers: [Type: string]
      • domain_name: Type: string
      • gateway: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • ip_ranges:
        • end_ip: Type: string
        • start_ip: Type: string
      • max_lease_time: Type: integer
      • network_context_id: Type: string
      • static_mappings:
        • ip_address: Type: string
        • mac: Type: string
        • name: Type: string
      • subnet: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
    • prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_config:
    • default_routers: [Type: string]
    • prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • scope: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • vrf_context_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def lannetworks(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
    Create a new LAN (v3.3)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_config:**           
           - **default_routers:**  [Type: string] 
           - **dhcp_relay:**           
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **option_82:**           
                   - **circuit_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
                   - **reforwarding_policy:**  Type: string 
                   - **remote_id:**  Type: string 
               - **server_ips:**  [Type: string] 
               - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
           - **dhcp_server:**           
               - **broadcast_address:**  Type: string 
               - **custom_options:**           
                   - **option_definition:**  Type: string 
                   - **option_value:**  Type: string 
               - **default_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **dns_servers:**  [Type: string] 
               - **domain_name:**  Type: string 
               - **gateway:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_ranges:**           
                   - **end_ip:**  Type: string 
                   - **start_ip:**  Type: string 
               - **max_lease_time:**  Type: integer 
               - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
               - **static_mappings:**           
                   - **ip_address:**  Type: string 
                   - **mac:**  Type: string 
                   - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **subnet:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_config:**           
           - **default_routers:**  [Type: string] 
           - **prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **scope:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/lannetworks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def lannetworks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.3')

Query db for Site LAN networks that match query parameters (v3.3)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def lannetworks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
    Query db for Site LAN networks that match query parameters (v3.3)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/lannetworks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def localprefixfilters(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new local prefix filter. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def localprefixfilters(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new local prefix filter. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/localprefixfilters".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def localprefixfilters_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def localprefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query DB for the list of params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/localprefixfilters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def login(

self, data, api_version='v2.0')

Login api


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def login(self, data, api_version="v2.0"):
    Login api
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/login".format(api_version)
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

def machine_upgrade_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Machine Upgrade Config (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def machine_upgrade_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Machine Upgrade Config (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machine_upgrade/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def machines_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Query and get machines of a tenant (v2.5)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def machines_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Query and get machines of a tenant (v2.5)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aaa_client_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aaa_Client_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aaa_client_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aaa_Client_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_client_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aaa_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aaa_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aaa_metrics_topn(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics_Topn API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aaa_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aaa_Metrics_Topn API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aaa_metrics/topn".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_agg_bw_stats(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Agg_Bw_Stats API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_agg_bw_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Agg_Bw_Stats API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/agg_bw_stats".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aggregates(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.0')

POST Monitor_Aggregates API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aggregates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aggregates API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aggregates_application_qos(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aggregates_Application_Qos API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aggregates_application_qos(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aggregates_Application_Qos API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/application/qos".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aggregates_healthscore(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Monitor_Aggregates_Healthscore API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aggregates_healthscore(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Monitor_Aggregates_Healthscore API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/healthscore".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Mroute API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aggregates_multicast_mroute(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Mroute API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/multicast/mroute".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Wan_Neighbor API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aggregates_multicast_wan_neighbor(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aggregates_Multicast_Wan_Neighbor API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aggregates/multicast/wan_neighbor".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aiops_aggregates(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Monitor_Aiops_Aggregates API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aiops_aggregates(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Monitor_Aiops_Aggregates API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/aggregates".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aiops_anomaly(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aiops_Anomaly API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aiops_anomaly(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aiops_Anomaly API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/anomaly".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aiops_forecast(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Monitor_Aiops_Forecast API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aiops_forecast(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Monitor_Aiops_Forecast API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/forecast".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aiops_health(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aiops_Health API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aiops_health(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aiops_Health API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/health".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aiops_object_stats(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Monitor_Aiops_Object_Stats API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aiops_object_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Monitor_Aiops_Object_Stats API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/object_stats".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_aiops_topn(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Aiops_Topn API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_aiops_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Aiops_Topn API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/aiops/topn".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_application_qos_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Application_Qos_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_application_qos_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Application_Qos_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/application/qos_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_application_users(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Application_Users API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_application_users(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Application_Users API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/application/users".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_bulk_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Bulk_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_bulk_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Bulk_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/bulk_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_cellular_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_cellular_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/cellular_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_cellular_metrics_topn(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics_Topn API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_cellular_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Cellular_Metrics_Topn API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/cellular_metrics/topn".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_flows(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.9')

POST Monitor_Flows API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.9)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_flows(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.9"):
    POST Monitor_Flows API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.9)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/flows".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_insights(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Insights API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_insights(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Insights API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/insights".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_insightslist(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Insightslist API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_insightslist(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Insightslist API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/insightslist".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_lqm_point_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Lqm_Point_Metrics_Monitor API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_lqm_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Lqm_Point_Metrics_Monitor API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/lqm_point_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

POST Monitor_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    POST Monitor_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_metrics_probes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Metrics_Probes API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_metrics_probes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Metrics_Probes API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/metrics/probes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_network_point_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_network_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_network_point_metrics_bw(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Bw API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_network_point_metrics_bw(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Bw API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics_bw".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_network_point_metrics_hs(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Hs API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_network_point_metrics_hs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Network_Point_Metrics_Hs API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/network_point_metrics_hs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_object_stats(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.6')

POST Monitor_Object_Stats API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.6)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_object_stats(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.6"):
    POST Monitor_Object_Stats API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.6)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/object_stats".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_probe_point_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Probe_Point_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_probe_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Probe_Point_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/probe_point_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_qos_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Qos_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_qos_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Qos_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/qos_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_sys_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.3')

POST Monitor_Sys_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.3)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_sys_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
    POST Monitor_Sys_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_sys_metrics_topn(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Topn_Sys_Metrics_Monitor API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_sys_metrics_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Topn_Sys_Metrics_Monitor API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_metrics/topn".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_sys_point_metrics(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Monitor_Sys_Point_Metrics API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_sys_point_metrics(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Monitor_Sys_Point_Metrics API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/sys_point_metrics".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def monitor_topn(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.1')

POST Monitor_Topn API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def monitor_topn(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
    POST Monitor_Topn API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.cdl_url
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/monitor/topn".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def mstp_instances(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a MSTP Instance (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • instance_number: Type: integer
  • instance_priority: Type: integer
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def mstp_instances(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a MSTP Instance (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **instance_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **instance_priority:**  Type: integer 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/mstp_instances".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def mstp_instances_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of MSTP Instances that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def mstp_instances_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of MSTP Instances that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/mstp_instances/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastdynamicrps_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Multicast Dynamic RPs (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastdynamicrps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Multicast Dynamic RPs (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastdynamicrps/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastigmpmemberships_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Multicast IGMP group membership information (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastigmpmemberships_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Multicast IGMP group membership information (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastigmpmemberships/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastpeergroups(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create multicast peer group (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • is_source_site_receiver: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • peer_sites:
    • peer_site_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastpeergroups(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create multicast peer group (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **is_source_site_receiver:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **peer_sites:**           
           - **peer_site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastpeergroups".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastroutes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Multicast route table (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastroutes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Multicast route table (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastroutes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastrps(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Creates Multicast RP config (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • groups:
    • ipv4_prefix: Type: string
    • is_active_rp: Type: boolean
  • ipv4_address: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastrps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Creates Multicast RP config (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **groups:**           
           - **ipv4_prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **is_active_rp:**  Type: boolean 
       - **ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/multicastrps".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastrps_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Multicast RP config (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastrps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Multicast RP config (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastrps/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastsourcesiderps_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query multicast source side RPs (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastsourcesiderps_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query multicast source side RPs (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/multicastsourcesiderps/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastsourcesiteconfigs(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create multicast source site config (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • site_configs:
    • group_ipv4_prefix: Type: string
    • source_ipv4_address: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastsourcesiteconfigs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create multicast source site config (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **site_configs:**           
           - **group_ipv4_prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **source_ipv4_address:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/multicastsourcesiteconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicaststatus_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Multicast status information (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicaststatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Multicast status information (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicaststatus/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def multicastwanstatus_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Multicast WAN status (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def multicastwanstatus_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Multicast WAN status (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/multicastwanstatus/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natglobalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NAT global prefix. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NAT global prefix. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natglobalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natglobalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Global Prefixes. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Global Prefixes. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natlocalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NAT local prefix. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natlocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NAT local prefix. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natlocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natlocalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query site local prefixes. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • prefix_id: Type: string
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natlocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query site local prefixes. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natlocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicypools(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NATPolicy Pool. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicypools(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NATPolicy Pool. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicypools".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicypools_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query NAT policy pools. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicypools_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query NAT policy pools. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicypools/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicyrules(

self, natpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NAT Policy Rule (v2.0)


  • natpolicyset_id: NAT Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • actions:
    • nat_pool_id: Type: string
    • port: Type: integer
    • protocols: [Type: string]
    • type: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_ports:
    • from: Type: integer
    • to: Type: integer
  • destination_prefixes:
    • description: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
    • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
    • name: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
  • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • destination_zone:
    • default_for_public_interfaces: Type: boolean
    • description: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • region: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
    • tenant_id: Type: string
  • destination_zone_id: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • natpolicypools:
    • description: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
  • policyset_id: Type: string
  • protocol: Type: integer
  • region: Type: string
  • source_ports:
    • from: Type: integer
    • to: Type: integer
  • source_prefixes:
    • description: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
    • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
    • name: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
  • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • source_zone:
    • default_for_public_interfaces: Type: boolean
    • description: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • region: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
    • tenant_id: Type: string
  • source_zone_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicyrules(self, natpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NAT Policy Rule (v2.0)
      - **natpolicyset_id**: NAT Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **actions:**           
           - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
           - **port:**  Type: integer 
           - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_ports:**           
           - **from:**  Type: integer 
           - **to:**  Type: integer 
       - **destination_prefixes:**           
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_zone:**           
           - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_zone_id:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **natpolicypools:**           
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **source_ports:**           
           - **from:**  Type: integer 
           - **to:**  Type: integer 
       - **source_prefixes:**           
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **source_zone:**           
           - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **source_zone_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets/{}/natpolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query NAT policy rules. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query NAT policy rules. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NAT Policy Set (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • clone_from: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_zone_policyrule_order: [Type: string]
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policy_req_version: Type: string
  • policy_rules:
    • actions:
      • nat_pool_id: Type: string
      • port: Type: integer
      • protocols: [Type: string]
      • type: Type: string
    • description: Type: string
    • destination_ports:
      • from: Type: integer
      • to: Type: integer
    • destination_prefixes:
      • description: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
      • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
      • name: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
    • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • destination_zone:
      • default_for_public_interfaces: Type: boolean
      • description: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
      • tenant_id: Type: string
    • destination_zone_id: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • enabled: Type: boolean
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • natpolicypools:
      • description: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
    • policyset_id: Type: string
    • protocol: Type: integer
    • region: Type: string
    • source_ports:
      • from: Type: integer
      • to: Type: integer
    • source_prefixes:
      • description: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
      • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
      • name: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
    • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • source_zone:
      • default_for_public_interfaces: Type: boolean
      • description: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
      • tenant_id: Type: string
    • source_zone_id: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
    • tenant_id: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • send_to_element: Type: boolean
  • source_zone_policyrule_order: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • update_order: Type: boolean

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NAT Policy Set (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
       - **policy_rules:**           
           - **actions:**           
               - **nat_pool_id:**  Type: string 
               - **port:**  Type: integer 
               - **protocols:**  [Type: string] 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **destination_prefixes:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone:**           
               - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **natpolicypools:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
           - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **source_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_prefixes:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone:**           
               - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **source_zone_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
       - **source_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **update_order:**  Type: boolean 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query policy sets. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • clone_from: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_zone_policyrule_order: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • source_zone_policyrule_order: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query policy sets. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **source_zone_policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicysetstacks(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NATPolicySet Stack (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • default_policysetstack: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policyset_ids: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NATPolicySet Stack (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natpolicysetstacks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query policyset stacks. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query policyset stacks. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natzones(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a Nat Policy Zone. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • default_for_public_interfaces: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natzones(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a Nat Policy Zone. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **default_for_public_interfaces:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natzones".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def natzones_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query NAT policy zones. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def natzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query NAT policy zones. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/natzones/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkcontexts(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new LAN segment (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new LAN segment (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkcontexts".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkcontexts_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkcontexts/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicyglobalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query Network Global Prefixes. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query Network Global Prefixes. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicylocalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query site network prefix association. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query site network prefix association. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicyrules(

self, networkpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.2')

Create a new NetworkPolicyRule (v2.2)


  • networkpolicyset_id: Network Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.2)

Payload Attributes:

  • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • order_number: Type: integer
  • paths_allowed:
    • active_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
    • backup_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
    • l3_failure_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
  • service_context:
    • active_service_label_id: Type: string
    • active_service_label_type: Type: string
    • backup_service_label_id: Type: string
    • backup_service_label_type: Type: string
    • type: Type: string
  • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • user_or_group:
    • user_group_ids: [Type: string]
    • user_ids: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicyrules(self, networkpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
    Create a new NetworkPolicyRule (v2.2)
      - **networkpolicyset_id**: Network Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **paths_allowed:**           
           - **active_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **l3_failure_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
       - **service_context:**           
           - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **user_or_group:**           
           - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets/{}/networkpolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.2')

Query Network policy rules. (v2.2)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.2)

Payload Attributes:

  • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • order_number: Type: integer
  • paths_allowed:
    • active_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
    • backup_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
    • l3_failure_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
  • policyset_id: Type: string
  • service_context:
    • active_service_label_id: Type: string
    • active_service_label_type: Type: string
    • backup_service_label_id: Type: string
    • backup_service_label_type: Type: string
    • type: Type: string
  • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • user_or_group:
    • user_group_ids: [Type: string]
    • user_ids: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
    Query Network policy rules. (v2.2)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **paths_allowed:**           
           - **active_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **l3_failure_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
       - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **service_context:**           
           - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **user_or_group:**           
           - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NetworkPolicySet (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • clone_from: Type: string
  • defaultrule_policyset: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policy_req_version: Type: string
  • policy_rules:
    • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
    • description: Type: string
    • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • enabled: Type: boolean
    • id: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • network_context_id: Type: string
    • order_number: Type: integer
    • paths_allowed:
      • active_paths:
        • label: Type: string
        • path_type: Type: string
      • backup_paths:
        • label: Type: string
        • path_type: Type: string
      • l3_failure_paths:
        • label: Type: string
        • path_type: Type: string
    • service_context:
      • active_service_label_id: Type: string
      • active_service_label_type: Type: string
      • backup_service_label_id: Type: string
      • backup_service_label_type: Type: string
      • type: Type: string
    • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
    • tags: [Type: string]
  • region: Type: string
  • send_to_element: Type: boolean
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NetworkPolicySet (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
       - **policy_rules:**           
           - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
           - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **paths_allowed:**           
               - **active_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                   - **label:**  Type: string 
                   - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **service_context:**           
               - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
               - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
           - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Network policy sets. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • clone_from: Type: string
  • defaultrule_policyset: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Network policy sets. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicysetstacks(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NetworkPolicySetStack (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • default_policysetstack: Type: boolean
  • defaultrule_policyset:
    • clone_from: Type: string
    • defaultrule_policyset: Type: boolean
    • description: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • policy_req_version: Type: string
    • policy_rules:
      • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
      • description: Type: string
      • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
      • enabled: Type: boolean
      • id: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • network_context_id: Type: string
      • order_number: Type: integer
      • paths_allowed:
        • active_paths:
          • label: Type: string
          • path_type: Type: string
        • backup_paths:
          • label: Type: string
          • path_type: Type: string
        • l3_failure_paths:
          • label: Type: string
          • path_type: Type: string
      • service_context:
        • active_service_label_id: Type: string
        • active_service_label_type: Type: string
        • backup_service_label_id: Type: string
        • backup_service_label_type: Type: string
        • type: Type: string
      • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
    • region: Type: string
    • send_to_element: Type: boolean
    • tags: [Type: string]
    • tenant_id: Type: string
  • defaultrule_policyset_id: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • legacy_policystack: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • policyset_ids: [Type: string]
  • policyset_ids_update: Type: boolean
  • policysets:
    • clone_from: Type: string
    • description: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • name: Type: string
    • policy_rules:
      • description: Type: string
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • name: Type: string
      • policyset_id: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • tags: [Type: string]
      • tenant_id: Type: string
    • region: Type: string
    • send_to_element: Type: boolean
    • tags: [Type: string]
    • tenant_id: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NetworkPolicySetStack (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
       - **defaultrule_policyset:**           
           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_req_version:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_rules:**           
               - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
               - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
               - **paths_allowed:**           
                   - **active_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **l3_failure_paths:**           
                       - **label:**  Type: string 
                       - **path_type:**  Type: string 
               - **service_context:**           
                   - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
                   - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
                   - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **legacy_policystack:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **policyset_ids_update:**  Type: boolean 
       - **policysets:**           
           - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **policy_rules:**           
               - **description:**  Type: string 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **name:**  Type: string 
               - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **send_to_element:**  Type: boolean 
           - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networkpolicysetstacks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query network policyset stacks. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networkpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query network policyset stacks. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def networks_bulk_config_state_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Get all config/state info for given network from NB (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def networks_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Get all config/state info for given network from NB (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networks/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create an Security Policy V2 Global Prefix (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create an Security Policy V2 Global Prefix (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query Security Policy V2 Global Prefixes of a tenant (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query Security Policy V2 Global Prefixes of a tenant (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an Security Policy V2 Local Prefix (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an Security Policy V2 Local Prefix (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query security policy v2 local prefix site associations of a tenant (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query security policy v2 local prefix site associations of a tenant (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules(

self, ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a Security Policy V2 Rule under a policy set (v2.1)


  • ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id: NGFW Security Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string
  • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_prefix_ids: [Type: string]
  • destination_zone_ids: [Type: string]
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • services:
    • destination_ports:
      • from: Type: integer
      • to: Type: integer
    • protocol: Type: integer
    • source_ports:
      • from: Type: integer
      • to: Type: integer
  • source_prefix_ids: [Type: string]
  • source_zone_ids: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • user_or_group:
    • user_group_ids: [Type: string]
    • user_ids: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules(self, ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a Security Policy V2 Rule under a policy set (v2.1)
      - **ngfwsecuritypolicyset_id**: NGFW Security Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
       - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **services:**           
           - **destination_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
       - **source_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **user_or_group:**           
           - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query security policy v2 rules of a tenant (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string
  • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_prefix_ids: [Type: string]
  • destination_zone_ids: [Type: string]
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • policyset_id: Type: string
  • services:
    • destination_ports:
      • from: Type: integer
      • to: Type: integer
    • protocol: Type: integer
    • source_ports:
      • from: Type: integer
      • to: Type: integer
  • source_prefix_ids: [Type: string]
  • source_zone_ids: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • user_or_group:
    • user_group_ids: [Type: string]
    • user_ids: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query security policy v2 rules of a tenant (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
       - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **services:**           
           - **destination_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
           - **protocol:**  Type: integer 
           - **source_ports:**           
               - **from:**  Type: integer 
               - **to:**  Type: integer 
       - **source_prefix_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **user_or_group:**           
           - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a Security Policy V2 Set (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • clone_from: Type: string
  • defaultrule_policyset: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policyrule_order: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a Security Policy V2 Set (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query security policy v2 sets of a tenant (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query security policy v2 sets of a tenant (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a Security Policy V2 Set Stack (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • defaultrule_policyset_id: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policyset_ids: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a Security Policy V2 Set Stack (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Security Policy V2 Set stacks of a tenant (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Security Policy V2 Set stacks of a tenant (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ospfconfigs(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ospfconfigs API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ospfconfigs(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ospfconfigs API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/ospfconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ospfconfigs_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ospfconfigs_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ospfconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ospfconfigs_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfconfigs/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ospfdiscoveredneighbors_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ospfdiscoveredneighbors_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ospfdiscoveredneighbors_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfdiscoveredneighbors/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ospfreachableprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ospfreachableprefixes_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ospfreachableprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ospfreachableprefixes_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ospfreachableprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def otpaccess(

self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Verify Challenge phrase and generate response phrase (v2.0)


  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • challenge_phrase: Type: string
  • response_phrase: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def otpaccess(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Verify Challenge phrase and generate response phrase (v2.0)
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **challenge_phrase:**  Type: string 
       - **response_phrase:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/otpaccess".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def password_change(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Allows one to change password (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • oldPassword: Type: string
  • password: Type: string
  • repeatPassword: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def password_change(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Allows one to change password (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **oldPassword:**  Type: string 
       - **password:**  Type: string 
       - **repeatPassword:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/accounts/password/change".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def pathgroups(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a Path Group for a tenant. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • paths:
    • label: Type: string
    • path_type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def pathgroups(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a Path Group for a tenant. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **paths:**           
           - **label:**  Type: string 
           - **path_type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/pathgroups".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def pathgroups_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def pathgroups_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of network contexts that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/pathgroups/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtpolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Perfmgmtpolicyrules_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtpolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Perfmgmtpolicyrules_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtpolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Perfmgmtpolicysets API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtpolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Perfmgmtpolicysets API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules(

self, perfmgmtpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Perfmgmtpolicyrules API Function


  • perfmgmtpolicyset_id: Performance Management Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtpolicysets_perfmgmtpolicyrules(self, perfmgmtpolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Perfmgmtpolicyrules API Function
      - **perfmgmtpolicyset_id**: Performance Management Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets/{}/perfmgmtpolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtpolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtpolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Perfmgmtpolicysets_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysetstacks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Perfmgmtpolicysetstacks_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtpolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtthresholdprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Perfmgmtthresholdprofiles_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/perfmgmtthresholdprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def policyrules(

self, policyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.1')

Create a new Policy (v3.1)


  • policyset_id: Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • app_def_id: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • paths_allowed:
    • active_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
    • backup_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
    • l3_failure_paths:
      • label: Type: string
      • path_type: Type: string
  • priority_num: Type: integer
  • service_context:
    • active_service_label_id: Type: string
    • active_service_label_type: Type: string
    • backup_service_label_id: Type: string
    • backup_service_label_type: Type: string
    • type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def policyrules(self, policyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
    Create a new Policy (v3.1)
      - **policyset_id**: Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **app_def_id:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **paths_allowed:**           
           - **active_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
           - **l3_failure_paths:**           
               - **label:**  Type: string 
               - **path_type:**  Type: string 
       - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
       - **service_context:**           
           - **active_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **active_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_service_label_id:**  Type: string 
           - **backup_service_label_type:**  Type: string 
           - **type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/{}/policyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def policyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.1')

Queries db for policyrules that match query params. (v3.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def policyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
    Queries db for policyrules that match query params. (v3.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def policysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.0')

Create a new Policy Set (v3.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • bandwidth_allocation_schemes:
    • bandwidth_range:
      • high: Type: number
      • low: Type: number
    • business_priorities:
      • bandwidth_allocation: Type: number
      • bandwidth_split_per_type:
        • bulk: Type: number
        • rt_audio: Type: number
        • rt_video: Type: number
        • transactional: Type: number
      • priority_num: Type: integer
  • business_priority_names:
    • priority_name: Type: string
    • priority_num: Type: integer
  • clone_from: Type: string
  • default_policy: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policy_stance: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def policysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
    Create a new Policy Set (v3.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **bandwidth_allocation_schemes:**           
           - **bandwidth_range:**           
               - **high:**  Type: number 
               - **low:**  Type: number 
           - **business_priorities:**           
               - **bandwidth_allocation:**  Type: number 
               - **bandwidth_split_per_type:**           
                   - **bulk:**  Type: number 
                   - **rt_audio:**  Type: number 
                   - **rt_video:**  Type: number 
                   - **transactional:**  Type: number 
               - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
       - **business_priority_names:**           
           - **priority_name:**  Type: string 
           - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **default_policy:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policy_stance:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def policysets_bulk_config_state_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Get all config/state info across all policysets from NB (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def policysets_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Get all config/state info across all policysets from NB (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def policysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.0')

Queries db for policysets that match query params. (v3.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def policysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.0"):
    Queries db for policysets that match query params. (v3.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/policysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.1')

POST Prefixes_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.1"):
    POST Prefixes_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prefixfilters(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an association between site and security prefix filter. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • filters:
    • type: Type: string
  • prefix_filter_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prefixfilters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an association between site and security prefix filter. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **filters:**           
           - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **prefix_filter_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prefixfilters".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prefixfilters_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • query_params:
    • zone_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prefixfilters_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **query_params:**           
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prefixfilters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new global prefix. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyglobalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query Priority Global Prefixes. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicyglobalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query Priority Global Prefixes. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyglobalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query site priority prefix association. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicylocalprefixes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query site priority prefix association. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicyrules(

self, prioritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new PriorityPolicyRule (v2.1)


  • prioritypolicyset_id: Priority Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • app_def_ids: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • dscp:
    • value: Type: integer
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • order_number: Type: integer
  • priority_number: Type: integer
  • source_prefixes_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • user_or_group:
    • user_group_ids: [Type: string]
    • user_ids: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicyrules(self, prioritypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new PriorityPolicyRule (v2.1)
      - **prioritypolicyset_id**: Priority Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **app_def_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **dscp:**           
           - **value:**  Type: integer 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **order_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **source_prefixes_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **user_or_group:**           
           - **user_group_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **user_ids:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets/{}/prioritypolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query Priority policy rules. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query Priority policy rules. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new PriorityPolicySet (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • bandwidth_allocation_schemes:
    • bandwidth_range:
      • high: Type: number
      • low: Type: number
    • business_priorities:
      • bandwidth_allocation: Type: number
      • bandwidth_split_per_type:
        • bulk: Type: number
        • rt_audio: Type: number
        • rt_video: Type: number
        • transactional: Type: number
      • priority_number: Type: integer
  • business_priority_names:
    • priority_name: Type: string
    • priority_num: Type: integer
  • clone_from: Type: string
  • default_rule_dscp_mappings:
    • dscp: [Type: integer]
    • priority_number: Type: integer
    • transfer_type: Type: string
  • defaultrule_policyset: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • template: Type: boolean

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new PriorityPolicySet (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **bandwidth_allocation_schemes:**           
           - **bandwidth_range:**           
               - **high:**  Type: number 
               - **low:**  Type: number 
           - **business_priorities:**           
               - **bandwidth_allocation:**  Type: number 
               - **bandwidth_split_per_type:**           
                   - **bulk:**  Type: number 
                   - **rt_audio:**  Type: number 
                   - **rt_video:**  Type: number 
                   - **transactional:**  Type: number 
               - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
       - **business_priority_names:**           
           - **priority_name:**  Type: string 
           - **priority_num:**  Type: integer 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **default_rule_dscp_mappings:**           
           - **dscp:**  [Type: integer] 
           - **priority_number:**  Type: integer 
           - **transfer_type:**  Type: string 
       - **defaultrule_policyset:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **template:**  Type: boolean 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Priority policy sets. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Priority policy sets. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicysetstacks(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new PriorityPolicySetStack (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • default_policysetstack: Type: boolean
  • defaultrule_policyset_id: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policyset_ids: [Type: string]
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicysetstacks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new PriorityPolicySetStack (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **default_policysetstack:**  Type: boolean 
       - **defaultrule_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyset_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysetstacks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prioritypolicysetstacks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query priority policyset stacks. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prioritypolicysetstacks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query priority policyset stacks. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicysetstacks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prismaaccess_configs(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a Prisma Access Config with remote networks and security processing node (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • remote_networks:
    • edge_location_display: Type: string
    • edge_location_value: Type: string
    • remote_network_names: [Type: string]
    • service_link_ids: [Type: string]
    • spn_name: Type: string
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prismaaccess_configs(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a Prisma Access Config with remote networks and security processing node (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **remote_networks:**           
           - **edge_location_display:**  Type: string 
           - **edge_location_value:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_network_names:**  [Type: string] 
           - **service_link_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **spn_name:**  Type: string 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prismaaccess_configs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prismaaccess_configs_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Prisma Access config (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • remote_networks:
    • edge_location_display: Type: string
    • edge_location_value: Type: string
    • remote_network_names: [Type: string]
    • service_link_ids: [Type: string]
    • spn_name: Type: string
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prismaaccess_configs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Prisma Access config (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **remote_networks:**           
           - **edge_location_display:**  Type: string 
           - **edge_location_value:**  Type: string 
           - **remote_network_names:**  [Type: string] 
           - **service_link_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **spn_name:**  Type: string 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismaaccess_configs/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prismasase_connections(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Prismasase_Connections API Function


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prismasase_connections(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Prismasase_Connections API Function
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prismasase_connections".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prismasase_connections_configs(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

POST Prismasase_Connections_Configs API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prismasase_connections_configs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    POST Prismasase_Connections_Configs API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismasase_connections/configs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def prismasase_connections_status_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Prismasase_Connections_Status_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def prismasase_connections_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Prismasase_Connections_Status_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prismasase_connections/status/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def probeconfigs(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Probeconfigs API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def probeconfigs(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Probeconfigs API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeconfigs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def probeconfigs_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Probeconfigs_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def probeconfigs_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Probeconfigs_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeconfigs/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def probeprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Probeprofiles API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def probeprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Probeprofiles API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def probeprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Probeprofiles_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def probeprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Probeprofiles_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/probeprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def radii(

self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Used to create element radius (v2.0)


  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • override_indicator: [Type: string]
  • radius_configuration:
    • accounting_port: Type: integer
    • authentication_port: Type: integer
    • ip_version: Type: integer
    • priority: Type: integer
    • retain_shared_secret: Type: boolean
    • server_ip_address: Type: string
    • shared_secret: Type: string
    • shared_secret_encrypted: Type: string
  • radius_profile_id: Type: string
  • source_interface_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def radii(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Used to create element radius (v2.0)
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **override_indicator:**  [Type: string] 
       - **radius_configuration:**           
           - **accounting_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **authentication_port:**  Type: integer 
           - **ip_version:**  Type: integer 
           - **priority:**  Type: integer 
           - **retain_shared_secret:**  Type: boolean 
           - **server_ip_address:**  Type: string 
           - **shared_secret:**  Type: string 
           - **shared_secret_encrypted:**  Type: string 
       - **radius_profile_id:**  Type: string 
       - **source_interface_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/radii".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def recovery_tokens(

self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a Recovery Token for Fips change mode (v2.1)


  • machine_id: Machine ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • token_validity_in_hour: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def recovery_tokens(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a Recovery Token for Fips change mode (v2.1)
      - **machine_id**: Machine ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **token_validity_in_hour:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/recovery_tokens".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def reports_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Reports_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def reports_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Reports_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/reports/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def reportsdir_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Reportsdir_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def reportsdir_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Reportsdir_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/reportsdir/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def roles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Add a custom role (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • custom_permissions:
    • allowed_after_ms: Type: integer
    • allowed_before_ms: Type: integer
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disabled_reason: Type: string
    • disallow_permission: Type: boolean
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • inactive_reason: Type: string
    • region: Type: string
    • tenant_id: Type: string
    • value: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • disallow_permissions:
    • value: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • is_system_owned: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • permissions:
    • value: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • roles:
    • name: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def roles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Add a custom role (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **custom_permissions:**           
           - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
           - **region:**  Type: string 
           - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
           - **value:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **disallow_permissions:**           
           - **value:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **is_system_owned:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **permissions:**           
           - **value:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **roles:**           
           - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/roles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_aspathaccesslists(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create AS-Path Access List (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • as_path_regex_list:
    • as_path_regex: Type: string
    • order: Type: integer
    • permit: Type: boolean
  • auto_generated: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_aspathaccesslists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create AS-Path Access List (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **as_path_regex_list:**           
           - **as_path_regex:**  Type: string 
           - **order:**  Type: integer 
           - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
       - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_aspathaccesslists".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_aspathaccesslists_query(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of access lists that match query params. (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_aspathaccesslists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of access lists that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_aspathaccesslists/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_ipcommunitylists(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create IP Community List (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • as_path_regex_list:
    • as_path_regex: Type: string
    • order: Type: integer
    • permit: Type: boolean
  • auto_generated: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_ipcommunitylists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create IP Community List (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **as_path_regex_list:**           
           - **as_path_regex:**  Type: string 
           - **order:**  Type: integer 
           - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
       - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_ipcommunitylists".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_ipcommunitylists_query(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of community lists that match query params. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_ipcommunitylists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of community lists that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_ipcommunitylists/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_prefixlists(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create IP Prefix List (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • auto_generated: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • prefix_filter_list:
    • ge: Type: integer
    • ipv6_prefix: Type: string
    • le: Type: integer
    • order: Type: integer
    • permit: Type: boolean
    • prefix: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_prefixlists(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create IP Prefix List (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **prefix_filter_list:**           
           - **ge:**  Type: integer 
           - **ipv6_prefix:**  Type: string 
           - **le:**  Type: integer 
           - **order:**  Type: integer 
           - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
           - **prefix:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_prefixlists".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_prefixlists_query(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of prefix lists that match query params. (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_prefixlists_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of prefix lists that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_prefixlists/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_routemaps(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.3')

Create Route Map (v2.3)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • auto_generated: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • route_map_entries:
    • continue_entry: Type: string
    • match:
      • as_path_id: Type: string
      • community_list_id: Type: string
      • ip_next_hop_id: Type: string
      • ip_prefix_list_id: Type: string
      • metric: Type: integer
      • tag: Type: integer
    • order: Type: integer
    • permit: Type: boolean
    • set:
      • additive_community: Type: boolean
      • as_path_prepend: Type: string
      • community: Type: string
      • ip_next_hop: Type: string
      • ip_v6_next_hop: Type: string
      • local_preference: Type: integer
      • metric: Type: integer
      • tag: Type: integer
      • type: Type: string
      • weight: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • used_for: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_routemaps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
    Create Route Map (v2.3)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **auto_generated:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **route_map_entries:**           
           - **continue_entry:**  Type: string 
           - **match:**           
               - **as_path_id:**  Type: string 
               - **community_list_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_next_hop_id:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_prefix_list_id:**  Type: string 
               - **metric:**  Type: integer 
               - **tag:**  Type: integer 
           - **order:**  Type: integer 
           - **permit:**  Type: boolean 
           - **set:**           
               - **additive_community:**  Type: boolean 
               - **as_path_prepend:**  Type: string 
               - **community:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_next_hop:**  Type: string 
               - **ip_v6_next_hop:**  Type: string 
               - **local_preference:**  Type: integer 
               - **metric:**  Type: integer 
               - **tag:**  Type: integer 
               - **type:**  Type: string 
               - **weight:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **used_for:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_routemaps".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def routing_routemaps_query(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.3')

Queries db for limit number of route maps that match query params. (v2.3)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def routing_routemaps_query(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
    Queries db for limit number of route maps that match query params. (v2.3)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/routing_routemaps/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def rquery(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.2')

Query and get ESP machines across regions (v3.2)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.2)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.2"):
    Query and get ESP machines across regions (v3.2)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.2)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/rquery".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def sdwanapps_configs(

self, sdwanapp_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Sdwanapps_Configs API Function


  • sdwanapp_id: SDWAN Application ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def sdwanapps_configs(self, sdwanapp_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Sdwanapps_Configs API Function
      - **sdwanapp_id**: SDWAN Application ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sdwanapps/{}/configs".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securitypolicyruleorder(

self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Update a tenant security policy set. (v2.0)


  • securitypolicyset_id: Security Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • operations:
    • insert_before: Type: string
    • policyrule_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securitypolicyruleorder(self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Update a tenant security policy set. (v2.0)
      - **securitypolicyset_id**: Security Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **operations:**           
           - **insert_before:**  Type: string 
           - **policyrule_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/{}/firewallpolicyruleorder".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securitypolicyrules(

self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new tenant security policy rule. (v2.0)


  • securitypolicyset_id: Security Policy Set ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string
  • application_ids: [Type: string]
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_filter_ids: [Type: string]
  • destination_zone_ids: [Type: string]
  • disabled_flag: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • source_filter_ids: [Type: string]
  • source_zone_ids: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securitypolicyrules(self, securitypolicyset_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new tenant security policy rule. (v2.0)
      - **securitypolicyset_id**: Security Policy Set ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
       - **application_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_filter_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **destination_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **disabled_flag:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **source_filter_ids:**  [Type: string] 
       - **source_zone_ids:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/{}/securitypolicyrules".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securitypolicyrules_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of LAN networks that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securitypolicyrules_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of LAN networks that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicyrules/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securitypolicysets(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new tenant security policy set. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • clone_from: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • policyrule_order: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securitypolicysets(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new tenant security policy set. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **clone_from:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **policyrule_order:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securitypolicysets_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of security policysets that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securitypolicysets_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of security policysets that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securitypolicysets/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securityzones(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new security zone (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securityzones(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new security zone (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securityzones".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def securityzones_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of security zones that match query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def securityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of security zones that match query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/securityzones/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def servicebindingmaps(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new Service Binding Map (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • is_default: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • service_bindings:
    • service_endpoint_ids: [Type: string]
    • service_label_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def servicebindingmaps(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new Service Binding Map (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **is_default:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **service_bindings:**           
           - **service_endpoint_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **service_label_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicebindingmaps".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def servicebindingmaps_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def servicebindingmaps_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicebindingmaps/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def serviceendpoints(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.4')

Create a new Service Endpoint (v2.4)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.4)

Payload Attributes:

  • address:
    • city: Type: string
    • country: Type: string
    • post_code: Type: string
    • state: Type: string
    • street: Type: string
    • street2: Type: string
  • admin_up: Type: boolean
  • allow_enterprise_traffic: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • disable_tunnel_reoptimization: Type: boolean
  • liveliness_probe:
    • http:
      • failure_count: Type: integer
      • http_status_codes: [Type: integer]
      • interval: Type: integer
      • url: Type: string
    • icmp_ping:
      • failure_count: Type: integer
      • interval: Type: integer
      • ip_addresses: [Type: string]
  • location:
    • description: Type: string
    • latitude: Type: number
    • longitude: Type: number
  • name: Type: string
  • sase_properties:
    • allocated_bandwidth_mbps: Type: integer
    • allocated_sc_count: Type: integer
    • pa_compute_region_oid: Type: string
    • total_sc_bandwidth_mbps: Type: integer
  • service_link_peers:
    • hostnames: [Type: string]
    • ip_addresses: [Type: string]
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def serviceendpoints(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
    Create a new Service Endpoint (v2.4)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **address:**           
           - **city:**  Type: string 
           - **country:**  Type: string 
           - **post_code:**  Type: string 
           - **state:**  Type: string 
           - **street:**  Type: string 
           - **street2:**  Type: string 
       - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
       - **allow_enterprise_traffic:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disable_tunnel_reoptimization:**  Type: boolean 
       - **liveliness_probe:**           
           - **http:**           
               - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **http_status_codes:**  [Type: integer] 
               - **interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **url:**  Type: string 
           - **icmp_ping:**           
               - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
       - **location:**           
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **latitude:**  Type: number 
           - **longitude:**  Type: number 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **sase_properties:**           
           - **allocated_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
           - **allocated_sc_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **pa_compute_region_oid:**  Type: string 
           - **total_sc_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
       - **service_link_peers:**           
           - **hostnames:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/serviceendpoints".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def serviceendpoints_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.4')

Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.4)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.4)

Payload Attributes:

  • address:
    • city: Type: string
    • country: Type: string
    • post_code: Type: string
    • state: Type: string
    • street: Type: string
    • street2: Type: string
  • admin_up: Type: boolean
  • allow_enterprise_traffic: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • disable_tunnel_reoptimization: Type: boolean
  • liveliness_probe:
    • http:
      • failure_count: Type: integer
      • http_status_codes: [Type: integer]
      • interval: Type: integer
      • url: Type: string
    • icmp_ping:
      • failure_count: Type: integer
      • interval: Type: integer
      • ip_addresses: [Type: string]
  • location:
    • description: Type: string
    • latitude: Type: number
    • longitude: Type: number
  • name: Type: string
  • sase_properties:
    • allocated_bandwidth_mbps: Type: integer
    • allocated_sc_count: Type: integer
    • pa_compute_region_oid: Type: string
    • total_sc_bandwidth_mbps: Type: integer
  • service_link_peers:
    • hostnames: [Type: string]
    • ip_addresses: [Type: string]
  • site_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def serviceendpoints_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
    Queries db for limit number of service bindings that match query params. (v2.4)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **address:**           
           - **city:**  Type: string 
           - **country:**  Type: string 
           - **post_code:**  Type: string 
           - **state:**  Type: string 
           - **street:**  Type: string 
           - **street2:**  Type: string 
       - **admin_up:**  Type: boolean 
       - **allow_enterprise_traffic:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **disable_tunnel_reoptimization:**  Type: boolean 
       - **liveliness_probe:**           
           - **http:**           
               - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **http_status_codes:**  [Type: integer] 
               - **interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **url:**  Type: string 
           - **icmp_ping:**           
               - **failure_count:**  Type: integer 
               - **interval:**  Type: integer 
               - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
       - **location:**           
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **latitude:**  Type: number 
           - **longitude:**  Type: number 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **sase_properties:**           
           - **allocated_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
           - **allocated_sc_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **pa_compute_region_oid:**  Type: string 
           - **total_sc_bandwidth_mbps:**  Type: integer 
       - **service_link_peers:**           
           - **hostnames:**  [Type: string] 
           - **ip_addresses:**  [Type: string] 
       - **site_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/serviceendpoints/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def servicelabels(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new Service Label (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • sase_properties:
    • active_sase_label: Type: boolean
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def servicelabels(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new Service Label (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **sase_properties:**           
           - **active_sase_label:**  Type: boolean 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicelabels".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def servicelabels_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Queries db for limit number of service labels that match query params. (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def servicelabels_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Queries db for limit number of service labels that match query params. (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/servicelabels/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def signup(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Signup new operators (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • addresses:
    • city: Type: string
    • country: Type: string
    • post_code: Type: string
    • state: Type: string
    • street: Type: string
    • street2: Type: string
  • custom_roles:
    • custom_permissions:
      • allowed_after_ms: Type: integer
      • allowed_before_ms: Type: integer
      • disabled: Type: boolean
      • disabled_reason: Type: string
      • disallow_permission: Type: boolean
      • id: Type: string
      • inactive: Type: boolean
      • inactive_reason: Type: string
      • region: Type: string
      • tenant_id: Type: string
      • value: Type: string
    • disabled: Type: boolean
    • disallow_permissions:
      • value: Type: string
    • id: Type: string
    • inactive: Type: boolean
    • name: Type: string
    • permissions:
      • value: Type: string
    • roles:
      • name: Type: string
  • email: Type: string
  • enable_session_ip_lock: Type: boolean
  • first_name: Type: string
  • ipv4_list:
    • ipv4: Type: string
  • last_name: Type: string
  • logout_others: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • password: Type: string
  • phone_numbers:
    • country_code: Type: integer
    • local_extension: Type: integer
    • number: Type: integer
    • types:
      • value: Type: string
  • repeatPassword: Type: string
  • requestId: Type: string
  • roles:
    • name: Type: string
  • secondary_emails:
    • email: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def signup(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Signup new operators (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **addresses:**           
           - **city:**  Type: string 
           - **country:**  Type: string 
           - **post_code:**  Type: string 
           - **state:**  Type: string 
           - **street:**  Type: string 
           - **street2:**  Type: string 
       - **custom_roles:**           
           - **custom_permissions:**           
               - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
               - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
               - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
               - **id:**  Type: string 
               - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
               - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
               - **region:**  Type: string 
               - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
           - **disallow_permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **id:**  Type: string 
           - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
           - **name:**  Type: string 
           - **permissions:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **roles:**           
               - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **email:**  Type: string 
       - **enable_session_ip_lock:**  Type: boolean 
       - **first_name:**  Type: string 
       - **ipv4_list:**           
           - **ipv4:**  Type: string 
       - **last_name:**  Type: string 
       - **logout_others:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **password:**  Type: string 
       - **phone_numbers:**           
           - **country_code:**  Type: integer 
           - **local_extension:**  Type: integer 
           - **number:**  Type: integer 
           - **types:**           
               - **value:**  Type: string 
       - **repeatPassword:**  Type: string 
       - **requestId:**  Type: string 
       - **roles:**           
           - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **secondary_emails:**           
           - **email:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/signup".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_bulk_config_state_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Get site config/state info for queried site from NB (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_bulk_config_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Get site config/state info for queried site from NB (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/bulk_config_state/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_correlationevents_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Site_Correlationevents_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Site_Correlationevents_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_extensions(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create site level extension configuration (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • conf: Type: object
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • entity_id: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • namespace: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_extensions(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create site level extension configuration (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **conf:**  Type: object 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **entity_id:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **namespace:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/extensions".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_extensions_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query site level extensions that match query params (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_extensions_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query site level extensions that match query params (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_ipfixlocalprefixes(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix site prefix association (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • prefix_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_ipfixlocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix site prefix association (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_lannetworks_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.3')

Query LAN networks that match query params (v3.3)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_lannetworks_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.3"):
    Query LAN networks that match query params (v3.3)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/lannetworks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_natlocalprefixes(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an association between site and NAT Prefix. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • prefix_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_natlocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an association between site and NAT Prefix. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/natlocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_networkpolicylocalprefixes(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create an association between site and Network local Prefix. (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • prefix_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_networkpolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create an association between site and Network local Prefix. (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a security policy V2 local prefix site association (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • prefix_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a security policy V2 local prefix site association (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/ngfwsecuritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create an association between site and Priority local Prefix. (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • ipv4_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • ipv6_prefixes: [Type: string]
  • prefix_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create an association between site and Priority local Prefix. (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ipv4_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **ipv6_prefixes:**  [Type: string] 
       - **prefix_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.10')

Queries db for limit number of sites that match query params. (v4.10)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.10)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.10"):
    Queries db for limit number of sites that match query params. (v4.10)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.10)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_sitesecurityzones_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query security zone for NB API. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • query_params:
    • zone_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_sitesecurityzones_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query security zone for NB API. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **query_params:**           
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/sitesecurityzones/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def site_spokeclusters_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def site_spokeclusters_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def sites(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v4.10')

Create a site (v4.10)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v4.10)

Payload Attributes:

  • address:
    • city: Type: string
    • country: Type: string
    • post_code: Type: string
    • state: Type: string
    • street: Type: string
    • street2: Type: string
  • admin_state: Type: string
  • branch_gateway: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • element_cluster_role: Type: string
  • extended_tags:
    • key: Type: string
    • value: Type: string
    • value_type: Type: string
  • location:
    • description: Type: string
    • latitude: Type: number
    • longitude: Type: number
  • multicast_peer_group_id: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • nat_policysetstack_id: Type: string
  • network_policysetstack_id: Type: string
  • perfmgmt_policysetstack_id: Type: string
  • policy_set_id: Type: string
  • prefer_lan_default_over_wan_default_route: Type: boolean
  • priority_policysetstack_id: Type: string
  • security_policyset_id: Type: string
  • security_policysetstack_id: Type: string
  • service_binding: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • vrf_context_profile_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def sites(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v4.10"):
    Create a site (v4.10)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v4.10)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **address:**           
           - **city:**  Type: string 
           - **country:**  Type: string 
           - **post_code:**  Type: string 
           - **state:**  Type: string 
           - **street:**  Type: string 
           - **street2:**  Type: string 
       - **admin_state:**  Type: string 
       - **branch_gateway:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **element_cluster_role:**  Type: string 
       - **extended_tags:**           
           - **key:**  Type: string 
           - **value:**  Type: string 
           - **value_type:**  Type: string 
       - **location:**           
           - **description:**  Type: string 
           - **latitude:**  Type: number 
           - **longitude:**  Type: number 
       - **multicast_peer_group_id:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **nat_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
       - **network_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
       - **perfmgmt_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
       - **policy_set_id:**  Type: string 
       - **prefer_lan_default_over_wan_default_route:**  Type: boolean 
       - **priority_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
       - **security_policyset_id:**  Type: string 
       - **security_policysetstack_id:**  Type: string 
       - **service_binding:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **vrf_context_profile_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def sitesecurityzones(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an association between site and security zone. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • networks:
    • network_id: Type: string
    • network_type: Type: string
  • zone_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def sitesecurityzones(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an association between site and security zone. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **networks:**           
           - **network_id:**  Type: string 
           - **network_type:**  Type: string 
       - **zone_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/sitesecurityzones".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def sitesecurityzones_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query security zone. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • query_params:
    • zone_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def sitesecurityzones_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query security zone. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **query_params:**           
           - **zone_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sitesecurityzones/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def snmpagents(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create SNMP Agent (v2.1)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • system_contact: Type: string
  • system_location: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • v2_config:
    • community: Type: string
  • v3_config:
    • user_access:
      • auth_phrase: Type: string
      • auth_type: Type: string
      • enc_phrase: Type: string
      • enc_type: Type: string
      • engine_id: Type: string
      • security_level: Type: string
      • user_name: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def snmpagents(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create SNMP Agent (v2.1)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **system_contact:**  Type: string 
       - **system_location:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **v2_config:**           
           - **community:**  Type: string 
       - **v3_config:**           
           - **user_access:**           
               - **auth_phrase:**  Type: string 
               - **auth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **enc_phrase:**  Type: string 
               - **enc_type:**  Type: string 
               - **engine_id:**  Type: string 
               - **security_level:**  Type: string 
               - **user_name:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/snmpagents".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Snmpdiscoverystartnodes_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def snmpdiscoverystartnodes_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Snmpdiscoverystartnodes_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/snmpdiscoverystartnodes/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def snmptraps(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create SNMP Trap (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • server_ip: Type: string
  • source_interface: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • v2_config:
    • community: Type: string
  • v3_config:
    • user_access:
      • auth_phrase: Type: string
      • auth_type: Type: string
      • enc_phrase: Type: string
      • enc_type: Type: string
      • engine_id: Type: string
      • security_level: Type: string
      • user_name: Type: string
  • version: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def snmptraps(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create SNMP Trap (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
       - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **v2_config:**           
           - **community:**  Type: string 
       - **v3_config:**           
           - **user_access:**           
               - **auth_phrase:**  Type: string 
               - **auth_type:**  Type: string 
               - **enc_phrase:**  Type: string 
               - **enc_type:**  Type: string 
               - **engine_id:**  Type: string 
               - **security_level:**  Type: string 
               - **user_name:**  Type: string 
       - **version:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/snmptraps".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def software_current_status_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Get the current image status of all the element (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def software_current_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Get the current image status of all the element (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/software/current_status/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def software_state_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query software state for all tenants elements (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def software_state_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query software state for all tenants elements (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/software/state/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def software_status_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query the software upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def software_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query the software upgrade status of all tenant elements (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/software/status/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def softwarehistory_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for all software download done by a tenant (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def softwarehistory_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for all software download done by a tenant (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/softwarehistory/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def spokeclusters(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create Spoke Cluster (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • advertisement_interval: Type: number
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • preempt: Type: boolean
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def spokeclusters(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create Spoke Cluster (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **advertisement_interval:**  Type: number 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **preempt:**  Type: boolean 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def spokeclusters_ops(

self, site_id, spokecluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Handle operations on spokecluster. (v2.0)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • spokecluster_id: Spoke Cluster ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def spokeclusters_ops(self, site_id, spokecluster_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Handle operations on spokecluster. (v2.0)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **spokecluster_id**: Spoke Cluster ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/spokeclusters/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def spokeclusters_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def spokeclusters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Spoke Clusters. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/spokeclusters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def staticroutes(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.3')

Create static route (v2.3)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.3)

Payload Attributes:

  • address_family: Type: string
  • description: Type: string
  • destination_prefix: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • network_context_id: Type: string
  • nexthop_reachability_probe: Type: boolean
  • nexthops:
    • admin_distance: Type: integer
    • nexthop_interface_id: Type: string
    • nexthop_ip: Type: string
    • self: Type: boolean
  • scope: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • vrf_context_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def staticroutes(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.3"):
    Create static route (v2.3)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.3)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **address_family:**  Type: string 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **destination_prefix:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_context_id:**  Type: string 
       - **nexthop_reachability_probe:**  Type: boolean 
       - **nexthops:**           
           - **admin_distance:**  Type: integer 
           - **nexthop_interface_id:**  Type: string 
           - **nexthop_ip:**  Type: string 
           - **self:**  Type: boolean 
       - **scope:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **vrf_context_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/staticroutes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def status_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.4')

Query and get element status objects for a tenant (v2.4)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.4)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.4"):
    Query and get element status objects for a tenant (v2.4)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.4)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/status/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def syslogserverprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create Syslog Server Profile (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • enable_flow_logging: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • protocol: Type: string
  • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
  • server_fqdn: Type: string
  • server_ip: Type: string
  • server_port: Type: integer
  • severity_level: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def syslogserverprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create Syslog Server Profile (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **enable_flow_logging:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **protocol:**  Type: string 
       - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
       - **server_fqdn:**  Type: string 
       - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
       - **server_port:**  Type: integer 
       - **severity_level:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/syslogserverprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def syslogservers(

self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.2')

Create Syslog Server (v2.2)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.2)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • enable_flow_logging: Type: boolean
  • enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • protocol: Type: string
  • remote_ca_certificate: Type: string
  • server_fqdn: Type: string
  • server_ip: Type: string
  • server_port: Type: integer
  • severity_level: Type: string
  • source_interface: Type: string
  • syslog_profile_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def syslogservers(self, site_id, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.2"):
    Create Syslog Server (v2.2)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.2)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **enable_flow_logging:**  Type: boolean 
       - **enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **protocol:**  Type: string 
       - **remote_ca_certificate:**  Type: string 
       - **server_fqdn:**  Type: string 
       - **server_ip:**  Type: string 
       - **server_port:**  Type: integer 
       - **severity_level:**  Type: string 
       - **source_interface:**  Type: string 
       - **syslog_profile_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/elements/{}/syslogservers".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def templates_ntp(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new NTP Template (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • default_template: Type: boolean
  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • ntp_servers:
    • host: Type: string
    • max_poll: Type: integer
    • min_poll: Type: integer
    • version: Type: integer
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def templates_ntp(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new NTP Template (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **default_template:**  Type: boolean 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **ntp_servers:**           
           - **host:**  Type: string 
           - **max_poll:**  Type: integer 
           - **min_poll:**  Type: integer 
           - **version:**  Type: integer 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/templates/ntp".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

POST Tenant_Anynetlinks API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.4)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_bgppeers_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Queries db for BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_bgppeers_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Queries db for BGP peers that match query params. (v2.5)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/bgppeers/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_element_operations(

self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Handle operations on element. (v2.0)


  • element_id: Element (Device) ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string
  • parameters: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_element_operations(self, element_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Handle operations on element. (v2.0)
      - **element_id**: Element (Device) ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **action:**  Type: string 
       - **parameters:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/elements/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_extensions_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Queries db for limit number of tenant extensions that match the query params. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • conf: Type: object
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • namespace: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_extensions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Queries db for limit number of tenant extensions that match the query params. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **conf:**  Type: object 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **namespace:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/extensions/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_forgot_password_login(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Forgot password API (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • email: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_forgot_password_login(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Forgot password API (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **email:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/login/password/forgot".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data, sensitive=True)

def tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a IPFix local prefix (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_ipfixlocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a IPFix local prefix (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ipfixlocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_machine_operations(

self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Update a specific machine of a tenant using operations (v2.5)


  • machine_id: Machine ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • connected: Type: boolean
  • console_conf_passphrase: Type: string
  • em_element_id: Type: string
  • esp_tenant_id: Type: string
  • hw_id: Type: string
  • image_version: Type: string
  • inventory_op: - machine_state: - manufacture_id: Type: string
  • model_name: Type: string
  • ordering_info: Type: string
  • owner_tenant_id: Type: string
  • pki_op:
    • ca_list: [Type: string]
    • operation: Type: string
  • renew_state: - sales_order_number: Type: string
  • ship_state: - sl_no: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • token: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_machine_operations(self, machine_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Update a specific machine of a tenant using operations (v2.5)
      - **machine_id**: Machine ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **connected:**  Type: boolean 
       - **console_conf_passphrase:**  Type: string 
       - **em_element_id:**  Type: string 
       - **esp_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **hw_id:**  Type: string 
       - **image_version:**  Type: string 
       - **inventory_op:**           - **machine_state:**           - **manufacture_id:**  Type: string 
       - **model_name:**  Type: string 
       - **ordering_info:**  Type: string 
       - **owner_tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **pki_op:**           
           - **ca_list:**  [Type: string] 
           - **operation:**  Type: string 
       - **renew_state:**           - **sales_order_number:**  Type: string 
       - **ship_state:**           - **sl_no:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **token:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/machines/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new Network Policy local prefix. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_networkpolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new Network Policy local prefix. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/networkpolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_permissions(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Add a custom permission (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • allowed_after_ms: Type: integer
  • allowed_before_ms: Type: integer
  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • disallow_permission: Type: boolean
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • value: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_permissions(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Add a custom permission (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **allowed_after_ms:**  Type: integer 
       - **allowed_before_ms:**  Type: integer 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **disallow_permission:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **value:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/permissions".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_prefixfilters_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_prefixfilters_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query security prefix filter for NB API. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prefixfilters/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new Priority Policy local prefix. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_prioritypolicylocalprefixes(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new Priority Policy local prefix. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/prioritypolicylocalprefixes".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def tenant_waninterfaces_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.8')

Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.8)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.8)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def tenant_waninterfaces_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.8"):
    Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.8)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.8)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfaces/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def toolkitsessions_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Toolkitsessions_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def toolkitsessions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Toolkitsessions_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/toolkitsessions/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def topology(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v3.4')

POST Topology API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v3.4)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def topology(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v3.4"):
    POST Topology API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v3.4)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/topology".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def upgrade_status_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Machine Upgrade Status (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def upgrade_status_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Machine Upgrade Status (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/upgrade_status/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def useridagents(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Useridagents API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def useridagents(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Useridagents API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/useridagents".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def useridagents_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Useridagents_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def useridagents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Useridagents_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/useridagents/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def users(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create an user identity. (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • disabled: Type: boolean
  • disabled_reason: Type: string
  • first_name: Type: string
  • inactive: Type: boolean
  • inactive_reason: Type: string
  • last_name: Type: string
  • middle_name: Type: string
  • region: Type: string
  • tenant_id: Type: string
  • user_dn: Type: string
  • user_fqn: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def users(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create an user identity. (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **disabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **disabled_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **first_name:**  Type: string 
       - **inactive:**  Type: boolean 
       - **inactive_reason:**  Type: string 
       - **last_name:**  Type: string 
       - **middle_name:**  Type: string 
       - **region:**  Type: string 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
       - **user_dn:**  Type: string 
       - **user_fqn:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/users".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vff_token_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query Tenant Vff License Tokens (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vff_token_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query Tenant Vff License Tokens (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/tokens/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vfflicense_tokens(

self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create Tenant Vff License Token (v2.0)


  • vfflicense_id: Virtual Form Factor License ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • ion_key: Type: string
  • is_expired: Type: boolean
  • is_multiuse: Type: boolean
  • is_revoked: Type: boolean
  • is_used: Type: boolean
  • secret_key: Type: string
  • valid_till_secs: Type: integer
  • vfflicense_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vfflicense_tokens(self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create Tenant Vff License Token (v2.0)
      - **vfflicense_id**: Virtual Form Factor License ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **ion_key:**  Type: string 
       - **is_expired:**  Type: boolean 
       - **is_multiuse:**  Type: boolean 
       - **is_revoked:**  Type: boolean 
       - **is_used:**  Type: boolean 
       - **secret_key:**  Type: string 
       - **valid_till_secs:**  Type: integer 
       - **vfflicense_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/{}/tokens".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vfflicenses_operations(

self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Vff operation (v2.0)


  • vfflicense_id: Virtual Form Factor License ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • inventory_op: - ions_count: Type: integer
  • tenant_id: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vfflicenses_operations(self, vfflicense_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Vff operation (v2.0)
      - **vfflicense_id**: Virtual Form Factor License ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **inventory_op:**           - **ions_count:**  Type: integer 
       - **tenant_id:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/{}/operations".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vfflicenses_rquery(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query and get Vff License (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vfflicenses_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query and get Vff License (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicenses/rquery".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vfflicensesstatus_rquery(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Query and get Vff License State (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vfflicensesstatus_rquery(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Query and get Vff License State (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vfflicensesstatus/rquery".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

Perform an operation on a VPN link (v2.0)


  • vpnlink_id: VPN Link ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • action: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

Query db for VPNLinks that match query parameters (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vrfcontextprofiles(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Vrfcontextprofiles API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vrfcontextprofiles(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Vrfcontextprofiles API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontextprofiles".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vrfcontextprofiles_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Vrfcontextprofiles_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vrfcontextprofiles_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Vrfcontextprofiles_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontextprofiles/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vrfcontexts(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Vrfcontexts API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vrfcontexts(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Vrfcontexts API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontexts".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def vrfcontexts_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Vrfcontexts_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def vrfcontexts_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Vrfcontexts_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/vrfcontexts/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def waninterfacelabels_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Query db for site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • bfd_mode: Type: string
  • bw_config_mode: Type: string
  • bwc_enabled: Type: boolean
  • cost: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • label_id: Type: string
  • link_bw_down: Type: number
  • link_bw_up: Type: number
  • lqm_config:
    • hub_site_ids: [Type: string]
    • inter_packet_gap: Type: integer
    • statistic: Type: string
  • lqm_enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • network_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string
  • vpnlink_configuration:
    • keep_alive_failure_count: Type: integer
    • keep_alive_interval: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def waninterfacelabels_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Query db for site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **bfd_mode:**  Type: string 
       - **bw_config_mode:**  Type: string 
       - **bwc_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **cost:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **label_id:**  Type: string 
       - **link_bw_down:**  Type: number 
       - **link_bw_up:**  Type: number 
       - **lqm_config:**           
           - **hub_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **inter_packet_gap:**  Type: integer 
           - **statistic:**  Type: string 
       - **lqm_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **vpnlink_configuration:**           
           - **keep_alive_failure_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **keep_alive_interval:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfacelabels/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def waninterfaces(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.8')

Create a new Site WAN interface (v2.8)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.8)

Payload Attributes:

  • bfd_mode: Type: string
  • bw_config_mode: Type: string
  • bwc_enabled: Type: boolean
  • cost: Type: integer
  • description: Type: string
  • l3_reachability:
    • probe_config_ids: [Type: string]
    • use_element_default: Type: boolean
  • label_id: Type: string
  • link_bw_down: Type: number
  • link_bw_up: Type: number
  • lqm_config:
    • hub_site_ids: [Type: string]
    • inter_packet_gap: Type: integer
    • statistic: Type: string
  • lqm_enabled: Type: boolean
  • name: Type: string
  • network_id: Type: string
  • probe_profile_id: Type: string
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string
  • use_for_application_reachability_probes: Type: boolean
  • use_for_controller_connections: Type: boolean
  • use_lqm_for_non_hub_paths: Type: boolean
  • vpnlink_configuration:
    • keep_alive_failure_count: Type: integer
    • keep_alive_interval: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def waninterfaces(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.8"):
    Create a new Site WAN interface (v2.8)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.8)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **bfd_mode:**  Type: string 
       - **bw_config_mode:**  Type: string 
       - **bwc_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **cost:**  Type: integer 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **l3_reachability:**           
           - **probe_config_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **use_element_default:**  Type: boolean 
       - **label_id:**  Type: string 
       - **link_bw_down:**  Type: number 
       - **link_bw_up:**  Type: number 
       - **lqm_config:**           
           - **hub_site_ids:**  [Type: string] 
           - **inter_packet_gap:**  Type: integer 
           - **statistic:**  Type: string 
       - **lqm_enabled:**  Type: boolean 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **network_id:**  Type: string 
       - **probe_profile_id:**  Type: string 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
       - **use_for_application_reachability_probes:**  Type: boolean 
       - **use_for_controller_connections:**  Type: boolean 
       - **use_lqm_for_non_hub_paths:**  Type: boolean 
       - **vpnlink_configuration:**           
           - **keep_alive_failure_count:**  Type: integer 
           - **keep_alive_interval:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/waninterfaces".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def waninterfaces_correlationevents_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Waninterfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def waninterfaces_correlationevents_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Waninterfaces_Correlationevents_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/waninterfaces/correlationevents/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def waninterfaces_query(

self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.5')

Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)


  • site_id: Site ID
  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.5)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def waninterfaces_query(self, site_id, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.5"):
    Query db for Site WAN interfaces that match query parameters (v2.5)
      - **site_id**: Site ID
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.5)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/sites/{}/waninterfaces/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def wannetworks(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Create a new WAN (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • provider_as_numbers: [Type: integer]
  • tags: [Type: string]
  • type: Type: string

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def wannetworks(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Create a new WAN (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **provider_as_numbers:**  [Type: integer] 
       - **tags:**  [Type: string] 
       - **type:**  Type: string 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wannetworks".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def wannetworks_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.1')

Query db for WAN networks that match query parameters (v2.1)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.1)

Payload Attributes:

  • aggregate:
    • field: Type: string
    • operator: Type: string
  • dest_page: Type: integer
  • getDeleted: Type: boolean
  • group_by: [Type: string]
  • last_query_ts: Type: integer
  • limit: Type: integer
  • next_query: Type: object
  • query_params: Type: object
  • retrieved_fields: [Type: string]
  • retrieved_fields_mask: Type: boolean
  • sort_params: Type: object
  • total_count: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def wannetworks_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.1"):
    Query db for WAN networks that match query parameters (v2.1)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.1)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **aggregate:**           
           - **field:**  Type: string 
           - **operator:**  Type: string 
       - **dest_page:**  Type: integer 
       - **getDeleted:**  Type: boolean 
       - **group_by:**  [Type: string] 
       - **last_query_ts:**  Type: integer 
       - **limit:**  Type: integer 
       - **next_query:**  Type: object 
       - **query_params:**  Type: object 
       - **retrieved_fields:**  [Type: string] 
       - **retrieved_fields_mask:**  Type: boolean 
       - **sort_params:**  Type: object 
       - **total_count:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wannetworks/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def wanoverlays(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

Create a new app/wan context (v2.0)


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

  • description: Type: string
  • name: Type: string
  • vni: Type: integer

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def wanoverlays(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    Create a new app/wan context (v2.0)
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
       - **description:**  Type: string 
       - **name:**  Type: string 
       - **vni:**  Type: integer 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/wanoverlays".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ws_extensions(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ws_Extensions API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ws_extensions(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ws_Extensions API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ws/extensions".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)

def ws_extensions_query(

self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version='v2.0')

POST Ws_Extensions_Query API Function


  • data: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
  • tenant_id: Tenant ID
  • api_version: API version to use (default v2.0)

Payload Attributes:

Returns: requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.

def ws_extensions_query(self, data, tenant_id=None, api_version="v2.0"):
    POST Ws_Extensions_Query API Function
      - **data**: Dictionary containing data to POST as JSON
      - **tenant_id**: Tenant ID
      - **api_version**: API version to use (default v2.0)
      **Payload Attributes:** 
    **Returns:** requests.Response object extended with cgx_status and cgx_content properties.
    if tenant_id is None and self._parent_class.tenant_id:
        # Pull tenant_id from parent namespace cache.
        tenant_id = self._parent_class.tenant_id
    elif not tenant_id:
        # No value for tenant_id.
        raise TypeError("tenant_id is required but not set or cached.")
    cur_ctlr = self._parent_class.controller
    url = str(cur_ctlr) + "/{}/api/tenants/{}/ws/extensions/query".format(api_version,
    api_logger.debug("URL = %s", url)
    return self._parent_class.rest_call(url, "post", data=data)